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Hey Fast Freight Dan,

I really like your rail paint color in your photos posted above.  May I ask about your color choice and your application method?   Earl

    Conductor Earl

    Be happy to share color and application method when I can.

    I'll have to try to remember  as I did that several years ago.

    Currently trouble shooting a house problem but will update when I can.


@ RSJB18

I finally received the track cleaning car from the guys at North East Trains that you recommended This Fall.

I decided to phone them, I guess they have been busy.  He is really nice to me on the phone, shipped it right out.  Sent an extra dozen cleaning pads for the delay of delivery.  Car Has a good weight, followed the car in front just fine on the track during my short test drive. The trucks are MTH.  Nice design, just as I thought.

I certainly will not be doing anything as fantastic as you did for your car anytime soon😊

Appreciate the recommendation where to order.  Do you add a solvent or cleaning solution to your cleaning pad.  Do you add it to just the front pad only?

have a good week!

John d.


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@Seth Thomas posted:

@ RSJB18

I finally received the track cleaning car from the guys at North East Trains that you recommended This Fall.

I decided to phone them, I guess they have been busy.  He is really nice to me on the phone, shipped it right out.  Sent an extra dozen cleaning pads for the delay of delivery.  Car Has a good weight, followed the car in front just fine on the track during my short test drive. The trucks are MTH.  Nice design, just as I thought.

I certainly will not be doing anything as fantastic as you did for your car anytime soon😊

Appreciate the recommendation where to order.  Do you add a solvent or cleaning solution to your cleaning pad.  Do you add it to just the front pad only?

have a good week!

John d.

John- I decided on GooGone for a cleaning solution. There are countless threads and debates on what's best for cleaning track. Some recommend 90% isopropol, others mineral spirits (flammable), and high odor. The GG works well. I wet the front pad and leave the rear one dry. Others have suggested using thin scotchbrite pads on the rear. The pads are washable and can be reused several times.

I've been letting the car run several laps on each loop, then I run it over the sidings.


Hi guys, Sorry I have been away for a couple days due to Grandkids birthdays and family visiting! But between all that I was able to get to the train room, more on that later.

I was going to comment on everyone's wonderful work, but being gone a couple day there has been so much done to comment on everything! LOL But I do want to point out a few things.

@fast freight, Nice job on the facia, looks good. Also wonderful work on the trees! As for the plane I thought it would be bigger, but it turned out to be a perfect size!

@darlander, I am glad you could find a forklift driver, its hard to find help even though everyone is hiring! Looks like you have a great start on the Pulpwood load and a I cant wait to see the finished cars!

@WesternPacific, Then addition to your layout table looks great! With the hard ware you are using I don't think its going anywhere!

@Dave Ripp.,Looking good! Maybe you could put a restaurant or hotel for all the local hard workers a place to go!

@Victor Bertolina, Outstanding on the RR Tie project! I can only guess how long it takes to make that many ties!

@Snkbittin, Wonderful job on the Ford dealership!

@RSJB18, Sorry to hear about the benches but great recovery! I am glad to see that the rest worked for you, Your right about waiting on things to give yourself to think things over!

@Seth Thomas, Nice to see you got your track cleaning car!

Ok guys, so I worked on the plane for the airfield, First off I wish I know that accelerator for CA fogs the clear plastic for model windows! LOL Anyway I was able to get the Piper Cherokee plane built with a little special added to it. I also added a little special item to the helicopter. My son brought over a mini quad copter that he crashed and asked me if I could fix it, there was no way so he told me to just throw it away. You all know I had to keep it just for the motors for some future project and here is where I used them! I couldn't let FarmerJohn totally out do me! LOL

I was in such a hurry to get it going that I forgot to put the decals on the plane, just another project for down the road! Below is a photo and a couple videos for your enjoyment!


I hope you all have a great Monday! I don't think I will get to the train room today as it is going to be dry so I have to get some yard work done! LOL

I also hope you all find time for your layout and fun with your trains!


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@mike g. posted:

Ok guys, so I worked on the plane for the airfield, First off I wish I know that accelerator for CA fogs the clear plastic for model windows! LOL Anyway I was able to get the Piper Cherokee plane built with a little special added to it. I also added a little special item to the helicopter. My son brought over a mini quad copter that he crashed and asked me if I could fix it, there was no way so he told me to just throw it away. You all know I had to keep it just for the motors for some future project and here is where I used them! I couldn't let FarmerJohn totally out do me! LOL

I was in such a hurry to get it going that I forgot to put the decals on the plane, just another project for down the road! Below is a photo and a couple videos for your enjoyment!

