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Hello everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing well.
Work has been slow lately but I did get to weather a two bay hopper. It is a K-line model and was definitely too clean to be a coal hopper. I used my usual technique by dry brushing paint onto it. I’ll post a video I recently made on this technique.
After giving the car a good coat of “dirt” I then added black and white details to make raised areas pop. Definitely looks better know that it is “used.”

Out of curiosity, do y’all think weathering adds or detracts value the of the model?
Thanks for reading!


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Last edited by Trainmaster04

Hello everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing well.
Out of curiosity, do y’all think weathering adds or detracts value to models? Had someone rudely say it detracts value.

Well given your comment above, seems to me the only answer for you is "it adds value".  I've seen some great weathering and some which looked really bad. So I suppose the real answer is "it depends".   The value part is really subjective.  Does it have its original box?  ; )

@ScoutingDad posted:

Well given your comment above, seems to me the only answer for you is "it adds value".  I've seen some great weathering and some which looked really bad. So I suppose the real answer is "it depends".   The value part is really subjective.  Does it have its original box?  ; )

That’s true. I suppose the real value comes from the owner. If it looks good, then great. If not, might as well consider it as a money loss. Everyone is different.

@Trainmaster04 - I have to agree with Scouting Dad, weathering or not really depends on what makes you happy and suits your purpose.  Since this thread deals with folks who are diligently trying to recreate reality on their layout, I expect most of them would say it "adds value" assuming its done well (like everything else).  On the other hand, while I love the work many of the folks on this thread do and I cannot come close to duplicating it, I tend to be over in the "collecting" camp, where a pristine original looking piece is the key to high value.  So weathering there could indeed reduce value.  Generally however, I tend to feel ( my opinion only) that if you are in this hobby to make money, you could do better working at McDonald's !!  I love finding old, well used pieces and examining them for their "story" so to me weathering is supplied via natural forces (often part of a young persons hand).  I have a treasured box car from 1912 that was given to me by a NASA friend (Rocket guy gift to me from the days of the Wright Bros) .  Sometime in its nearly 112 year life some young person decided they didn't like Lionel's original orange color and painted it red ( with a brush and old fashioned enamel).  I love it, the re-paint tells a story that to me represents historical significance in the life of that object and shows that it was really important to someone at some point in its life.  So despite a rather rough paint job, I would never alter it.  But again that's  just me and what makes me happy'



@Trainmaster04 - I have to agree with Scouting Dad, weathering or not really depends on what makes you happy and suits your purpose.  Since this thread deals with folks who are diligently trying to recreate reality on their layout, I expect most of them would say it "adds value" assuming its done well (like everything else).  On the other hand, while I love the work many of the folks on this thread do and I cannot come close to duplicating it, I tend to be over in the "collecting" camp, where a pristine original looking piece is the key to high value.  So weathering there could indeed reduce value.  Generally however, I tend to feel ( my opinion only) that if you are in this hobby to make money, you could do better working at McDonald's !!  I love finding old, well used pieces and examining them for their "story" so to me weathering is supplied via natural forces (often part of a young persons hand).  I have a treasured box car from 1912 that was given to me by a NASA friend (Rocket guy gift to me from the days of the Wright Bros) .  Sometime in its nearly 112 year life some young person decided they didn't like Lionel's original orange color and painted it red ( with a brush and old fashioned enamel).  I love it, the re-paint tells a story that to me represents historical significance in the life of that object and shows that it was really important to someone at some point in its life.  So despite a rather rough paint job, I would never alter it.  But again that's  just me and what makes me happy'



Very true! I’m not in the hobby to make money but to have fun. I believe that is what it is meant to be and sometimes gets lost. I could care less what I weather loses value. I just wanted everyone’s honest opinion since I see the people on this thread as a wealth of knowledge.

@mike g.  Mike that turnout looks like an Atlas.  I checked an extra one of mine and from what I can tell the places where a short might occur are electrically isolated from their neighbors. This would be any place a pick up roller would contact the center rail and what would be outer rail at the same time. You may have inadvertently made a connection between one of these small rail sections and the outer rails. Time to get out the circuit tester and check conductivity. 

