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Today I just slowed down my pace to make materials last through the weekend till my order comes in from Scenic express. But I worked on adding some more foliage to the mountain. And I started adding more to my grade coming down from the top. Maybe after supper I go down the side a bit more. While I was working I had my UP 9000 running and coal fired mega smoke made it all the better. Nothing better then the smell of coal....................Paul

Randy Harrison posted:

Yesterday my son and I cleaned off the second level of our layout so that we can get working on it now that the mountain grade to the third level is done.

I hope you are planning on sharing its progress here w/ us, or at least the finished results, because I am certain it will be fabulous.

I raced to a train auction preview, to look at a set, which turned out not to be one of those I look for, and I looked for a car I want...found that, but it would have meant sitting around all day for one inexpensive car to come under the hammer, so I did not stay.  (I called a shop while in the area, and they had a similar one, but very pricey, and I passed on that)  Thus, no trains, but the auction house has interesting auctions of all kinds of collectibles, with another coming up.

Joe was over yesterday, but I'm going to keep what he worked on as a secret for now. I will say that new track was opened up and some test running revealed that there were a few bugs that needed attention.

I goofed when I was laying a complicated section of track and forgot a critical feeder to a segment of center rail between two switches. A piece of wire, a little solder, and a suitcase connector later, problem solved.

Once I realized what the problem was with this switch, it was a quick fix. The trains just kept picking the point on the curved leg. If you look closely, there two finish nails which limit the throw bar movement. This is done to stop the Tortoise from putting too much pressure on the points. The nail nearest the pile of containers, just needed to be adjusted to allow the point to close all the way.


I had been aware of this next one for quite a while. The near rail had both vertical and horizontal alignment problems due to there being no track pin for electrical reasons.  My previous attempt at a fix was poor, so today, I took my time and did it right. I re-spiked the part on the left to correct the horizontal and shimmed the piece on the right to correct the vertical.


This was an unusual one. Like most of the other turnouts on the layout, I bought this Ross switch used, and thought it looked great.  But I didn't notice it was missing that extra piece of center rail until I tried running an engine through it, and the rollers just fell in. Another easy fix today. There were no spike holes in the ties, so I suspect that it was omitted during production. Maybe this is why the previous owner didn't like it.


I also built the first of four switch linkages in the big helix. I hope to have all of these critical switches done within the next week.


This is the view from underneath. The rod from the Tortoise just goes through the loop.


I started work on the final piece of the puzzle, the control panel. P is for Prescott, W for Westminster, I for Interstate, and C is for cutoff. This panel is really the key to the whole layout, and of course almost the last one to be done. Trains come out of the hidden yard on the left. If they enter the layout at Prescott on the main level, they go around the layout, which is a GIANT reverse loop, in a westward direction. If they enter at Interstate on the upper deck, they are headed east. Westminster and the right side of the panel form just one of three routes between the main level and the upper deck. Cutoff was a last minute addition to allow for easy display running on the upper deck.



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I just started this week on winter work on the rebuild layout.

With any luck it will be all about people and props . The first 100 plus people were ready this past week and another 100 plus fixed and ready to go today Many Many more to go

I have seen a lot of methods on how to place people on layouts on the forum.  I think this small piece of clear plastic glued to the feet works best for me. I'll see how it goes. Time to have some more fun






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Larry Sr. posted:

I just started this week on winter work on the rebuild layout.

With any luck it will be all about people and props . The first 100 plus people were ready this past week and another 100 plus fixed and ready to go today Many Many more to go

I have seen a lot of methods on how to place people on layouts on the forum.  I think this small piece of clear plastic glued to the feet works best for me. I'll see how it goes. Time to have some more fun






My artist daughter, makes little baked clay animals, all smaller than an O gauge person, as one of her many items she sells.  I saw in her gallery in town she mounted them on the same kind of plastic for her sale bin.  I think it is a great idea.  it is a lot easier for fumble fingers me than other methods I have seen and tried.  Besides, my eyes aren't good enough to notice the clear plastic.  I think I will give it a try.

Dick Hovey, my partner in crime at the A&M Railroad Museum, wanted a push-train with a junk unpowered loco and expendable consist for hands-on youngster play.   The fact that I was able to assemble this lot within about fifteen minutes speaks volumes on how much junk I've got knocking about the residence...