I hope you all have a great Monday! I don't think I will get to the train room today as it is going to be dry so I have to get some yard work done! LOL

I also hope you all find time for your layout and fun with your trains!

Outstanding job, Mike! 

@mike g. posted:

I was in such a hurry to get it going that I forgot to put the decals on the plane, just another project for down the road! Below is a photo and a couple videos for your enjoyment!

Bravissimo!  Now I want to get an Ercoupe for the Razorback Traction Company!  ;-)

My dad's old plane: 

Been sitting for awhile.  If I hit the lottery, I plan to buy it back, restore it and fly it... 


    Conductor Earl.

    My track painting as best as I can recall was to first paint the rails with a oil based flat brown with a foam brush.

    After that dried,  I put three small dabs of acrylic paint, burnt sienna, burnt umber and a light beige on a plate.

    Again with a foam brush dipped  in all three colors push it into the sides of the rail. I don't mix the colors together just let them mix on the brush and rails by themselves.

     Working back and forth you get slight shade variations up and down the rails.

     After that dries, I'll sometimes apply a dark purple with a nearly dry brush to darken things a bit.

      You'll also see in the pictures a brown oil crayon. I've used that too after the brown paint. Just run it up and down the rails scrubbing it in with a stiff dry brush. Easy to do and looks good.

       If your rails are already laid and you have buildings and scenery it can be a real challenge/chore but worth it to me.

        I think my sample track looks a little lighter than my main track because on the sample track I didn't paint it flat brown first.

         Hope this works for you.


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@mike g. posted:

Hi guys, Sorry I have been away for a couple days due to Grandkids birthdays and family visiting! But between all that I was able to get to the train room, more on that later.

I was going to comment on everyone's wonderful work, but being gone a couple day there has been so much done to comment on everything! LOL But I do want to point out a few things.

@fast freight, Nice job on the facia, looks good. Also wonderful work on the trees! As for the plane I thought it would be bigger, but it turned out to be a perfect size!

@darlander, I am glad you could find a forklift driver, its hard to find help even though everyone is hiring! Looks like you have a great start on the Pulpwood load and a I cant wait to see the finished cars!

@WesternPacific, Then addition to your layout table looks great! With the hard ware you are using I don't think its going anywhere!

@Dave Ripp.,Looking good! Maybe you could put a restaurant or hotel for all the local hard workers a place to go!

@Victor Bertolina, Outstanding on the RR Tie project! I can only guess how long it takes to make that many ties!

@Snkbittin, Wonderful job on the Ford dealership!

@RSJB18, Sorry to hear about the benches but great recovery! I am glad to see that the rest worked for you, Your right about waiting on things to give yourself to think things over!

@Seth Thomas, Nice to see you got your track cleaning car!

Ok guys, so I worked on the plane for the airfield, First off I wish I know that accelerator for CA fogs the clear plastic for model windows! LOL Anyway I was able to get the Piper Cherokee plane built with a little special added to it. I also added a little special item to the helicopter. My son brought over a mini quad copter that he crashed and asked me if I could fix it, there was no way so he told me to just throw it away. You all know I had to keep it just for the motors for some future project and here is where I used them! I couldn't let FarmerJohn totally out do me! LOL

I was in such a hurry to get it going that I forgot to put the decals on the plane, just another project for down the road! Below is a photo and a couple videos for your enjoyment!


I hope you all have a great Monday! I don't think I will get to the train room today as it is going to be dry so I have to get some yard work done! LOL

I also hope you all find time for your layout and fun with your trains!

Mike both ingenious and detailed you did a fantastic job.

    Conductor Earl.

    My track painting as best as I can recall was to first paint the rails with a oil based flat brown with a foam brush.

    After that dried,  I put three small dabs of acrylic paint, burnt sienna, burnt umber and a light beige on a plate.

    Again with a foam brush dipped  in all three colors push it into the sides of the rail. I don't mix the colors together just let them mix on the brush and rails by themselves.

     Working back and forth you get slight shade variations up and down the rails.

     After that dries, I'll sometimes apply a dark purple with a nearly dry brush to darken things a bit.

      You'll also see in the pictures a brown oil crayon. I've used that too after the brown paint. Just run it up and down the rails scrubbing it in with a stiff dry brush. Easy to do and looks good.

       If your rails are already laid and you have buildings and scenery it can be a real challenge/chore but worth it to me.

        I think my sample track looks a little lighter than my main track because on the sample track I didn't paint it flat brown first.

         Hope this works for you.

The easiest and most prototypical way to paint track and ties is to use Rust-Oleum camouflage #1918 Earth Brown.   Before spraying, wipe the rail tops with paper towel saturated with a lubricant or light oil (Dennis Brennan, "Realistic Modeling for Toy Trains").    It is not that messy.  I painted my track after it was in place but before ballasting.    


