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Hello everyone! Got my parts ordered this evening and also got some balsa wood and plaster cloth. I was able to start work on one of the two tunnel portals for the hill in the back corner.

I started by drawing out the dimensions of the portal. These portals are going to have a square openings and multiple wooden supports. With the dimensions sketched I cut out the center to create the portal opening.

I then drew out possible support beams. This was the end result.
With an idea of how I wanted the portal to look, I began replicating the sketching with individual balsa strips. I was able to produce every beam but the two angled supports in the far upper corners. Instead, I put two secondary beams up against the center angled beams.
There may be a few more pieces I will add to it before I stain it. As of right now, here is a final photo of the portal in its soon to be home. Looks good so far!



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Last edited by Trainmaster04

Bob O   Fantastic scene. Wonder if this is done in SW Virginia. Will find out.

Trainmaster 04  Very nice. Like the difference from what is usually done.

pennsyfan. Thank you for the suggestion. We just ordered two.

This week we have been painting the right side fascia black, filling cracks, and adding ballast where needed to finish the pre-scenic part of a 15 foot section between tunnels on levels one and two. The second tunnel is ready to install and awaits Rich’s return from trout fishing in SW Virginia. Paula will start on her grass, weeds, and other materials next week.

We also ordered two additional bridges which will join the left and right sides levels 2 and 3. That will enable the last main line track to be completed.



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I'm doing a clinic for a group in Olympia, WA tonight, which will be on Zoom. It'll be a presentation on military railroads, with much of the same info for the OGR article I wrote that ran in the October/November issue.

Since the mid-Nineteenth Century, the use of railroads by armies have helped win wars all over the world.

Peaking in WW2, the US Military had a massive network of railroad operations and ran trains everywhere they had troops.

Lee Bishop will present a program discussing the history of military railroad operations with an emphasis on the WW2 era. This will also cover how military railway operations can be used on any layout.

Lee will show photos historical photos and model photos from his own On30 layout and go into detail on what is likely the first-ever fictional Railway Operation unit represented within the hobby.

Time: Feb 10, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time:

Last edited by p51

I finally finished my Lionel Branch line a water Tank Kit (#6-84315). Added a few details including a 3D printed filler tube, a cheap Amazon stainless jewelry chain that works perfectly to hoist the pipe, and some woodland scenics realistic water in the tank. Plan to put this on our expansion loop once it’s completed. Have a good weekend everyone!


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Decided to take part of my town down and put in a yard. I love switching trains . This is a start up picture. Was thinking of a 4way switch entering the yard but because of the angle I am not sure if it will work. Talking with Steve at Ross Switches he is concerned if I can keep 3.5 centers. Any ideas let me know. Oh forgot to say I forgot i added 2 tracks making it a 6 track yard.20230209_09093920230209_091018


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Last edited by Bill Grafmiller

I just finished a couple of new bridges and have them set in place. One is an Arched bridge and the other is a double decked bridge. On the double decked bridge there will be two trains on the lower level and one train on the upper level. I now have to start building the respective piers to support the bridges. The 4 by 4's  and 2x4 pieces are not so nice looking.





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Good evening everyone! Was able to work on the tunnel portal project again and get a new video out.

Starting with the tunnel portals, I decided to add cross beams to the first tunnel portal. I was also able to stain it and attach it to the blue foam support.


Next, I turned my attention to the second portal. Wash, rinse, and repeat.



Both look good and I cannot wait to get the rest of the hill completed!

Onto the video. I thought I would finally do a layout tour. I hope you all enjoy it and thanks for reading!


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Last edited by Trainmaster04

Mmm, nothing too ambitious, but I did manage to finally complete the current phase of my "button project." Having decided to add push buttons under the edge of the layout to allow visitors (aka, the grandkids!) to activate features on the layout, and earlier figured out how to fabricate and attach them to the layout, all that remained was to actually do so, and wire up the switches.

My initial effort, wiring an Atlas oil pumper for button activation about a month ago, was successful:

My follow-up, which I started a few days ago and completed tonight, was to add similar buttons to allow manual activation of the crossing gates and warning bells at opposite sides of the layout, and relocate previously-installed buttons (to activate the whistle shed and amplified diesel horn module) to the edge of the layout, to the end that there are now five, count 'em, *five* activation buttons around three sides of the layout!

On tomorrow's agenda: patching some damage that has accrued to one of the tunnel portals, and installing the signal lights I figured out how to install on the "twin trolleys" loop:

I finally figured out a way (using a AC to DC converter to feed a time delay relay, set to zero delay) to convert the isolated rail trolley on-off stop section 'signal' to toggle the two-light signal I picked up cheap at a recent train show from red to green, 'allowing' the stopped trolley to proceed. Stay tuned . . .

Last edited by Steve Tyler

No pictures but I started working on wiring the switches to my layout. In the process, I realized I needed some more through holes in my framing to run wires. Plan to do that tomorrow and hopefully finish running the wires for the switches on the lower level. I may also replace the switch machines with under the table switch machines in the areas that won’t be covered by scenery (aka mountains). It will make wiring easier for those. After all that I plan to start routing power drops for my four different blocks. Probably two power drops per block but I may put in 3 for the longest block.

