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Sounds pretty neat to be able to put interiors in these cars. I too have all three sets of cars, but I am having to be satisfied with what I got for interiors. I am wondering about the connections on the Weaver Hudson. The connections on these Atlantics are certainly not very good, and my latest one is giving me fits right now. So how good is the connectors on the Hudson? This is part of the reason why I'd like to get an MTH someday. Which version do you prefer? Thanks for the comments. Appreciate it.
Originally Posted by fisch330:

Jeff:  I had both the MTH and the Weaver, F-7's but both had the same cab # 102.  So I ultimately sold the Weaver, at the October York meet, and kept the MTH.  My "A". is #1 and it, too is a Weaver.  i also have a seven car Weaver train of the original 1934-35 cars, which I am putting decent interiors in.  Weaver used the interiors from the Pullman Bradley cars and they really look dumb in those cars.  The P-B cars had straight back seats that didn't line up with the windows, and I've been replacing them with aftermarket interior seats. 


I also have about 10 of the 1936 and 1938 cars from Weaver.  They actually came with no interiors and dark green windows with four large bulbs in the inside for lighting.  So, I have also been working on these to put interiors and overhead lighting in.  Big job and I really don't have the time to take on the project so it's kind of on hold, for a while.


All of the cars, with and without updated interiors, really look great on my layout and are fairly impressive to my train buddies.  none of them are Western Road fans and if they are dark gray, dark maroon, dark green or dark blue, they don't recognize them as acceptable passenger car consists.  Wish my layout were larger to really showcase my engines and cars.


Paul Fischer


MENARDS Flatcar with Load & Tree Project

     Today the U.S. Mail lady brought me, The Wisconsin Central Flatcar with a load and nine trees.

The trees are going to be enhanced using hair spray, and Testers Dullcote.

     The Testers Dullcote will take the shine of the tree trunks, I will sprinkle on Scenic Express, Flock & Turf, using hairspray to keep the foams and ground textures in place. This procedures will take away the look alike of the MENARDS trees.

     I will use jewelry chains or jewelry rope to old down the tractor to the flatcar.

     See four photos below.

I plan on doing this project in the garage tomorrow. 

• Cheers from The Detroit and Mackinac Railway

  Click on each photo to enlarge.

1. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1, 2015

2. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015

3. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015

4. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015


Images (4)
  • 1. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1, 2015
  • 2. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015
  • 3. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015
  • 4. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015

Not much progress last few days....have all walls aheathed with currugated sideing, but no roofs on the pickle packing plant; loading platform done but its awning is not, and nothing is painted, except the sheathing.   I painted and installed the Hallmark driver's

seat in the Hallmark 1936 GMC pickup, which was repainted blue from white.  If that

is done, I will reassemble, finish, truck tomorrow.  Most of my time tonight was spent

press fitting lettering (I HATE press-on lettering, but no useable decals are available

for this freelance repaint of a Lionel Heinz pickle car).  Lucky I had several press-on sets of the right sizes and colors because several letters were fouled up and had to be redone..the tubs are done but the roof is just half done, and then I need to put the car data on it, hopefully with some yellow decals, if I have any.  It is now a dark green car with yellow lettering on medium green tubs.  The Lionel tubs were sheathed in

basswood planks with paper "iron" bands.


Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

MENARDS Flatcar with Load & Tree Project

Today the U.S. Mail brought me, The Wisconsin Central Flatcar.

2. What I did on my layout today Dec. 1 2015

Gary, please tell me how the tractor is attached to the flatcar!  I am trying to determine this before I order one.  The Menards' guy is not answering my question about this on the other thread.     Thank you!!   Ron  

Originally Posted by RadioRon:
Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

MENARDS Flatcar with Load & Tree Project

Today the U.S. Mail brought me, The Wisconsin Central Flatcar.


