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    Let it snow                                                                                                                                                                     Let it snow                                                                                                                                                                    Let it snow

    I always wanted a snowmobile for the layout but there are not very many choices for O scale so......

    I broke out the tools and built one. When I was a kid the neighbors got a brand new Polaris and I thought it was the coolest thing, next to a train set of course.

    A little modeling clay, brass wire, brass sheet and some paint. I model in the summer though so this will have to go in a garage for awhile.

I have a cousin who restores and collects vintage snowmobiles. I'd say you were successful.S1



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    Let it snow                                                                                                                                                                     Let it snow                                                                                                                                                                    Let it snow

    I always wanted a snowmobile for the layout but there are not very many choices for O scale so......

    I broke out the tools and built one. When I was a kid the neighbors got a brand new Polaris and I thought it was the coolest thing, next to a train set of course.

    A little modeling clay, brass wire, brass sheet and some paint. I model in the summer though so this will have to go in a garage for awhile.

Great looking snowmobile! I never had one but in winter you see guys racing them up and down the  bike trails here.

Could you put one at the bottom of a lake along with an ice fishing hut?


I see you had mentioned about a DC transformer in prior post.  Are these available for purchase now?  

I have an Amish family with 4 young boys that I am setting up a Lionel freight set as a Christmas gift.

My plan is to use a 12 volt car battery as power source, an inverter, and AC transformer all connected to fast track loop.

May I hear brief discussion about this plan please.  Any thoughts as to my theory since the family’s house has no power source. They live 3 hours away so I need to get this correct!

Thanks guys😄

@Seth Thomas posted:


I see you had mentioned about a DC transformer in prior post.  Are these available for purchase now?  

I have an Amish family with 4 young boys that I am setting up a Lionel freight set as a Christmas gift.

My plan is to use a 12 volt car battery as power source, an inverter, and AC transformer all connected to fast track loop.

May I hear brief discussion about this plan please.  Any thoughts as to my theory since the family’s house has no power source. They live 3 hours away so I need to get this correct!

Thanks guys😄

Hi Seth,

You might want to check out BENZ TRAINZ on YouTube. He has done this conversion using a 12 volt car battery.

Good luck,


@Dave Ripp. Thanks Dave that might be the model.

@third rail Bottom of the lake made me think of the time, late 60's when the older neighbor kid took me for a ride on the sled and we went to the lake. I remember him wondering if the ice was thick enough.

    Well we gave it a shot and nope! Ice started cracking all around. A quick 180 and we got off of there. I haven't thought of that in a long time. I was probably 5 years old.

     I think I'll just keep it in the garage for now.

@M. Mitchell Marmel Great idea, kinda gallows humor.

@Seth Thomas posted:


I see you had mentioned about a DC transformer in prior post.  Are these available for purchase now?  

I have an Amish family with 4 young boys that I am setting up a Lionel freight set as a Christmas gift.

My plan is to use a 12 volt car battery as power source, an inverter, and AC transformer all connected to fast track loop.

May I hear brief discussion about this plan please.  Any thoughts as to my theory since the family’s house has no power source. They live 3 hours away so I need to get this correct!

Thanks guys😄

Sorry, I'm not going to sell the DC power brick since I use it for my set under the tree.

I did a quick search online and saw a few sites had them for sale around $25-$30.  That setup you mentioned sounds to me like it would work or you could look at a Lionel ready to play battery operated set.

You know guys, I hate it when I am gone for a couple days cause I have to go back a page to get up to speed!

CR, thanks for the information on the bench!

Fast Freight,  great job on the snowmobile I remember riding something like that when I was a kid, not to many around my house!

Thridrail, Great job on the water area, everyone needs a yellow sub somewhere!

Dave Ripp, I see you cleaned up your mess, l like the idea of the grass along the track, nice call! Hey that one siding  you have there with the bumper on the end, I have an idea what could go there if that is all going to be industrial area.

Sorry guys nothing new from me, I have been working on a special project for a friend. One day I do have to get out and finish ballasting the lower level, but I am in no hurry! LOL

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

I weathered this caboose over the weekend.  Before weathering it looked like a  toy to me ... very much a toy train caboose.... not at all close to scale.   I wondered if I should weather the darn thing at all.  So, I set it at the end of one of my freight trains and ran it on the layout for a bit.   Then I sat the car on various sidings on my layout, all the while trying to get a sense of how this " toy " could play into a layout which models realistic scenes, scale locomotive, and scale rolling stock.  Doing these things allowed me to cultivate a mental picture as to what might be possible.  Plus,  I really needed to create a story in my mind to give me a backstory for how this " toy " looking car came to be on a realistic model railroad.  After a while,   the story came to me:  This used to be a bobber caboose serving an old but almost forgotten branch line of the Pennsy.  The cranky old conductor " Squeaky Wheeler" was tired of the rough ride of the bobber.  Ol Squeaky badgered the car shop foreman for years to give him  4 axles to ride on.   So when finally the shop foreman lost a game of poker to Squeaky and thus as the winner, Squeaky  got his wish .  The car shop foreman converted the two axle boober to a 4 axle caboose.  