Below is just one possibility.  But if you run through at a moderate speed and do not short (or spark), but do when stopped or really slow, I would look for a different cause, something on the engine.  Does a lighted passenger car do the same thing? 


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Hi guys I hope you all had a great day! I was able to get out to the train room today and get some stuff done! LOL

1st off as for the short, it doesn't happen with any other engine or lighted cars. I checked the frog with my meter and there is no power to the plastic ends of the center rail.

I moved my military train off the layout and onto the newly installed shelves. Oh and as you can see I got the TV moved to the other end of the room as that will be the direction I will be facing at my small work table working on stuff or painting people or cars.


After that I was able to get the siding track laid on the upper loop, I have to say it must be the straightest track laid on the whole layout! LOL


I know I have to cut the center rail so I can turn them on and off, but there ok for now! I then started whittling at my 4 x 6 post to get clearance. The amount of I have to take off is about an 1/8th inch I think tomorrow I will break out the belt sander and smooth out what I have already done today. Sorry no photo of my whittling.

I hope you all have a great night and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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Hello everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing well.
Work has been slow lately but I did get to weather a two bay hopper. It is a K-line model and was definitely too clean to be a coal hopper. I used my usual technique by dry brushing paint onto it. I’ll post a video I recently made on this technique.
After giving the car a good coat of “dirt” I then added black and white details to make raised areas pop. Definitely looks better know that it is “used.”

Out of curiosity, do y’all think weathering adds or detracts value the of the model?
Thanks for reading!

My 2 cents... If you like it and you're not altering a rare antique, go for it as it adds value for YOU.  As mentioned by others, collecting trains for future resale value is a lousy way to make money.  While I enjoy seeing a good weathering job, I'm in the "clean trains" camp, so a weathered item is worth less to me.

@mike g. posted:

1st off as for the short, it doesn't happen with any other engine or lighted cars. I checked the frog with my meter and there is no power to the plastic ends of the center rail.

I moved my military train off the layout and onto the newly installed shelves. Oh and as you can see I got the TV moved to the other end of the room as that will be the direction I will be facing at my small work table working on stuff or painting people or cars

Hey Mike .    I've had an occasional issue through a switch and I was able to get good results by changing out center rail pickups .   Try having the steamer turned over and an engine that goes through the switch OK.  Compare the distances between the two.  I have MTH engines and I have three sizes of pickups plus one type that has plastic ends that narrow the metal contact patch to pick from. 

Then some problems exist because like your 4-8-4 there are more drive wheels going through parts of the switch  than what a diesel would have . 

Backing through switches is part of the joy of steamers with their tenders Mike.

Good evening everyone!
Thank you all for the input on my question. I definitely do find joy in weathering certain items in the evenings. Definitely allows the stress of the day to fall off. I do not see myself ever selling my collection in the near future. Heaven forbid! I do however keep the thought in the farthest part of my mind if ever an event happened and I need funds. Overall, I love collecting and I appreciate y’all’s input.

Onto other things. While the paint was still wet I grabbed one more car to weather. This might be the last scale model I do since I too like clean new in box models. Tonight’s subject is a SF outside support boxcar I got from York.
Here is before:


And after:


Since this will probably be my last scale car I took my time with it. As a result, I was able to make it look well aged but not too over the top like my first few cars.
Again, thank you all for the insightful thoughts and have a good night!


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Last edited by Trainmaster04

Morning guys I hope your all doing well!

@Dallas Joseph Dallas thanks for the information, I will give it a look .

@Trainmaster04 Nice weathering job, I am in the middle of your video right now. The CEO says it's time to go to the store for the week! I will look at the rest later today or tonight. I looks good for weathering information!

Well guys I think I am going to work on getting more stuff out from under the layout today after our trip to town so I can see what else I have and maybe what I can sell or trade!

I hope you all have a wonderful Hump day and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

Good evening everyone!
Thank you all for the input on my question. I definitely do find joy in weathering certain items in the evenings. Definitely allows the stress of the day to fall off. I do not see myself ever selling my collection in the near future. Heaven forbid! I do however keep the thought in the farthest part of my mind if ever an event happened and I need funds. Overall, I love collecting and I appreciate y’all’s input.

