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Morning guys I hope your all doing well! First off, I want to wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July!

So, this is going to be along one as I felt I cheated some folks last time and I know what a different it makes when someone comments on your projects! The simplest words can be just enough to make a person's day! So here I go! If it is too much just say so and I will go back to putting up likes!

@Richie C. Richie your progress is looking good!

@Trainmaster04 Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! WOW your road crews sure have been busy, they do great work! It is even a pleasure to see that the grounds crew to the same quality work! Everything is looking outstanding!

@pennsyfan Bob Thanks I will have to give it a try! What an Amazing job on the Harly-Davidson Diner! Now I want one, I guess I am going to have to see if I have a building, I can kit bash!

@Steamfan77 Andy Thank You Sir! Your ground cover and TT area are looking superb!

@RSJB18 Bob sorry work is being so crazy but think of all the OT if you get it! You will be able to get loads of train stuff! LOL I wish you luck on the wiring!

@swise Steve looks like you have a great start! Just wondering if there is anything going between the welding building and the wood rack?

@Bill Webb Bill things are looking great! I wish I had folks that lived around me that were into Model RR's!

@gunrunnerjohn John looks wonderful! Between you and @Tom Tee you are going to have a layout that many are going to want to visit and dream that theirs were as nice!

@Greg Houser Greg Nice change up on the retaining wall! Looks great and very nice work!

@Milo Nice job on the Flat, looks perfect there!

@Ross Great idea I think I will do the same!

Ok guys I told you it was going to be long, but heck I have nothing else to do but check out all the great stuff you all do and drool thinking about how to do it for my layout!

As for me I am just going to go run trains and relax, I have been social distancing from the CEO as she has Covid, so I been staying outside in the yard, but today it is raining so what better than sitting in the train room with a cold one running trains!

I hope you all have a great 4th and find time to have fun with your trains and layouts!

@mike g. posted:

As for me I am just going to go run trains and relax, I have been social distancing from the CEO as she has Covid, so I been staying outside in the yard, but today it is raining so what better than sitting in the train room with a cold one running trains!

I hope you all have a great 4th and find time to have fun with your trains and layouts!

I hope your wife recovers quickly!


I'm creating a gully under a girder bridge and a culvert beneath a nearby siding. For one year the bridge has rested flat against the grass mat with no justification for its existence. Now it will earn its keep by actually supporting the track. You may well question my use of plywood pieces to form the sides of the gully. Foam would be better, but there is no supporting benchwork. It's just plywood with some 1x4s on top of a folding table, so cutting the valley out of the plywood necessitated that I splice it back together with plywood to regain some structural integrity. (If the words "structural integrity" can even be associated with plywood on a folding table.)



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Actually, what I posted earlier today is what I did yesterday.  Today I added the tunnel portal, retaining wall and track support to the area on one side of the Rockville Bridge.  I have some stuff on order from Scenic Express to complete the other side.  The gap on the ground between the bridge base and the wall will be sand.  I'll be adding sand to the painted 'sand' areas of the base and adding rocks around the support columns to blend them in to the base.


One thing for certain is how long it takes to complete scenery work.  Before I realize it, 3 hours goes by and it seems like little progress.  Regardless, I learned my lessons the hard way with my former layout which never got completed - it pays to get certain scenic elements completed before you start running trains in earnest as it's so much easier to complete them without trains in the way. 

I enjoy seeing everyone's progress as well - your updates are a welcome respite!

- Greg


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Last edited by Greg Houser

Everyone, great pictures, beautiful layouts, @trainmaster04; now that’s they way to blow smoke, your 2-10-10-2 #3001 looks right at home, beautiful locomotive, Wow. I wish all a very happy July 4th, Independence Day, a day to reflect on how blessed we truly are, let Freedom Ring all over this wonderful USA… Happy Railroading Everyone A6460F1E-F85A-494F-B960-AC09C304355BD15B7F56-536D-4A1A-9DE8-50AF37D0350287CC8BB5-F8E2-4D94-83A0-F6E44845977E8308B6BF-F1C2-421C-83EC-00268D95A03910F999B6-76AF-495F-B829-4BFD9E356A9360A85527-C6D3-45CF-B220-3A14678926AE34593B7D-AC16-487A-AF11-78394DE20A9F48B4E31D-8520-49F5-93BE-203BEF0FDB1C


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@leapinlarry posted:

Everyone, great pictures, beautiful layouts, @trainmaster04; now that’s they way to blow smoke, your 2-10-10-2 #3001 looks right at home, beautiful locomotive, Wow. I wish all a very happy July 4th, Independence Day, a day to reflect on how blessed we truly are, let Freedom Ring all over this wonderful USA… Happy Railroading Everyone A6460F1E-F85A-494F-B960-AC09C304355B

Very nice collection there for the 4th of July Larry! I like that PA!! Here's my Happy 4th photo since this seems to be the place to post them.