Once I had a story.  I could allow myself to go ahead and weather this " toy."  I used several coates of Dullcote, pastels, and flat grime spray paint for the wheels. Here is one side.  Once I finished weathering all sides, ends, and roof I sealed it with two coates of Clearcote.  IMG_6520-2

The opposite side using  a quick squirt of flat grime on the side, then smeared with a paper towel.  I used some pastel grey and rust on this side too; being careful to smear it around with my fingers.  Using the pastels helps dull the sheen.  Even after two coats of Dullcote the cars had a tiny bit of sheen when under the lights of my train room. IMG_6518-2

Roof. IMG_6521-2


Opposite end.IMG_6523-2

In natural habitat ( urban ) IMG_6524-3

In natural habitat.  ( rural ) IMG_6525-2

I forgot to get a full size "before" photo.  This is the best I have.  IMG_6486


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@trumpettrain, Patrick, OUTSTANDING job on the weathering of the Caboose!  I love the story on how it came to be!

@Dave Ripp., The grass looks great and what a wonderful idea of putting prints on the back side to build your city! Way to think out of the box!

Well I did get some time out in the train room today and worked on the runoff area at the end of my airfield. I put in a small hill, planted some grass. When the glue dries I will collect the loose grass as Dave Ripp does! I also painted some trees and will plant them tomorrow!

Here are a couple photos!



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@mike g. posted:

@trumpettrain, Patrick, OUTSTANDING job on the weathering of the Caboose!  I love the story on how it came to be!

@Dave Ripp., The grass looks great and what a wonderful idea of putting prints on the back side to build your city! Way to think out of the box!

Well I did get some time out in the train room today and worked on the runoff area at the end of my airfield. I put in a small hill, planted some grass. When the glue dries I will collect the loose grass as Dave Ripp does! I also painted some trees and will plant them tomorrow!

Here are a couple photos!

Looks great Mike, I finally started sweeping up my excess with a 3 inch paint brush before I vacume. Saves a little for other areas.

Last edited by Dave Ripp.

Morning guys, well I went out this morning and mowed the lawn at the end of the runway to pick up all the loose grass, then I figured while I was out there I would get the airport crew to plant some trees! Here are a couple photos for your enjoyment!


I know its close, but a good pilot will have no problems clearing the trees. Plus I need something to stop the plane if it doesn't clear the runway!

I hope you all have a great Tuesday and find time for your layout and trains!


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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys, well I went out this morning and mowed the lawn at the end of the runway to pick up all the loose grass, then I figured while I was out there I would get the airport crew to plant some trees! Here are a couple photos for your enjoyment!


I know its close, but a good pilot will have no problems clearing the trees. Plus I need something to stop the plane if it doesn't clear the runway!

I hope you all have a great Tuesday and find time for your layout and trains!

Mike g.  This runway looks fantastic!!!  I love the look of the plane taking off!!  

@mike g. posted:

Morning guys, well I went out this morning and mowed the lawn at the end of the runway to pick up all the loose grass, then I figured while I was out there I would get the airport crew to plant some trees! Here are a couple photos for your enjoyment!


I know its close, but a good pilot will have no problems clearing the trees. Plus I need something to stop the plane if it doesn't clear the runway!

I hope you all have a great Tuesday and find time for your layout and trains!

That's called the pucker factor.......

Nice work Mike.

Excellent job on the airstrip, Mike!  The scenic section with the grass and trees is a nice addition.  It reminds me of our daughters' grade school and township fire department located right at the end of the Butler Airport runway.  Actually, the buildings were at the end of the air strip where they usually come in for a landing.  Both the school and the airfield have been there since the early days of flight, but in the '90s some parents started to complain.  I know the school had SCHOOL written on the roof.

I am still slowly wiring my 12 DZ1000 switch machines for both local pushbutton control and DCS remote control through the AIUs.  It is going slowly.  And yes, I have had to take more than one circuit apart because I connected wires to the wrong place.  Reminds me of some comments Bob and I had on the Retiring topic. 

Last edited by Mark Boyce

I have a early season head cold so I didn't feel like doing any real work. I placed a couple of buildings, A grain building, a train orders platform by the yard tower and a produce stand. The produce stand is a plasticville that I built 20+ years ago. It's been on several layouts and I thought there was no place for it till today. I need to build the landscape up around it and I think it's got a new home.



