Weaver info –
All my Weavers contain spring die-cast trucks and couplers.
Either I bought them that way or converted them over the years.
Be careful as many in the market were mixed with both plastic and metal combinations generally by former owners.
There is another issue concerning internal metal weights. They can be cut and moved away from the door ways. Or remove when adding die-cast trucks, extra metal no longer required.
Don't run the car heavier than it needs to be after conversion.
There are plenty of plastic versions that flood the market place every day.
I always make the seller look at the car so I don’t get plastic anything.
The other thing to look for are broken, missing or cracked stirrup steps.
A safe bet for die-cast everything is the “LD” marking on the box.
Yellow sticker boxes also have die-cast T&C’s.
Don’t over pay as plastic T&C cars are only worth 18 bucks ea.tops.
If you can find die-cast to add, figure adding another 18 to the price making the car about the same as a Premier. If you go over, you are paying to much in my opinion.
Die-cast T&C cars top around 30-36, just under older MTH Premier prices.