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@Western Pacific 2217, Scott, thank you for the kind words and your UP Diesel with that beautiful flag is awesome, I’ve seen those diesels up close and the paint scheme is eye catching. When I was in Reno Nevada I saw their long freight trains with two or more diesels pulling those trains, amazing. Happy Railroading Everyone 9704FA52-83F6-4648-A18C-6159AE4E12800A947605-0505-46C1-BFEC-DC1D752646B2A9C7750D-5029-4DCB-A4E4-124E6E8D0E3AF2B182F1-FEC9-42D3-B5C9-D66BF399DF02


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Hi guys, this is different for me as in posting twice in one day! LOL

Anyhow here I go.

@John's Trains John I think the plywood is a great idea, I might have to do that on my layout, the CEO would like to see a river coming off the mountain.

@Greg Houser Scenery is a whole animal of its own! Sometimes it looks great to you and other times it just kills you! I think your doing an outstand job!

@RSJB18 Bob Happy Independence Day!

@leapinlarry Larry what a Beautyful collection of engines and cars! I hope your having a nice Independence Day!

@WesternPacific2217 Scott great picture! I love the fire engine in the foreground!  Happy 4th!

@Don McErlean Don thank you so much, I will let her know!

Well guys as for me I did what I said I was going to do, and I had something happen to me that has never happened before from the day I started running trains!

I started the Amtrak on the upper loop,IMG_20220704_113235

Then I started up the Norflok Southern 7201 on the lower loop and let them run! As you can see, I have my cold one handy to cool me down in case of emergency !IMG_20220704_113240

Now for what has never happened, while having both upper and lower loops running at the same time while testing my emergency drink nothing went wrong! The whole time out there everything ran as it should and I was so relaxed to the point I really enjoyed myself!

Thank you all for the kind words for my wife! I hope you all had a great weekend and a great Independence Day!


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Sunday on my wife’s birthday we had three young boys including my grandson and two of his close friends in the train room. We were there close to an hour.  Daughter Jennifer was there to assist with questions from the boys. I can’t hear nor understand anyone when the trains are running.

Today on the Fourth grandson Alex and I ran his HO layout and he asked for me to run my O gauge as well.  We were running both engines a combination of 30 minutes.  Alex loves to watch the engines pull out from the tunnels.

I was pleased.

@mike g. posted:

Hi guys, this is different for me as in posting twice in one day! LOL

Anyhow here I go.

@John's Trains John I think the plywood is a great idea, I might have to do that on my layout, the CEO would like to see a river coming off the mountain.

@Greg Houser Scenery is a whole animal of its own! Sometimes it looks great to you and other times it just kills you! I think your doing an outstand job!

@RSJB18 Bob Happy Independence Day!

@leapinlarry Larry what a Beautyful collection of engines and cars! I hope your having a nice Independence Day!

@WesternPacific2217 Scott great picture! I love the fire engine in the foreground!  Happy 4th!

@Don McErlean Don thank you so much, I will let her know!

Well guys as for me I did what I said I was going to do, and I had something happen to me that has never happened before from the day I started running trains!

I started the Amtrak on the upper loop,IMG_20220704_113235

Then I started up the Norflok Southern 7201 on the lower loop and let them run! As you can see, I have my cold one handy to cool me down in case of emergency !IMG_20220704_113240

Now for what has never happened, while having both upper and lower loops running at the same time while testing my emergency drink nothing went wrong! The whole time out there everything ran as it should and I was so relaxed to the point I really enjoyed myself!

Thank you all for the kind words for my wife! I hope you all had a great weekend and a great Independence Day!

Mike, cheers to you with that ice cold beer! Happy 4th, and to you and your wife’s health!

@Richie C. posted:

Made a little more progress on my layout extension ... cut the plywood and foam to size and laid in place and the joints smoothed over with vinyl spackling compound. Next up - paint and turf.


Finished the extension for the two additional sidings this weekend and came out well. I had to notch the existing edging in order to fit the switch stand in - there was no room on the opposite side.

Each siding has a colored push-button switch installed to turn power on-off to the siding. The push-button switches are not lighted, but there is a lighted bumper at the end of each siding which lets me know when power is on to that siding.

I parked a few UP passenger cars on there for now but have a couple of engines coming soon.



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Last edited by Richie C.

Morning guys I hope you all have survived the weekend! LOL

@John's Trains John Thank you! It is made out of decal paper and a simple printer, the section where the engine is sitting and the section above both drop down so I can get to that end of the layout!