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Wow. Mike you've taken model railroading to a new level with you're airplane taking off. You're the MAN. To make it where it drops for more room is what I really like. That takes a lot of thought and  work. I have done that to all my rivers. Made them drop down for access  to my layout.  May I ask what kind or motor did you use for the prop in the airplane. Thanks Farmerjohn

Mike G. Fantastic job on the runway. I love how you got to airplane to take off!

Trumptrain, I like the weathering job on the crummy. It's always a  pleasure seeing your posts. 

Mark,  good luck with the wiring job. I hope all the turnouts are easily accessible.

As for me,back to my own layout, I am in the final stages of the next steel mill building. Got the superstructure done and spent the better portion of an afternoon fitting it to its spot in front of the present mill.  Lot of cutting of the roofing to fit along a right angle backdrop board.



The second half of the backdrop has yet to be cut and attached. It will hide the sump pump pipe. I now need to attach the E flute corrugated cardboard to the framework for the iron sheathing add clear styrene to the windows, and then weather it.

Hope you all like it.


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Finally able to continue on my BEEP upgrade. I got the LED's and resistors so I can get started on the lighting. First I had to solve a power problem. The rollers on these engines are full width, not tapered to the ends. They were shorting out on my 027 switches. I took the grinder to them and tapered the edges down. The engine runs much better now except for over one switch which I will need to investigate further.

Forgot a before pic but this was after the first pass.

2021-11-09 19.44.44

Further testing and grinding arrived at this.

2021-11-09 20.44.25

Mock up for headlights and number boards. All are WW LED's. The number board led's are less bright that the ones for the headlamps. Should look good. I cut out the original headlight lenses and the led's fit perfectly in the holes (they are 3mm). I don't think I will go as far as GRJ did and add marker lights but maybe a phase II project.

2021-11-09 20.46.27

To be continued.



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@Mark Boyce posted:

Very nice buildings, Dave and Bill.

Bill, for the most part the turnouts are pretty accessible.  I can work on the ones on the upper level standing up.  The ones where I have to get underneath aren't bad once I remove some items stored underneath.  The trouble is, the stored things go into the operating area so I am still always moving stuff around.


On my layout I elected to have most of the turnouts manually operated hence it's designed for operations.  I have only about 6-7 that are in remote  areas.  Still have to wire them all up and am dreading it. One is next to a scratch built wooden fence that I  need to cut into the scenery to place the machine. My layout is an around the wall shelf that's 3-4 feet wide. I kept most of the turnouts are within arms reach.

@RSJB18 posted:

Finally able to continue on my BEEP upgrade. I got the LED's and resistors so I can get started on the lighting. First I had to solve a power problem. The rollers on these engines are full width, not tapered to the ends. They were shorting out on my 027 switches. I took the grinder to them and tapered the edges down. The engine runs much better now except for over one switch which I will need to investigate further.

Forgot a before pic but this was after the first pass.

Further testing and grinding arrived at this.

Mock up for headlights and number boards. All are WW LED's. The number board led's are less bright that the ones for the headlamps. Should look good. I cut out the original headlight lenses and the led's fit perfectly in the holes (they are 3mm). I don't think I will go as far as GRJ did and add marker lights but maybe a phase II project.

To be continued.


Bob, I've got a good # of Beeps and like what your doing. Great ideas for the future.

Last edited by Dave Ripp.
@third rail posted:

Mike G. Fantastic job on the runway. I love how you got to airplane to take off!

Trumptrain, I like the weathering job on the crummy. It's always a  pleasure seeing your posts.

Mark,  good luck with the wiring job. I hope all the turnouts are easily accessible.

As for me,back to my own layout, I am in the final stages of the next steel mill building. Got the superstructure done and spent the better portion of an afternoon fitting it to its spot in front of the present mill.  Lot of cutting of the roofing to fit along a right angle backdrop board.

The second half of the backdrop has yet to be cut and attached. It will hide the sump pump pipe. I now need to attach the E flute corrugated cardboard to the framework for the iron sheathing add clear styrene to the windows, and then weather it.

Hope you all like it.

I love the utility poles. Did you string them yourself? I have dozens in various sizes and manufactureres for future detail work. It's nice to see how they could look you've done a great job.

@third rail posted:


On my layout I elected to have most of the turnouts manually operated hence it's designed for operations.  I have only about 6-7 that are in remote  areas.  Still have to wire them all up and am dreading it. One is next to a scratch built wooden fence that I  need to cut into the scenery to place the machine. My layout is an around the wall shelf that's 3-4 feet wide. I kept most of the turnouts are within arms reach.

Thanks Mark, I also elected for manual switch operation. I hooked up the wires to the switches and dropped them through the table in case I change my mind.

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