1. Actually get the Big Lift out built and in place for the New Version of the layout.
2. Build new benchwork along the wall from the lift out.
3. Lay All new track on the new Area created by 1 & 2. (Double Mainlines and sidings)
4. Tear out the existing benchwork and track and connect up to track on the new benchwork.
(This is the part I Dread, No trains can run during this step and it's Big)
5. Replace all remaining existing track with the new track, add the second mainline as well.
If I get this far I'll be happy.
6. Build the benchwork for the Penninsula Mountain.
7. Lay track up the mountain.
8. Add the various businesses/buildings to service on the entire layout in a more permanent manner. (Some are placed and wired but not permanently mounted)
98. IF and only IF, I can get a working system of Easystreets, Add that to my layout in towns.
10. Scenery, Lots of Scenery including way too many trees on the mountain...
All this will take far more than a single year at my present rate of progress.
but that's OK, I'm still enjoying my trains.