Gary, please tell me how the tractor is attached to the flatcar!  I am trying to determine this before I order one.  The Menards' guy is not answering my question about this on the other thread.     Thank you!!   Ron  

Hi Ron - It is attached with 3 shipping ties, Like you use on a trash bag.

     The trees are well done.

Gary - Cheers from The Detroit and Mackinac Railway

The Great Northeastern Railway proudly announces the completion of right-of-way to our future steam engine storage and servicing facility, My son Chris and I along with the tireless help of my good friend Pat Whitehead, better known to the forum as Trumptrain, finished work on the mainline to the engine storage facility and yard. The elevation piers are all installed and the track has been secured in place. Here is a video of the first train making the trip over the completed trackage.


Thank you Chris and Pat!


Videos (1)

Well so much for working under tables cleaning up. Worked on some more scenery while running train. I decided to start the other side of the bridge gluing down low foliage. I got halfway down. I was looking at the top of my cliff I had just added scenery to and decided I did not like the two evergreens I put on top. They were too generic so I changed them out for better ones and I think it made a difference. Some pics of work today......................PaulDSCN2068DSCN2078DSCN2071DSCN2077


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I showed the paint contractor, whose presently painting the interior of my house, my train layout today.  He was totally in awe!!!!   He was totally amazed at the detail of the various scenes, the rolling stock and locomotives, TMCC ( and I don't even own Legacy ) remote control, the sounds, lighting, and the electonics.  He asked questions about the locomotives and their histories ( real life history .. not model history ) and as I explained to him detailed history facts he drank in every word.  He asked if he could bring his grandkids over to see the layout and of course I said "by all means and bring their friends too"

This guy does a fabulous job of painting and does lots of extras at no charge.  I asked him if he'd ever been to the B&O Museum in Baltimore.  He said he has not. I'm going to take him to the B&O Museum, my treat, over the Christmas holiday. Since he's so interested in trains, I will have big fun showing him around and explaining in detail about all the locomotives and rolling stock.... plus their will be running club layouts as well.   Nothing like turning someone on to trains big or small

Randy it was my pleasure to lend a helping hand this past Saturday!  I enjoyed every moment of it, I assure you!  You've helped me out many many times ( I owe you more yet ).  Your layout looks great and now that the mountain has been conquered,  I'm sure the rest of the layout will come together in grand Harrison style!!  Long live the Great Northeastern Railway!!!
Randy Harrison posted:

The Great Northeastern Railway proudly announces the completion of right-of-way to our future steam engine storage and servicing facility, My son Chris and I along with the tireless help of my good friend Pat Whitehead, better known to the forum as Trumptrain, finished work on the mainline to the engine storage facility and yard. The elevation piers are all installed and the track has been secured in place. Here is a video of the first train making the trip over the completed trackage.


Thank you Chris and Pat!


I had one of my favorite engines-#646 running but not smoking very well so, after it cooled down, I gave it a good shot of 91%   alcohol in the stack and ran it for about 10 mins when it started to smoke a little, kept running it for a total of 40 imns and it was smoking pretty good. This is the 3rd engine I have resuscitated the smoke unit with the 91%. Going to check out a couple more. Plus I got my car fixed today-new ignition coil- and the garage owner wants a train layout when he retires.  Think I will give him a couple of my mdeling magazines to read.

I've been on a mission to get my mainline turnouts functioning. In November, I connected previously unpowered Tortoises on the upper deck to the new relay panels. Flip the calendar, and I have started to go back and redo the old control panels from the 12 volt system to the new 24 volt system.

These first 2 photos are from 6/30/14, but it looked essentially the same when I removed it to work on it today.


The large colored wires are for track power stopping zones, and were unaffected by the turnout control conversion.


Here's the newly redone panel including the Midway switch on the upper deck. It didn't make sense to build a second panel for a single switch when there was so much white space on this one. I was also able to move the panel over to a spot where the fascia was already done. Now I can finish the last little piece where the panel had been hanging.


