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Originally Posted by MMarauder03:

Fantastic video.  I love these old films.  Thanks for posting Seaboard Streak.

Glad you liked it.Like I said it has something for everyone.I like seeing steam locomotive steam locomotive speeding down the track.Come to think of it those atuos were moving at a pretty good clip to.

Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

Loved it...thanks! However, at the end, the smart-mouthed kid should have been smacked on the head...lest he grows up to be like Eddie.

Hey man thats hollywood for you.I don,t think that happened in real life.And I think dad could tell his son was onl;y kidding.You know it would be great if some one would.Get alot of these films and bring them to dvd.I bet they would sale like hotcakes.

Originally Posted by MMarauder03:

Fantastic video.  I love these old films.  Thanks for posting Seaboard Streak.

Happy you like it.Its a nice little film about the way things were back then.Fun to see how our grand parents got around.I outta know I listen to my grand parents storyies when I was a kid.

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