what is the site where my videos and pictures would be in order to download and upload from gallery to forum got a new computer and forgot to add site been or was to busy at the time
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On OGR you can download right from your computer to here.
Tap/click on the composer, look to the bottom right for Add Attachments. This will draw from your gallery etc. Wait for processsing, check insert full size or add manually at lrg/med/sm from below the composer once the file chooser is closed,
Mind the size of videos, long ones must be hosted elswhere and embedded.
High resolution must be smaller; and about 30 sec is max for upload on a med resolution.
Re-reading this, did you forget a site name where your photos are?
Photobucket(now a pay site, (recover your pics before they are gone), Flicker, One Drive(microsoft), Drive (google) are a few popular "cloud sites". There are more.
Photobucket is a good example of why you should keep multiples of back up data. Free to near $300 a year and limited access to be able to recover your data unless you pay... I.e. I see a ransom.
Adriatic posted:Photobucket is a good example of why you should keep multiples of back up data. Free to near $300 a year and limited access to be able to recover your data unless you pay... I.e. I see a ransom.
A bullet-proof backup plan is absolutely critical to preserving your memories via your photos, videos and documents. A solution like I-drive works well for us here at OGR. All of our machines back up to I-Drive every night. Same with my personal computer and laptop. It has saved me from data lost MANY times.
I simply don't worry about losing anything any more.