As you can see there are a lot fewer small wires in the reworked panel.


As of now there are 41 of the new style and 41 of the old style with 21 that have yet to be powered. Thirteen Tortoises still need to be installed.


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Tried to figure out how MTH CPLs work and have succeeded in one thing only - getting a massive headache.  A call to the MTH Customer Service/Technical Help Desk, made during the advertised window of opportunity, was terminated by Customer Control after I'd been in the queu for 17 minutes - they really need to do something about that Musak.

I've now got one beheaded victim on the operating table undergoing tests with the volt-ohm meter, another hooked up in parallel to verify aspects and sheets full of readings that make absolutely no sense to me.  Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that if I want them to do anything other than what they're designed to do, I simply have to gut 'em, put my own LEDs in there, hook 'em up to an Atlas 6924 and enough already.  Does anyone out there have a source for LEDs having a diameter of 0.12 inches (3.05mm?) that will work on our accessory voltage?

trumptrain posted:

I showed the paint contractor, whose presently painting the interior of my house, my train layout today.  He was totally in awe!!!!   He was totally amazed at the detail of the various scenes, the rolling stock and locomotives, TMCC ( and I don't even own Legacy ) remote control, the sounds, lighting, and the electonics.  He asked questions about the locomotives and their histories ( real life history .. not model history ) and as I explained to him detailed history facts he drank in every word.  He asked if he could bring his grandkids over to see the layout and of course I said "by all means and bring their friends too"

This guy does a fabulous job of painting and does lots of extras at no charge.  I asked him if he'd ever been to the B&O Museum in Baltimore.  He said he has not. I'm going to take him to the B&O Museum, my treat, over the Christmas holiday. Since he's so interested in trains, I will have big fun showing him around and explaining in detail about all the locomotives and rolling stock.... plus their will be running club layouts as well.   Nothing like turning someone on to trains big or small


That is a great story!  It just proves one is never too old or too young to start liking model and toy trains!  I hope your painter and the grandkids have a great time!  I know you will!!

Pine Creek Railroad posted:



Here at the PCRR we just started construction on the living room Christmas layout,

lots to due yet!  Merry Christmas.



The Christmas layout is really taking shape.  I like the sawhorses for a good foundation for the layout.  Mine is on a folding table.  Not the flimsy kind, but one like is used at Churches and fire halls for suppers or classes.  I have some photos I need to post as well, but I will have to leave that to when I get home.  Lunch is almost over.  

I finished off the last section of the one side of the layout this morning. I am happy with the way it turned out. I still have material left over so I decided to do the other side.  That will be a longer section because there is no bridge between the two sections. I'll still have to order some more material to finish but I'll hold off till I see how far what I have left goes. A couple of pics of the finished section........................Paul


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Thanks Bryan I appreciate the compliment.  I'm not quite ready to host Tuesday night yet. I literally still have a mess in the attic. I go up there with the intention to clean up and make room to walk around but I talk myself out of it and work on scenery. I'm going to Medina to browse around. For me and what I want there is nothing at Aarons. Hope you have good hunting. Maybe I'll catch you at the train show.................Paul

Today, Thursday,  I finished the Peiffer's Pickle car, (repainted Lionel Heinz car).  It is dark green with medium green tubs and yellow lettering with white car number.  I also  began to glaze the windows that will go in the Peiffer's packing house this car will travel to from the Menard's relettered to Peiffer's pickles sauerkraut station.  This make several things I have not taken time to photo and post. I hope to when I finish the packing house.


The Children's Christmas Train in Springdale, AR is coming up on Saturday, so, since my good track is locked up over at listmember Keith's place (and he's in the hospital for a heart overhaul), I'm doing a bit of barrelscraping to put a show together for the kiddies... 


This is the good stuff, which gives you an idea what the stuff I'm NOT gonna use looks like! 


My track cleaner of choice is a well-used 80 grit sandpaper wheel with a track groove worn into it from long use. 


