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A father's day present I got for myself came this week, a new Lionel CSX SD70MAC. Couldn't pass it up with the father's day sale one of the fourum sponsors was running it was cheaper than the preorder discount. I got it unboxed, on the layout and programmed.


With CSX pulling some of these out of storage and more CSX power rolling into northern New England I needed to expand my roster.

Oh I also fixed a 30k tank car with a brand new truck that came from Lionel today. The tank car suffered some damage when my daughter lost her balance when family was visiting and fell on it. Snapped the truck in half and bent the metal truck frame enough that guling it back together didn't result in free spinning wheels. It was easier to just replace the truck. Luckily Lionel had the part in stock and only $16.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Some of the locals were complaining there was no place to swim or fish. So we did some water today, We had prepared a creek bed using a sand mixture by painting the bottom and gluing the sand in. A two part epoxy available at most craft outlets was then mixed up with a couple of drops of some testors olive green tint to get the water just a little murky. The mixture was then slowly poured over the stream bed. When mixed, the epoxy mixture has a number of air bubbles in it and we used my wife's hair dryer to help them dissipate. For sometime I have wanted to have some water on my layout and I am fortunate to have a friend, Joe Massara from Binghamton to show me how its done. Joe has been instrumental in landscapingwater 1water 2water 3water 5water 6water 8water 9water 11water 13water 14 the the large train exhibit at the Roberson Museum in Binghamton New York. Joe is seen in the last frame working on getting the bubbles to go away. The curing time for this is about a week. 


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While it hasn't been exciting, my work on the layout the last couple of weeks has consisted of going through engines, cars, structures, and operating accessories to see what I can clear out.  With an 11x11 train room and no other workshop or storage other than empty boxes in the closet under the stairs, it doesn't pay to keep stuff I don't foresee using.  Besides, the extra cash can go into savings.

I apologize I haven't installed the rope lights under the layout which would have made for a better photograph.  It really isn't that dark under there to work.  You can see in the shadows in the photograph to the right, I cleared enough room for the Atlas double track truss bridge, so it doesn't get banged up before I get to installing it later.  A lot of the boxes in the middle are the Christmas trains which I am keeping, as are the NYC passenger cars in the shadows on the left.  There are a bunch of log dump and coal dump cars there I haven't even looked at that will go.  I have shipped several items and have more stuff I haven't even photographed to put up for sale yet.  Behind me are two big tote bins that have operating accessories I ran and tuned up for proper operation.  Sometimes the 4x6 operating area has ben so full, I had to balance myself tip toeing around. 

I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel, and hope to get back to actual layout projects soon!

2022-06-26 19.45.35


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I am doing the same thing my room is also 11 X11 feet also.  The extra stuff needs to go to make room for new stuff.  Mine is mostly buildings that I have replaced or changed out because I have found a replacement that I prefer at the time.  Stations seem to be the biggest issue I keep changing my mind about or continue looking for

Thank you everyone for the positive feedback! Tom, yes stations.  I built two laser cut station kits over the winter and spring.  A plastic built up is going to go.  That is my intention for other buildings to be replaced in the future.

Bob, yes the final frontier 😆   Of course I’ll fill it again, but it will be those of greater interest.  Our older son-in-law could build a warehouse and our daughter would fill it.  That brings up an old subject.  Some may recall I couldn’t build in another space because her piano was in the way.  Also, they had to move everything from the basement upstairs because of moisture problems.  Well they got the roof replaced and are now working on the moisture issues.  Once they move stuff downstairs she wants the piano and her bedroom suit.  Yippee!!

Jay, you are right.  It shows completion and materials have been used up and I am focusing on layout items I have collected that don’t have a place on the layout

Last edited by Mark Boyce

@Cogen1981  Not sure how I missed your posts.  Have you ever done a "my layout" topic. Your elements look really good and I would like to see the entire layout.  I especially like the first 2 recent images. Well thought out. I am a fan of the "get the idea" backgrounds - your hills background tells enough of the story to get to the foreground detailing. 

@ScoutingDad posted:

@Cogen1981  Not sure how I missed your posts.  Have you ever done a "my layout" topic. Your elements look really good and I would like to see the entire layout.  I especially like the first 2 recent images. Well thought out. I am a fan of the "get the idea" backgrounds - your hills background tells enough of the story to get to the foreground detailing.

