I've been reading about runaway trains on sidings and how the lack of the watchdog signal is the cause of this. My layout consists on 5 yard tracks and I am planning on putting a toggle on each track to be able to turn the tracks on and off. If one of my handles from the Z4000 powers only those 5 tracks connected to it, do I have to turn the transformer off and back on again to generate a watchdog signal or can I just bring the one handle to zero then push it back up to apply power and generate the watchdog signal?
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yes, just bring the power to zero. Anytime power is applied to the TIU channel, a watchdog signal is sent out.
If you have a DCS Remote Commander languishing in a box somewhere, you can make it into a WD Generator, then you'll never have a problem with engines waking up on the sidings.
DCS-RC Perpetual Barking Watchdog Generator
Besides shutting down the track after powering up (My engines starts up when I add siding track power - no real control other than whistle/bell due to no watch dog) if you are using the DCS remote, just hit the shutdown button immediately. Then, hit start the engine button, and it will work fine. Guests will just assume the engine did not catch the first time, and the engineer had to hit her again! John has a dodad to aid, but this is easy also....and costs nothing!