And here's the 2025 proudly chuffing along once I got the junk cleared off the tracks!  ;-)




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I  checked out my layout for a place to put a building I MIGHT build. I have a Bachmann G scale box car kit that I never assembled and I think it could be made in to a nice line side O gauge  warehouse or freight house with a covered loading dock. It would be about  10 scale feet high at the wall and there is an option to use the ral car roof or make a steeper roof.  The big door opening is there and, maybe cut a few widow openings. I also considered shortening the building some. Has anyone ever done something like this ??  I have had the kit for many years and never used it.  I have some fine corrugated cardboard that would make nice roofing if I wanted to do that, too.  Would appreciate any input you could add.

I tried to make a video of my layout by placing a camera mid train and again at the end of a train.  After I figured out which gave the best video and where to position the camera so it didn't hit the side of the bridge or the top or bottom of the bridges, I succeeded.  I found out when I tried to down load it to the forum it was to large.  Now I have to find my older camera, it seemed to take smaller videos that fit the forum rules.

jmiller320 posted:

 I found out when I tried to down load it to the forum it was to large.  Now I have to find my older camera, it seemed to take smaller videos that fit the forum rules.

This is why I upload my videos directly to Youtube, then link them back to the forum. This way I avoid the forum's hosting limitations.

Speaking of videos, I've been hard at work on the layout, and I will have new ones by the end of the month.

Well, I finally found the courage to install an ASC2 and BPC2. Right now the ASC2 only controls the Firehouse, but my intention is to connect the Operating Townhouse on fire and the street and building lights as well.  The BPC2 controls the 3 sidings in the yard to the right of the station. I'm mulling how best to mount the LCS modules and keep them easily accessible. My power is on that rollout table from Mianne, which I really like, and trying to decide wether to attache a board on the backside of the table and mount the modules, or just leave them along the side.  Space is tight, about 17" from the side of the layout to the wall, so that's why I'm looking for alternatives. Today I intend to isolate the two sidings to the left of the station and if I find the time, I'm going to add my Lionel Backshop (Over the siding that the 700E Hudson is sitting on)  as I know that will be a challenge...I've actually set it up 1 1/2 years ago and it was running perfectly after I gave it a board-o-botomy. I intend to add some more lights and welding effect lighting inside and out but that's for another day. I do want to thank Forum member Moonman for helping me with my track layout design. Much to do as you can see from the attached 3-D layout design. The upper level is in the design phase now. but then again, I guess a layout is perpetually in "a design phase!"'s great fun! Hope you like it and I'm always open to suggestions.  Thanks,


IMG_1556IMG_1557-1IMG_15587x16 -v3-OGRR Forum 2 Levels_CrossLayout


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  • IMG_1556: North to south
  • IMG_1557-1: Power (ZW-L and CW80 to power the ASC2 and BPC2.
  • IMG_1558: Far lower right is the BPC2
  • 7x16 -v3-OGRR Forum 2 Levels_CrossLayout: The Goal. Still deciding on what the upper level will look like and whether to include the diagonal elevated track
ToledoEd posted:

Well, I finally found the courage to install an ASC2 and BPC2. Right now the ASC2 only controls the Firehouse, but my intention is to connect the Operating Townhouse on fire and the street and building lights as well.  The BPC2 controls the 3 sidings in the yard to the right of the station. I'm mulling how best to mount the LCS modules and keep them easily accessible. My power is on that rollout table from Mianne, which I really like, and trying to decide wether to attache a board on the backside of the table and mount the modules, or just leave them along the side.  Space is tight, about 17" from the side of the layout to the wall, so that's why I'm looking for alternatives. Today I intend to isolate the two sidings to the left of the station and if I find the time, I'm going to add my Lionel Backshop (Over the siding that the 700E Hudson is sitting on)  as I know that will be a challenge...I've actually set it up 1 1/2 years ago and it was running perfectly after I gave it a board-o-botomy. I intend to add some more lights and welding effect lighting inside and out but that's for another day. I do want to thank Forum member Moonman for helping me with my track layout design. Much to do as you can see from the attached 3-D layout design. The upper level is in the design phase now. but then again, I guess a layout is perpetually in "a design phase!"'s great fun! Hope you like it and I'm always open to suggestions.  Thanks,




Thank you for the write-up and photos!  It is looking great!  I agree with the perpetual design phase comment!

Here is the latest on my 4' 4"x8' Christmas layout.  I planned to convert it to Christmas since I don't have room for any trains in the living room except right under the tree.  There is certainly no room for the winter buildings there.


2015-11-22 19.47.082015-11-22 19.47.22

Here it is after I removed all the buildings, vehicles, etc.

2015-11-28 16.35.46

Here is how it looks right now.  I built a mountain over the rear out of boards and Styrofoam to make some interest of trains going into tunnels and to provide more space for buildings.  I also raised the inner loop so the trains can be seen better and to provide more interest.