Thanks for the compliments, I have never done a formal "my layout post". I here are some more views of the layout7798A503-9963-497D-B52B-DB9B31E9001191C4CB4B-5F30-4849-9595-FFBB8DB123973809E6E2-2234-4CE0-B550-6DB04BCB6EC867D0F347-083E-43D7-A65B-B1C45145B195DE2B4956-D3B0-4402-9540-C65E557937A01F741651-21F4-473A-AB6C-57F6A0AC624AB1663C88-3A93-4669-8252-31161AB6EEF4B261397B-01E6-4210-854E-7DCBDF6350DD


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@Cogen1981  Read some of your earlier posts - the layout looks filled without looking cramped.  Nicely done.

BTW - a bunch of us have set up separate topics for our layouts to better show what we have done over time. If its just in the "what did I do", it gets lost in all the information. I personally am surprised how far my layout has come since I started posting.  Many times people are looking for ideas - its just easier for me to point to them to a layout. The history reinforces the point the rail road builds take time and things change.   

Usually there will be a link in their signature lines. Pretty easy to do. I would just request you name your railroad so we can find it. "my layout"  does not work so well, 

@ScoutingDad posted:

@Cogen1981  Read some of your earlier posts - the layout looks filled without looking cramped.  Nicely done.

BTW - a bunch of us have set up separate topics for our layouts to better show what we have done over time. If its just in the "what did I do", it gets lost in all the information. I personally am surprised how far my layout has come since I started posting.  Many times people are looking for ideas - its just easier for me to point to them to a layout. The history reinforces the point the rail road builds take time and things change.   

Usually there will be a link in their signature lines. Pretty easy to do. I would just request you name your railroad so we can find it. "my layout"  does not work so well, 

I will second Jeff's comments about a separate topic for your layout.  I like it for mine that is is much easier to locate information that someone shared with me in response to my posts, and to find information to share with others who haven't seen my posts.

@Steamfan77 posted:

What a beautiful layout Cogen1981! Well executed with great detail.

Mark, a smaller layout forces you to examine your rolling stock and forces you to keep only what you feel is truly essential.


Define essential........

I often find that my small layout develops grid lock as cars get added. Sometimes I need to take everything off and start with a clean slate. I try to rotate roads and matching stock occasionally so that I get to run different engines and keep the grease moving.


@RSJB18 posted:

Define essential........

I often find that my small layout develops grid lock as cars get added. Sometimes I need to take everything off and start with a clean slate. I try to rotate roads and matching stock occasionally so that I get to run different engines and keep the grease moving.


I’m the same, where it doesn’t take much for gridlock.  I switch cars and engines on and off.  However, I have and had some that I bought early on when I switched to O gauge when I had no focus on theme.  Those just sit, many are semi scale, that I bought before I really understood how many o gauge items aren’t 1:48 scale.  Coming from other scales, having my trains scale is important to me.  That isn’t to put down anything semi scale, I just have to draw the line somewhere.

Extending one end of my layout by about 18" x 48" in a dead area where no one ever walks in order to fit in two more sidings. The legs aren't fastened, yet. Probably overbuilt, but .......

Just needs a layer of 1/2" plywood and 1" foam - then paint, turf and edging. Already mocked up the switch and sidings, so I know everything will fit.

Whoever said you can't have too many sidings was correct.  EXTENSION 1EXTENSION 2


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@ScoutingDad posted:

"@Cogen1981  Read some of your earlier posts - the layout looks filled without looking cramped.  Nicely done."

Thanks again for the positive feedback.

I built the original O45 section of my layout between 2014 -2016, and built a O72 expansion line between 2018-2020 using new techniques, and I am continually  trying to improve on it

I agree, layout crowding is the bane of the O gauge modeler.

Before I started to build my layout, I read Dave Frary's " How to build realistic model railroad scenery 3rd edition" He puts emphasis on using natural elements to separate busy man made scenes, effectively acting as bookends to the scene. This helps relieve layout crowding 17ADE64F-8780-46A7-BE0B-8E16B518B267B55EBD71-8BF3-4504-BAF7-65B13F466798790C0334-A627-4899-9A4C-4E3FAC4B5761


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@Cogen1981 posted:

Thanks again for the positive feedback.

I built the original O45 section of my layout between 2014 -2016, and built a O72 expansion line between 2018-2020 using new techniques, and I am continually  trying to improve on it

I agree, layout crowding is the bane of the O gauge modeler.


