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I am currently looking to purchase an Allegheny locomotive seeing that there are a few choices

as to which brand I was hoping to get some advise on the pros/cons of companies.

This will be my first big purchase of a locomotive so far the few differences I've found are the curves

they can handle and the early releases of the model hand some bugs.

could someone give me some pointer.

Thank You   


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It would help if you give some more of your particular needs and wants especially concerning the radii of your curves. Are you wanting one of the full-scale sized models or do you require a shortened version?

Do you operate in command and if so, which system is your preference?

Stuff like that.

the JLC C&O Allegheny Lionel put out a few years ago is the best I have seen and run. the sounds are GREAT. the detailing, especially the tender trucks is amazing. this is the last premium engine line before the Legacy engines. the only features it is missing are the quilable whistle and whistle smoke. one of my favorites.

Really depends what kind of layout you have or are planning.  I own the MTH RK loco and it is great....but a bit under scale. But this large of a loco smaller can be better unless you are running a all scale layout. IIRC K-line did a S scale unit that ran on O 3 rail track but it is very odd looking to me (or did they just do the Big Boy like that?) What's your layout spec's?

I have the K-Line version, and I love it.  It's rated for O-31 curves, so it doesn't look prototypical going around curves.  I also have the "matching" Big Boy.  I think the Allegheny does look bigger when placed side by side, but since I don't own any scale steamers, I can't comment.  Also of note, while doing some trouble shooting on TMCC problems I was having, I did get my Big Boy to go around O-27 curves, so it may be possible that the Allegheny may do it too.

But if you aren't looking for scale, look online for MTH's RailKing versions, they are a great value for the price.  I would of gotten one, and way about too, but then I found the K-Line one and jumped on it since I loved my Big Boy so much.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by sinclair:

I have the K-Line version, and I love it. 

Please remember that the K-Line version is NOT even remotely "SCALE".

I never said it was, and I also said I have no scale steamers.  Nor has the OP said yet if they are looking for scale, only that they are looking for options of the different versions.  Everyone else has limited the talk to scale.

I have the lionel JLC version, and could not be happier.  This engine has just the right amount of detail to look great and not be fragile, when looking at the builder photo's it is very close.  My old layout only had o72, but my new one has a bit bigger, i recognize that it has some over hang, but love the engine.  I agree with the previous poster, the tender trucks are amazing , it runs and sounds great.  My favorite engine.


I have the MTH Rail King version and it's been a good runner once I worked out some kinks (bought it used - needed tractions tires, and had some track issues as well).  It isn't scale, as has been mentioned, but it is large (and heavy) compared to my other Rail King steamers.  When on the layout, surrounded by other RK engines, it definitely draws attention.  The nice thing about it is that it will run on smaller radius curves, but it looks goofy on anything less than O-54 in my opinion.  It has a nice level of detail (I don't like a ton of detail as I tend to break it...) and the sounds are reasonably good as well. 


Like I said, good runner.  I keep trying to convince myself to sell it, as it does not currently have a permanent position on my layout, but at some point I always decide to plop it on for fun and then I can't bring myself to part with it.    That being said, if you are a "scale" guy, look elsewhere.   MTH just recently re-released it in Premier, but no Norfolk Western - I'm partial to my NW!

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