@Seth Thomas Seth sounds like a great time with your family for your wife's Birthday! I love it when the kids want to see the trains! It just doesn't happen that much at my place anymore as they are into phones and tablets now!

@WesternPacific2217 Thanks Scott! I hope you had a great day! The wife is doing better this morning.

@Darrell Darrell very nice train and cool little video!

@Jack Texas Special Jack WOW Very cool Military train! Thanks for the video of it!

Well guys I will check in a little later, I have to go to the train room and check things out, I hear there is going to be a car rally in town, so I want to make sure everyone is being good! LOL

I hope you all have a great day! Most of all I hope you find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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@mike g. posted:

@swise Steve looks like you have a great start! Just wondering if there is anything going between the welding building and the wood rack?

Thanks Mike.  The space in between the lumber yard and the welding shop is a side street to allow access to these two industries.  Since it is a dead-end street, maybe something right at the end of the road.  A Fence, some people, something.  Or cars parked.



@swise posted:

Thanks Mike.  The space in between the lumber yard and the welding shop is a side street to allow access to these two industries.  Since it is a dead-end street, maybe something right at the end of the road.  A Fence, some people, something.  Or cars parked.



Sounds like a great idea! Maybe even a little trail heading to the BBQ! LOL

Hi Guys.  I have not posted in about a week.  Still sticking Mianne pieces together one by one as time permits.  As we know, you gotta have a foundation before a RR  is started.  In my area, we're selling honey just as fast,(or maybe faster) as we're building Mianne foundation. This being posted, Please keep yours progress and achievements out going.

And as always remember. LIFE IS GOOD.

Tommy Thompson aka The Beekeeper

Afternoon guys, I hope your all having a great day!

@luvindemtrains Dave looks like a fun build! I hope you will keep us posted on the progress!

@RSJB18 Bob I am watching but have to say not very exciting right now! LOL

@Steamfan77 Andy the ground cover is really looking good, just remember at one point in time you're going to have to hire someone to take care of it! That is why I haven't planted grass in a lot of areas yet! LOL

Well folks I was out in the train room yesterday and realized I did not have a Coors Light delivery truck! Then it came to me, that I also don't have a Starbucks coffee shop on the layout. It was so kind for Starbucks to donate this truck to be recommissioned to a Coors Light truck!


I will keep you all posted as it goes along and Yes Bob I know it's not very exciting but stay tuned! LOL

I hope you all had a great time with your layout and trains today!


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@mike g. posted:

Afternoon guys, I hope your all having a great day!

@RSJB18 Bob I am watching but have to say not very exciting right now! LOL

Well folks I was out in the train room yesterday and realized I did not have a Coors Light delivery truck! Then it came to me, that I also don't have a Starbucks coffee shop on the layout. It was so kind for Starbucks to donate this truck to be recommissioned to a Coors Light truck!


I will keep you all posted as it goes along and Yes Bob I know it's not very exciting but stay tuned! LOL

I hope you all had a great time with your layout and trains today!

Yes Mike.....the days have slipped by and I haven't gotten back to the F3's. Almost there so maybe by tonight....

Good thing you're covering over that horrible logo with something more appropriate.  Worst coffee in the world IMHO!


@RSJB18 posted:

Yes Mike.....the days have slipped by and I haven't gotten back to the F3's. Almost there so maybe by tonight....

Good thing you're covering over that horrible logo with something more appropriate.  Worst coffee in the world IMHO!


LOL Thanks Bob, I don't mind their coffee that much, but if I am going to spend $4-$5 for a cup of coffee I am going to the ones that have bikinis! LOL

I started working on it yesterday and the green on the roof of the box car just peels off. I know I am going to have to paint the cab, just not sure what color yet. I have seen some blue or black!

Finished a NP NCL RPO car for the train club buddy who bought the NP NCL train I'd painted 25 years ago after I told him I wouldn't paint extra cars for him.🎨🤔


There is also a baggage car for him that should be done tomorrow for Saturday delivery.

He purchased some nice brass mail hooks which should complete the RPO project.

The donor was a Lionel 15" TCA series car.  It's the only 15" aluminum RPO car I know of from Lionel.


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@mike g. posted:

LOL Thanks Bob, I don't mind their coffee that much, but if I am going to spend $4-$5 for a cup of coffee I am going to the ones that have bikinis! LOL

I'm NOT a big coffee fan, I like my caffeine in soda form. And I especially can't handle that much for wake up juice.

I'll pay that much for a orange cream slush at Sonic, though...

Having a pretty wife and dated a stripper many years before I met my wife, I wouldn't waste my money on one of those bikini coffee places.

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