@idea-thinker I love that double decker bridge!  Is that a kit or home made?

trolleys" loop:

I finally figured out a way (using a AC to DC converter to feed a time delay relay, set to zero delay) to convert the isolated rail trolley on-off stop section 'signal' to toggle the two-light signal I picked up cheap at a recent train show from red to green, 'allowing' the stopped trolley to proceed. Stay tuned . . .

Very nice!  You need to put a passenger station or platform where the trolly stops.

@OhB1 posted:

No pictures but I started working on wiring the switches to my layout. In the process, I realized I needed some more through holes in my framing to run wires. Plan to do that tomorrow and hopefully finish running the wires for the switches on the lower level. I may also replace the switch machines with under the table switch machines in the areas that won’t be covered by scenery (aka mountains). It will make wiring easier for those. After all that I plan to start routing power drops for my four different blocks. Probably two power drops per block but I may put in 3 for the longest block.

@idea-thinker I love that double decker bridge!  Is that a kit or home made?


           All of my bridges are home made. I design them using CAD Software and then Laser cut them.



The weather was so warm yesterday, sunny and 65+ on my deck.... so I took the trucks off 7 freight cars, dull coated them, and then hand painted a base coat of red oxide primer on all the trucks.   Now the car bodies and trucks are ready for "weathering"...  Not really anything to take photos of.

I didn't have any Testor's Dull Coat rattle cans, but found an 11 ounce rattle can of Krylon Matte Sealer - "CHALKY FINISH" Clear,  that I had purchased in the last 12 months.   Determined that laying down 2 thin coats about 2 minutes apart, resulted in a really good even dead flat surface coat.   I'll definitely buy this product again and use it for dull coating trains and building projects between weathering steps.   

Very nice!  You need to put a passenger station or platform where the trolly stops.

Thanks! Actually, I have two of them. The ground level station is just out of sight in the video, partly obscured by other stuff because I pushed it back a bit while I worked on ballasting the loop (it's located where the two trolleys sequentially stop on the left side of the screen). The el station is on the other side of the layout -- here's a photo:


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Last edited by Steve Tyler
@chris a posted:

The weather was so warm yesterday, sunny and 65+ on my deck.... so I took the trucks off 7 freight cars, dull coated them, and then hand painted a base coat of red oxide primer on all the trucks.   Now the car bodies and trucks are ready for "weathering"...  Not really anything to take photos of.

I didn't have any Testor's Dull Coat rattle cans, but found an 11 ounce rattle can of Krylon Matte Sealer - "CHALKY FINISH" Clear,  that I had purchased in the last 12 months.   Determined that laying down 2 thin coats about 2 minutes apart, resulted in a really good even dead flat surface coat.   I'll definitely buy this product again and use it for dull coating trains and building projects between weathering steps.   

Thanks for the tip on the paint, Chris.

I gotta try it

@Steve Tyler posted:

Thanks! Actually, I have two of them. The ground level station is just out of sight in the video, partly obscured by other stuff because I pushed it back a bit while I worked on ballasting the loop (it's located where the two trolleys sequentially stop on the left side of the screen). The el station is on the other side of the layout -- here's a photo:

. . . and speaking of trolleys and stations, here's a photo from "Baltimore" magazine (https://www.baltimoremagazine....ion-finally-succeed/):



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Last edited by Steve Tyler
@DrSteveDC posted:

Dick Dastardly is at it again! Poor Polly Purebread is tied to the tracks.  Will Dudley Do-Right make it in time?

My ground track is 4 inches at most and my mountie needs viagra as he won't get there in time. I think I need a new solenoid. He used to activate so fast that I couldn't run him down. Maybe the mountie just isn't that interested anymore.

@ScoutingDad posted:

The turtle is making slow progress. Got more benchwork completed and set track in place to check alignment and further supporting benchwork. Still need to figure out the connecting bridges which will locate front left.  More on TPRR   This is the cleanest this area has been since this rebuild began.

TPRR2 wide angle

Boy S.D. .......I sure hope you get this "  cleanest this area  " mess get straightened out.

I just can't imagine a lot of work being done with a clean area.  It does seem to be of some value psychologically..........BUT  REALLY.

Looking good S. D.

Ha Ha,  when you have to move the same stuff from surface to surface multiple times, cleaning up the mess helps speed things up as I only have to move things just once.  I got tired of stepping on all the sawdust and grit on the floors. SO YES PSYCHOLOGICAL improvement. 

Just saw the tread on TMCC ground planes.  Something else to consider as this build goes along. 

Good evening y'all.   It has been more than a month since I was in the train building.   I broke a foot falling off my layout in January .    I will soon continue building an incline from the second to the third level.      It was my fault, I was working tired.   I've kept up on the forum to keep up my spirits.   Progress with photos soon.


Good evening y'all.   It has been more than a month since I was in the train building.   I broke a foot falling off my layout in January .    I will soon continue building an incline from the second to the third level.      It was my fault, I was working tired.   I've kept up on the forum to keep up my spirits.   Progress with photos soon.


Sorry to hear that Bill but glad your mentally tough. I hope you recover quickly so you can get back to what you enjoy.

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