Since this will probably be my last scale car I took my time with it. As a result, I was able to make it look well aged but not too over the top like my first few cars.
Again, thank you all for the insightful thoughts and have a good night!

Trainmaster I do not mean to throw rocks at your work, (maybe I can learn something here) after looking at the freight car something looked off. So went in search of weathered freight cars and the thing I thought was off was the use of white to drybrush to bring out the highlights. Photos are mainly rust streaks, dirt and grime - no white.  White dry brushing for rocks works pretty well.   Otherwise the rest of the weathering looks great and is not overdone.

Curious as to what others who weather their cars think?  What color(s) would you use to bring out these highlights? (on this car - trucks, knuckle, ladder) 

@ScoutingDad posted:

Trainmaster I do not mean to throw rocks at your work, (maybe I can learn something here) after looking at the freight car something looked off. So went in search of weathered freight cars and the thing I thought was off was the use of white to drybrush to bring out the highlights. Photos are mainly rust streaks, dirt and grime - no white.  White dry brushing for rocks works pretty well.   Otherwise the rest of the weathering looks great and is not overdone.

Curious as to what others who weather their cars think?  What color(s) would you use to bring out these highlights? (on this car - trucks, knuckle, ladder)

I take no offense, none at all! True, the white paint is not typically used to weather. I used it because where I live, Lubbock, Texas, we have a ton of dirt storms and use light grey/white stone for ballast. I wanted it to have a west Texas feel with a bit of white stone dust build up. I also use white paint to add water streaks. In hindsight, it would probably be more appropriate to use black, like the roof, too highlight raised areas, or leave it with just the brown.

Last edited by Trainmaster04

Not today, however on Monday I spent several hours in the train room working on the west end redo.  Installed ground throws on 2 Gargraves manual switches. Brought out the shop vac and vacuumed the finer debris left in a larger area of the west end.  I can now work on advancing the existing elevated trolly line to the west end.  

Tinkered with track planning and finally came up with a plan that I like.  Basically I want to be able to operate a switch engine on an industrial spur as 3 other trains loop around the layout.  The industrial spur will interchange with the two lower loops ( which are connected to one another ) main lines.  The third mainline is the Mountain Division and is an independent loop located at the east end of the layout.

The Kiddie City Toy Shop that's located on the elevated shelf called Westend neighborhood needed some kids looking in the window.  I added some boys and girls peering into the picture window as I boy is wheeling his new bicycle out the door of the shop.  His dad, dressed in a suit, stands proudly behind him.  I have two refrigerator magnates... one that says Lionel with a picture of a Santa Fe F3 ... the other is an American Flyer Sales and Service.  I attached both of these to the front upper side of the building.  I like how it all looks!   I'll get photos up later.  

I hope to get some more time on the layout this evening.

Progress has been slow on the rebuild. As the passenger cars were being boxed up from an earlier photo, they were also getting a lube and cleaning.  This Weaver Hiawatha was pretty stiff. Now with a lube job, looks like it runs decently down grade to the passenger yard. Think it needs to be run for awhile to get the bearings broken in.  Really nice looking 21 inch aluminum set. I like the way the diaphragms actually touch.  Had to give it a push to get it started. 


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Weaver Hiawatha

Hi guys not much today just made a huge mess! LOL

@ScoutingDad Jeff, looking train set! I guess I am going to have to learn how to lubricate engines and rolling stock so mine might roll a little easier! LOL

Well guys I said I made a mess and here is what it looks like!

After the CEO and I along with one of her friends made our weekly trip to town for food and Brewery shopping I decided to start pulling more stuff out from under the layout for 2 reasons.

1) To make room for me to run wires to all the switches.

2) To try and remember what I had and what I want to keep for the layout and what I am willing to part with!