Cheers, Dave


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@darlander posted:

The easiest and most prototypical way to paint track and ties is to use Rust-Oleum camouflage #1918 Earth Brown.   Before spraying, wipe the rail tops with paper towel saturated with a lubricant or light oil (Dennis Brennan, "Realistic Modeling for Toy Trains").    It is not that messy.  I painted my track after it was in place but before ballasting.    

Cheers, Dave

looks great Dave

@E-UNIT-79 posted:

That looks like an easy One Mike G.. I see a very slow motor an eccentric crank and a straight piece of wire

Kind of what I am thinking, its just I have to go threw all the motors I have pulled out of old DVD/VCR players and find one I like. I just dont feel up to it right now, maybe something easy like ballasting! LOL

Great pics all! Again, I feel unworthy! Work has been slow, cool temperatures in North Texas, leads to leaf patrol and Football on the Patio TV and Beer.... little time for RR work. But this is an update on my mesa. I did make some benches and a picnic table (forgot to snap a pic) but I am pleased with my progress. As you can see, a slight hill, pond and a little stream to a small water fall. (Just hoped I placed it right or it may be on top of a right hand switch!)

Mesa 2


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Mike. Wow. You've definitely  stepped up the game on airports. Now I have to go back to the drawing board and see if I have enough real-estate  to work with. To have an idea  about something and then design it and build and apply it on you're layout puts you into the MASTER MODLERS book. Great work Mike. You have definitely  stepped  up the challenge . Farmerjohn

@Mark Boyce posted:

How did you know I worked briefly in two nuclear power stations?  Was it the glow emanating from everything I write!    I spent more time in those filthy coal fired stations and high voltage substations.  If that wasn't enough from my 40s on, then all that RF from working at the telecom company.  Oh, did I mention climbing microwave towers to change light bulbs when in my 20s.  I might have gotten in front of a dish or two. 

You deffinetly have a glow about you Mark. 😎

It must be your enthusiastic replies  and that big smile.

As far as the nuclear power stations work...........i guess it was just the look of  that  '  power station  '  on your layout.

(  really can't remember any major blackouts in the areas you worked in ) 

@farmerjohn posted:

Mike. Wow. You've definitely  stepped up the game on airports. Now I have to go back to the drawing board and see if I have enough real-estate  to work with. To have an idea  about something and then design it and build and apply it on you're layout puts you into the MASTER MODLERS book. Great work Mike. You have definitely  stepped  up the challenge . Farmerjohn

Morning  John, Thank you for your kind words, I have no where the skills you have in the model train spectrum. Your layout is one of the most amazing layouts I have seen!

As for me I came late to the train game as I got my first engine 12 years ago when I was 45 and ever since then I have always been tinkering with them. I am force to build most of what I want and sometimes it's a real eye opener of what it takes. I go threw a lot of failures before I get things right. Most of the time I just hope when its done, that it looks ok and works as I hoped. In no way am I am Master Modeler. You might call me a master tinkerer! LOL

Here is the first thing I scratched built just from a photo, and next thing I knew I built one for Cabinet Bob here on the forum and it ended up on the back of a Menards Catalog!


Then I built this for BrianSilverMustang for his layout.20171130_170337

Again thank you very much as it really means alot coming form guys like you that have just AMAZING layouts!


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@mike g. posted:

Morning  John, Thank you for your kind words, I have no where the skills you have in the model train spectrum. Your layout is one of the most amazing layouts I have seen!

As for me I came late to the train game as I got my first engine 12 years ago when I was 45 and ever since then I have always been tinkering with them. I am force to build most of what I want and sometimes it's a real eye opener of what it takes. I go threw a lot of failures before I get things right. Most of the time I just hope when its done, that it looks ok and works as I hoped. In no way am I am Master Modeler. You might call me a master tinkerer! LOL

Here is the first thing I scratched built just from a photo, and next thing I knew I built one for Cabinet Bob here on the forum and it ended up on the back of a Menards Catalog!

Then I built this for BrianSilverMustang for his layout.manufacture the unloaders

Again thank you very much as it really means alot coming form guys like you that have just AMAZING layouts!

Mike those are awsome. It would be nice if someone would manufacture the auto unloader.

@CR Cole posted:

Dave, when I saw that injured worker my first thought was ouch! My second thought was how would I make a cast to re-attach his hand? My final thought was I would remove the case in 3 or 4 months and see if anyone would notice! :-)

It takes me forever to get anything done!

I didn't notice untill I looked at the pictue. At least it's still there to fix.

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