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It's time for Weekend Photo Fun!!


Last week I used India Ink to change the color of the rocks




In the process of painting tinplate passenger cars so they match my Wabash engine.


Our On30 group continues to make changes on their layout.


Let's see your pictures.

Scott Smith


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Here’s some pictures I found from my grandfathers Vermont layout before he moved and later passed. I spent a lot of summers building this layout and running trains on it. These are from the ‘08 TCA Burlington Convention. Brings back great memories!

Great South Station model.  That looks very much like the one on Marty Fitzhenry's layout.  Same builder?

I did something new.  After four years in the new house, I invested in some Glen Synder shelves and finally got (most) of the trains out of the boxes.  Some of these I had purchased and never taken out of the box.  I'm getting too old at this point for things to stay boxed up for some future layout.

Of course this helps me realize I don't *need* more trains, I need more display space!



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Train running for an Open House.......last weekend.....this week is a 2 day train meet and our 3 layouts will be open both days: Saturday 9-4 and Sunday 9-3......


Have a great and safe weekend, travels over Thanksgiving week/weekend......and, Happy Thanksgiving!



It was great meeting you at the Virginia Train Collectors Association train meet today!

So many great posts this week I'd have to start all over again to remember all the ones I wanted to comment on.  Thanks to all the posters that continue to make this "Must see" every week.

Peter, this is the second week I've seen this LEGO train on one of the club layouts67384837-B7D3-4916-BE28-B952C6626318.  I had started a thread on LEGO and O gauge, maybe the club member could share his build with that thread?

Busy day at the club Saturday morning.  I arrived at 8 and trains were already running.  A special treat was seeing Raphael’s two kids, Sebastian, 7; and, Sophia, 4.  They enthusiastically took turns running “James” of Thomas the Tank Engine fame from Dad’s phone—kids these days, huh?

TOGA 11.20 James 2TOGA 11.20 James 3TOGA 11.20 James Sebastian

When Sebastian wanted some variety of motive power, he retrieved a couple of conventional locomotives from the “community” train shelves—basically, a lot of locos and rolling stock provided by members for use by other other members and guests.  He's operating conventionally from the main control station:

TOGA 11.20 Sebastian 4TOGA 11.20 Sebastian NYC 44-ton TOGA 11.20 Sebastian at the controls 2

Raphael was anxious to run one of his York “finds”, a 4 car MTH Proto 2 R-32 subway set plus the two add-on cars.  He and Murf are NYC transplants so they enjoy the station calls, including "42nd Street" at this time of year.  Raphael reports that although MTH says the R-32 requires 042 curves, his set runs fine on the 036 FasTrack  on his home layout..

TOGA 11.20 R-32 6 cars 2TOGA 11.20 R-32 5TOGA 11.20 R-32 4

Chief Drew got his C&NW Legacy GP-35 and dummy units from the engine house, across the turntable bridge and hooked up a 20 car freight with his typical Wisconsin-centric consist of 20 cars.

TOGA 11.20 Drew 2TOGA 11.20 Drew 3TOGA 11.20 Drew GBW

Murf ran his 1950 773 Hudson and Railsounds tender from 2006 with a smoking caboose (that uses an MTH locomotive fan driven smoke unit) and red flashing LED.  He and others are getting trains ready for a 3-day engagement of the club’s traveling layout at the Military Aviation Museum’s annual “Planes, Trains, and Santa” Thanksgiving Week-end Show, November 26-28.

TOGA 11.20 Hudson FEF 2TOGA 11.20 FEF 2TOGA 11.20 TET Smoking Caboose 2

Les seems to have an unending roster of NYC locomotives.  Today was the MTH Premier GP-38’s turn and it ran beautifully.  Many, perhaps most, members keep at least some of their trains at the club to avoid carrying them back and forth from home.  Les usually brings a different locomotive from home each week and creates a consist using cars from the community shelves.

TOGA 11.20 Les GP 38

Secretary Lenny was hunched over the switching layout he’s been working on rearranging some PW accessories' locations; wiring up the UCS tracks to operate them; and, installing turn signal number signs to correspond with the 022C controllers he's using:

TOGA 11.20 LennyTOGA 11.20 Lenny 2TOGA 11.20 Switch Signs 2TOGA 11.20 Switch Signs

Last week I broke a telephone pole (sheared it at its base) but made a successful repair with hot glue.  Found this damage to the plate girder bridge.  Lenny assured me this has happened before because folks lean over for one reason or other and break the bridge.  Should  be a simple repair and doesn't interfere with operating trains:

TOGA 11.20 Damage

Who says we can't jump--in TOGA city we can jump:

TOGA 11.20 R-32 Cant Jump

Be safe.

(Click on any image to view full size.)


Images (30)
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew GBW
  • TOGA 11.20 Damage
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew 1
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew 2
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew 3
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew 5
  • TOGA 11.20 Drew GBW
  • TOGA 11.20 Hudson FEF 2
  • TOGA 11.20 James 2
  • TOGA 11.20 James 3
  • TOGA 11.20 James Sebastian
  • TOGA 11.20 Lenny
  • TOGA 11.20 Lenny 2
  • TOGA 11.20 Les GP 38
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 2
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 4
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 5
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 6 cars 2
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 6 cars
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32 Cant Jump
  • TOGA 11.20 R-32
  • TOGA 11.20 Sebastian 4
  • TOGA 11.20 Sebastian at the controls 2
  • TOGA 11.20 Sebastian NYC 44-ton
  • TOGA 11.20 Sebastian
  • TOGA 11.20 Switch Signs 2
  • TOGA 11.20 Switch Signs
  • TOGA 11.20 TET Smoking Caboose 2
  • TOGA 11.20 USN TET 2
  • TOGA 11.20 FEF 2
Last edited by Pingman
@coach joe posted:

So many great posts this week I'd have to start all over again to remember all the ones I wanted to comment on.  Thanks to all the posters that continue to make this "Must see" every week.

Peter, this is the second week I've seen this LEGO train on one of the club layouts67384837-B7D3-4916-BE28-B952C6626318.  I had started a thread on LEGO and O gauge, maybe the club member could share his build with that thread?

Joe.......I will ask him....


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