I've said before how good your layout looks.  I recognize the substation.  Having worked in power substations the first half of my working days (the second half was for a telecom) I wanted a substation on the layout.  So, that looks like the Walthers HO substation kit I bought and really had trouble building.  Is yours HO or O scale?  You did a great job on it!!!

Hello All,

I have been reading this post for the past few months and it's difficult for me to comprehend the amount work, effort, and time that each of you spent contributing to this project. My sincere THANK YOU.  I am also working on a new layout, however you guys are miles and eons ahead of me.  I want to join this discussion so I can keep a visual record of my deeds and misdeeds.  I have always learned that my mistakes are my best tutor.

Here is a list my assets.

1. An upstairs bedroom large enough build a 16'x18' layout.  I have the 1st layout plan residing in RR-Track Software.  Of course, plans change as a project matures.  (Ain't nutton cast in stone at my house.)  Paint and wallpaper have been installed.   

Miane benchworks has been contacted and the correct benchwork is in house and probably about 30% put together.  No. tops as of now, will be Baltic Birch and Homasote.

On top of the BB and Homasote will be Gargraves track and Ross switches.  I have in house some building from the late 30's to mid 50's  to start  my layout era.  Riding the rails, will be mostly GGD 3rd rail Super Chief and the El Capitan  and several of the well known Southern USA named trains.  All will be late steam and/or early diesel.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

My best regards,

Tommy Thompson aka thebeeman


@Mark Boyce posted:

I've said before how good your layout looks.  I recognize the substation.  Having worked in power substations the first half of my working days (the second half was for a telecom) I wanted a substation on the layout.  So, that looks like the Walthers HO substation kit I bought and really had trouble building.  Is yours HO or O scale?  You did a great job on it!!

Thanks Mark,

Thanks Mark,

Yes that is a Walters HO kit that still look good supporting a small O scale industry

Sorry you had trouble with your kit,

Fear not! 2618F0D4-A32C-4F5C-848D-FC0333FD3241

Woodland Scenic makes an awesome ready made substation structure


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@thebeeman posted:

Hello All,

I have been reading this post for the past few months and it's difficult for me to comprehend the amount work, effort, and time that each of you spent contributing to this project. My sincere THANK YOU.  I am also working on a new layout, however you guys are miles and eons ahead of me.  I want to join this discussion so I can keep a visual record of my deeds and misdeeds.  I have always learned that my mistakes are my best tutor.

Here is a list my assets.

1. An upstairs bedroom large enough build a 16'x18' layout.  I have the 1st layout plan residing in RR-Track Software.  Of course, plans change as a project matures.  (Ain't nutton cast in stone at my house.)  Paint and wallpaper have been installed.   

Miane benchworks has been contacted and the correct benchwork is in house and probably about 30% put together.  No. tops as of now, will be Baltic Birch and Homasote.

On top of the BB and Homasote will be Gargraves track and Ross switches.  I have in house some building from the late 30's to mid 50's  to start  my layout era.  Riding the rails, will be mostly GGD 3rd rail Super Chief and the El Capitan  and several of the well known Southern USA named trains.  All will be late steam and/or early diesel.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

My best regards,

Tommy Thompson aka thebeeman


Welcome aboard Tommy! Lots if fun to be had around here. 👍

Late steam early diesel is my favorite period too!

Please share pix of your build.


So what's the backstory to your screen name?

Wow, fellows, this thread is a wonderful place to visit, an amazing One-Thousand,One-Hundred and Thirty-One pages of pictures, ideas, thoughts, and knowledge all about building train layouts, the Worlds Best Hobby; from page 1, if read all the way through it’s like getting a Masters degree in model railroading. Today, my friend Will brought his new 2-10-10-2 Sante Fe 3001 VisionLine steam locomotive over and we had a great time reviewing its features. If you remember, 2009 this particular articulated streamer was one of  Lionel’s first VisionLine offerings, a feature rich locomotive. Happy Railroading Everyone….AF9AD4C5-C182-4753-B273-ACEEE359733389FA1C82-A59D-44FA-9FF5-3BA91E6AC0FB175CCCBE-5717-4393-9915-B0567A10155B48A90634-E997-4DFF-8165-7B7772C19CF7664A61C2-FA7F-4D30-917A-7AD1112CB6DC


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