The bad thing is there is more under the layout! LOL20230405_13512920230405_135143

But before I started that I had to make a little more room for my 4-8-4 for the cab not to drag along the post. You can see it in the background. I thought it was only going to be 1/8th of an inch, but turned out to be 1/4". I am sure it will be find and once I paint it no one will really notice! LOL


I hope you all had a great day and found time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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@Dallas Joseph yeah, not all the lights come on and it seems hesitant to move in conventionl powr, but it still has some get-up -and-go

@pennsyfan I neglected to power down after the program step.  I should try that.  I wish I had three or four more legacy/tmcc ready locomotives to try, but I'm not spending that amount of money until I get back from Europe in July.

@Steve Tyler I also had the thought that two volts should not make or break a layout wide difference of that level.  I do have some ideas how to proceed, though.

thanks all for following up -- I appreciate it and don't take your suggestions for granted.

Afternoon guys I hope you all had a great day!

@Mark Boyce Mark I am sure you are correct that some folks here would like to help clean out my extra stuff, I just have to get to that point first!

@SIRT You sure do some amazing work in a short amount of time!

Well guys I got out to the train room today and worked on pulling more stuff out and placing it on the layout. I decided to install my walking bridge which took some doing and will need some repair, but that is the name of the game when things sit under the layout with to much other stuff! LOL

Here are a couple of photos from todays fun! I had to get the scratch built Coors Brewery up for sure! LOL


Then came the tank farm, sky crane and the BNSF service building in the back.


And last but not least, It took the longest to get put in place! I as can see repairs are needed! LOL


so now it is 3 bridges being lifted by one actuator! You got to love the power they have!

Well I hope you all have a great night and find time either tonight or tomorrow to have fun with your layout and trains!


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Afternoon All I hope your all having a great weekend! I spent the last couple of day in the train room cleaning, moving building around, and got my airfield reinstalled. Non of the building are wired up yet, but it is getting closer! LOL Here are a couple pictures for you all to enjoy. Feel free to comment if you see something out of place.


I hope you all find time to have some fun with your layouts and trains this weekend!


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WOW you guys! Y'all have made lots of good progress from what I can see. School has taken up a lot of my time, so I have not been able to visit the layout recently. I do have plans to go very soon, so look for an update in the next 2 weeks. Lots will be done on my next visit. In the mean time, I have been buying a lot of things for the layout including K&R custom signals and crossing gates. My goal is to get everything electrical done at the same time.

The one update I do have, is the LOTS convention will be visiting my layout on July 15th during their annual convention in Knoxville Tennessee this year. If you plan to be there, you should definitely get a ticket to come by. We will have guest appearances from the Crossville Model Railroad Club with their N scale traveling layout, and Aubrey Cole who worked on the New York Central railroad for 27 years. He will be telling railroad stories and his experience as a brakeman, and can answer almost any question you have about trains from that era

Also, last visit, I hooked up a power supply to test the inclines. Here is a test run, and the engine seems to do just fine. The real test will be when we have a long train attached

@darlander those coal loads look awesome! I have a ton MTH coalporter cars that don't have coal loads, you're inspiring me to make some of my own. You wouldn't have a YouTube tutorial on how you did yours would you? If not, I will try to go back through your posts and look at all the info and piece it together

@mike g. Holy cow, you have done a ton of work! Your passenger station looks awesome, and I like the use of stacking layers. I hope to do something like that in the future when I expand. Keep up the good work


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@mike g. posted:

Afternoon All I hope your all having a great weekend! I spent the last couple of day in the train room cleaning, moving building around, and got my airfield reinstalled. Non of the building are wired up yet, but it is getting closer! LOL Here are a couple pictures for you all to enjoy. Feel free to comment if you see something out of place.


I hope you all find time to have some fun with your layouts and trains this weekend!

The buses need room to pull into the canopy, just my 2 cents

@mike g. posted:

Afternoon All I hope your all having a great weekend! I spent the last couple of day in the train room cleaning, moving building around, and got my airfield reinstalled. Non of the building are wired up yet, but it is getting closer! LOL Here are a couple pictures for you all to enjoy. Feel free to comment if you see something out of place.


I hope you all find time to have some fun with your layouts and trains this weekend!

Mike, in the second picture I can’t make out what that is behind the pedestrian crossing. It looks like it’s connected to those tanks; but it appears to go right to the roadbed between the two passenger car tracks.

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