The finished product, while not really suitable for a permanent layout, should be fine for the kiddies! 


Got some dented pieces?  Don't throw 'em out-cut 'em down for handy half pieces! 



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  • GEDC2020
  • GEDC2021
  • GEDC2022

I worked on scenery some more but I also worked on the one storage door. Had to add a piece of wood to the back of it to keep the tongue and groove strips from opening up at the top where I cut the door in two. Still have to fine tune it to close it seems to be binding on something. To make this job more pleasurable I made sure to run some trains......Paul

Brought home some Marx goodies yesterday.  Picked up a set with a #999 engine and a box car, a nice tank car and a caboose-all 8 wheel tin. In pretty good shape.  Spotted two of the Marx old timey passenger cars, #1 & #3 also in good shape. Got them really cheap.  This place also has a decent ZW which I don't need but he finally priced it right so it is on "hold" for me until after the TCA show.  Going to Youngstown, Ohio today with a friend to see a RR layout and take some pictures.

Mark Boyce,

   Thank you sir, the new Saw Horses are light and pretty darn stable also.  Easy to store when taking the layout down.  I wish I had more room, I really miss my larger Office/ Game Room multi level layout.  I installed a nice size Gas Fire Place in the Game Room so there is no way now to rebuild the bigger layout.  Man do I miss my big Slidell, Louisiana Brick Ranch House, with my own Train Room, those were the days.    Be real careful of the legs on your tables as you use them for your layout, especially if you have a big dog!

All the best



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
jim pastorius posted:

Brought home some Marx goodies yesterday.  Picked up a set with a #999 engine and a box car, a nice tank car and a caboose-all 8 wheel tin. In pretty good shape.  Spotted two of the Marx old timey passenger cars, #1 & #3 also in good shape. Got them really cheap.  This place also has a decent ZW which I don't need but he finally priced it right so it is on "hold" for me until after the TCA show.  Going to Youngstown, Ohio today with a friend to see a RR layout and take some pictures.


and none of that "it's just some old Marx, no one wants to see that...."





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Is that a hint ??   See what I can do. First thing I did today was take some photos of an albino deer that has been around here lately. Not very sharp so I will try again tomorrow for a better one. Later I went to Youngstown, Ohio with a rail fan friend and saw Larry's Truck & Electric(THAT would be a great scene on a layout)  plus visited the Y-town Model RR club  and their HO and 2 rail O gauge layouts.  The 2 rail was interesting to watch. They are old fashioned, basically running 6 trains max with conventional control. They had a nice crowd and it was fun to watch the kids.

This recently purchased antique went for a swim in thinners.

There was a decent rendition in brass of a USRA heavy Mikado under all that crap.  Worthy of some extra effort, it received 4 days of grinding, filing and sanding, additional details manufactured and attached, then an overall coat of primer.  The 3D picture off the net was a real help as opposed to squinting at blurry photographs.

Some mistakes by the original maker just couldn't be corrected expediently, so I'll put up with things like the over sized sand dome and such.   The cab roof's thick leading edge illustrates how crude some of the castings are.  Time to set it aside as a future project to 3 rail and properly paint



I attended a show, looking for another low cost Lionel pickle car to "kitbash", (actually repaint and reletter), and to look at a Lionel ART reefer, so see if it was acceptable next to the Atlas one that just came in, to serve my pickle station and packing house.  (problem I have run into lately is when I get or build an industry, I need more, dedicated, sometimes specialized, cars to serve it).  I did not find one, but I found but did not buy an HO kit for the C&O station at Sewell, in the New River Gorge.  Now these stations were unique, I think, to the C&O, for they had a hexagonal or octagonal signal tower in the middle of the roof.  The C&O once had a number of these in the Gorge, but I think all were torn down or remodeled. These are like the C&O Mikados....good thing there are no kits in O, or I would have something that does not fit my theme. 

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