2015-12-10 22.51.352015-12-10 22.51.51


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Mark Boyce posted:
ToledoEd posted:

Well, I finally found the courage to install an ASC2 and BPC2. Right now the ASC2 only controls the Firehouse, but my intention is to connect the Operating Townhouse on fire and the street and building lights as well.  The BPC2 controls the 3 sidings in the yard to the right of the station. I'm mulling how best to mount the LCS modules and keep them easily accessible. My power is on that rollout table from Mianne, which I really like, and trying to decide wether to attache a board on the backside of the table and mount the modules, or just leave them along the side.  Space is tight, about 17" from the side of the layout to the wall, so that's why I'm looking for alternatives. Today I intend to isolate the two sidings to the left of the station and if I find the time, I'm going to add my Lionel Backshop (Over the siding that the 700E Hudson is sitting on)  as I know that will be a challenge...I've actually set it up 1 1/2 years ago and it was running perfectly after I gave it a board-o-botomy. I intend to add some more lights and welding effect lighting inside and out but that's for another day. I do want to thank Forum member Moonman for helping me with my track layout design. Much to do as you can see from the attached 3-D layout design. The upper level is in the design phase now. but then again, I guess a layout is perpetually in "a design phase!"'s great fun! Hope you like it and I'm always open to suggestions.  Thanks,




Thank you for the write-up and photos!  It is looking great!  I agree with the perpetual design phase comment!

Thanks, I appreciate that. Today I've been "positioning" buildings. A layout plan is like a war plan...they look great until first contact with the enemy!   Space being the enemy...lack thereof. I'm working with 112 sq. ft. and I need another 112! Great fun though.

Mark Boyce posted:

Here is the latest on my 4' 4"x8' Christmas layout.  I planned to convert it to Christmas since I don't have room for any trains in the living room except right under the tree.  There is certainly no room for the winter buildings there.


2015-11-22 19.47.082015-11-22 19.47.22

Here it is after I removed all the buildings, vehicles, etc.

2015-11-28 16.35.46

Here is how it looks right now.  I built a mountain over the rear out of boards and Styrofoam to make some interest of trains going into tunnels and to provide more space for buildings.  I also raised the inner loop so the trains can be seen better and to provide more interest.

2015-12-10 22.51.352015-12-10 22.51.51


Great plan...looks terrific.


I succeeded in replacing the much hated rubber tired wheels with solid wheels on B&O 9117 which is on loan to Staten Island Rapid Transit, here pictured in front of Arlington Tower:


Replacing the wheels and axles on the Lionel S-2, B&O 9045, was much easier, since the MTH instructions were for a 3 axle truck and not very clear.  However, MTH offers replacements in their catalog while Lionel requires that you locate the part and part number before ordering.  Interesting how the two outfits are each strong where the other is weak but also weak where the other is strong.

Hope springs eternal that MTH will reissue their "Staten Island" ALCo S-2 as they were apparently sold out before they were issued - I'll take as many units as they issue road numbers.  The tower is missing it's window awaiting addition of it's telegraph call sign - I've assigned the call "RL" since none of my historian friends seem to know what it was.


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Mark Boyce posted:

Here is the latest on my 4' 4"x8' Christmas layout.  I planned to convert it to Christmas since I don't have room for any trains in the living room except right under the tree.  There is certainly no room for the winter buildings there.


2015-11-22 19.47.082015-11-22 19.47.22

Here it is after I removed all the buildings, vehicles, etc.

2015-11-28 16.35.46

Here is how it looks right now.  I built a mountain over the rear out of boards and Styrofoam to make some interest of trains going into tunnels and to provide more space for buildings.  I also raised the inner loop so the trains can be seen better and to provide more interest.

2015-12-10 22.51.352015-12-10 22.51.51


The reconfiguration of your layout is a good idea and is looking good. I guess having a simple track plan and layout has its advantages. My case although the tree goes up on the layout, the tree raising has been delayed due to troubleshooting the cause of the weak DCS signal and replacing some worn track and rewiring. Looking forward to seeing the reconfiguration completed.

I've spent the last couple days working inside the big helix, installing 4 Tortoises and connecting track feeders to the power buses. Three of the four are now done. I'll get the fourth tomorrow. Because they are in the helix they require a slightly different mounting style.

The secret is this L shaped piece of plywood.


I made 3 of these for the switches with tracks directly above. The fourth one is a little different, and will just be mounted to a simple plywood block.


The Tortoise hangs down out of the way of the track.


If I had known they were going to be this easy to do, I would have done them long ago.


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