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Carl, the pictures were definitely worth waiting for. I hope you remember how you did it so you can post more. Your layout looks fabulous.

Patrick and Gandydancer, excellent pictures of fine layouts.

Progress on my layout:

I somehow injured my right arm and wasn't able to work on the layout for a while. My doctor said it could have happened while sleeping. He prescribed a muscle relaxer and heat and that did the trick. While not quite 100% yet the arm is much better and I did some spackling on the hill. This is how it looks right now. I probably won't be able to make much progress for the rest of the month. Our daughter-in-law and two grandkids are arriving this week and staying through next and then our daughter and two grandkids come right after so I'll be otherwise occupied for the rest of the month.

WIP August 7, 2017


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  • WIP August 7, 2017
Last edited by Country Joe

I was able to add a few more pieces of track to the table. I had laundry to do so while it was washing I figured kill two birds with one stone.......yes that's right I do the laundry LOL. But it comes with train perks. Anyways a couple of pics. After I get back from lunch maybe I can finish off the track and start sliding it into place...........Paul



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paul 2 posted:

I was able to add a few more pieces of track to the table. I had laundry to do so while it was washing I figured kill two birds with one stone.......yes that's right I do the laundry LOL. But it comes with train perks. Anyways a couple of pics. After I get back from lunch maybe I can finish off the track and start sliding it into place...........Paul


Looking good Paul! Don't eat to much at lunch as you might have to squeeze into the small area all so!

Matt, your street lights look great! I really like the little town you have going there!

decoynh posted:
fl9turbo2 posted:

IMG_0570IMG_0571Added custom street lights 

Very nice.  Did you custom make them?  If not where did you get them?  Thanks.

I had NJ international make them for me,  I received several of them not working from Eliot Scher when he sold his old layout , I  always liked them I asked NJ if they could do them and they did now I think they want to start selling them, They are all LED so I am using 4.5 volt dc power supply I will have a total of 40 when they are finshed

Last edited by fl9turbo2
paul 2 posted:

I was able to add a few more pieces of track to the table. I had laundry to do so while it was washing I figured kill two birds with one stone.......yes that's right I do the laundry LOL. But it comes with train perks. Anyways a couple of pics. After I get back from lunch maybe I can finish off the track and start sliding it into place...........Paul


Looking great Paul !!! Do you have dish pan hands too ?    LOL

paul 2 posted:

I was able to add a few more pieces of track to the table. I had laundry to do so while it was washing I figured kill two birds with one stone.......yes that's right I do the laundry LOL. But it comes with train perks. Anyways a couple of pics. After I get back from lunch maybe I can finish off the track and start sliding it into place...........Paul


No shame in doing laundry Paul, I do my own and then some too. At least you will be able to run trains while waiting for a load of whites to finish

Country Joe posted:

Carl, the pictures were definitely worth waiting for. I hope you remember how you did it so you can post more. Your layout looks fabulous.

Patrick and Gandydancer, excellent pictures of fine layouts.

Progress on my layout:

I somehow injured my right arm and wasn't able to work on the layout for a while. My doctor said it could have happened while sleeping. He prescribed a muscle relaxer and heat and that did the trick. While not quite 100% yet the arm is much better and I did some spackling on the hill. This is how it looks right now. I probably won't be able to make much progress for the rest of the month. Our daughter-in-law and two grandkids are arriving this week and staying through next and then our daughter and two grandkids come right after so I'll be otherwise occupied for the rest of the month.

WIP August 7, 2017


I hope the arm feels better soon!  I have to take a muscle relaxer all the time.  Seems odd, but it helps.  Have a great time with the children!!

I got three trains running trying to get ready for this Saturday when the club comes to see my layout for the first time. i'm so nervise for thing to go right. cleaned the heck out all the track. I have a friend coming over to operate the trains while I minger around. I got my tools together so I can go over to a friends house and wire up some miller  engineering signs for him. this should be good with the blind leading the blind. either way i will have fun.

Carl Machen posted:

I got three trains running trying to get ready for this Saturday when the club comes to see my layout for the first time. i'm so nervise for thing to go right. cleaned the heck out all the track. I have a friend coming over to operate the trains while I minger around. I got my tools together so I can go over to a friends house and wire up some miller  engineering signs for him. this should be good with the blind leading the blind. either way i will have fun.

Carl, being prepared is what you are doing for Saturday. You'll have a great time having your friends look at your layout. You'll blow 'em up 

Mark Boyce posted:
Country Joe posted:

Carl, the pictures were definitely worth waiting for. I hope you remember how you did it so you can post more. Your layout looks fabulous.

Patrick and Gandydancer, excellent pictures of fine layouts.

Progress on my layout:

I somehow injured my right arm and wasn't able to work on the layout for a while. My doctor said it could have happened while sleeping. He prescribed a muscle relaxer and heat and that did the trick. While not quite 100% yet the arm is much better and I did some spackling on the hill. This is how it looks right now. I probably won't be able to make much progress for the rest of the month. Our daughter-in-law and two grandkids are arriving this week and staying through next and then our daughter and two grandkids come right after so I'll be otherwise occupied for the rest of the month.

WIP August 7, 2017


I hope the arm feels better soon!  I have to take a muscle relaxer all the time.  Seems odd, but it helps.  Have a great time with the children!!

Thanks Mark. The arm is much better. The muscle relaxer and heat did the trick.

Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Got the sides of the fastrack ballasted on the engine yard. Looks much better than the shiny plastic. Still deciding if I want to gravel the rest or make it asphalt. Not sure about buildings or accessories yet either. I've got my eye on a small yard shed from Woodland Scenic on Dabay.


2017-08-07 19.35.162017-08-07 19.35.252017-08-07 19.35.322017-08-07 19.35.452017-08-07 19.36.17


Looks great, Bob!!!

Thanks Mark. Funny how I used to hate winter (well I still hate the cold and snow),  but now I am looking forward to having no outdoor chores and more time to work on the layout.


some more cleaning up in train room....

layout area's are almost totally cleared off, except for the diorama area....


and under the layout is almost cleaned up also...getting there finally....

now time to clean off the slot car track and get them running....

time to repaint the door from the ol' car days.....

might save it and stud this wall in and reuse this door on the new car garage.....

kinda like it, memories of the car room.....



on the upper level area....

 started mocking up the track for the yard area.....


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Finished the last snow pile/berm/whatever. Turned out ok I guess. Still wish I had a water tower or something more interesting. Someday maybe. Cut and stained some ties to scatter inbetween the tracks. Course I made the rookie mistake of gluing them first.  Stooopid as my kid would say.  (Glued parts don't take the stain)  Oh well, on to the next project. 






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PONDERING.....yes, sometimes fun, confusing, and even flustrating all at the same time. spent a lot of time sitting "pondering" what i am going to do and how to make it happen, made many changes along the way....still all fun...

it will be a 2 track main line, point to point, with yards and return loops at each end for continuous running.....

there will be anther level in between these two levels.....trying to keep approx. 24" between me 3 main levels....

still need to get all that wood out of that corner, so i can get the platform finished in that area...

how to get from the bottom to the top level.....the layout will be multi-leveled,  basically a 24' x40' helix around the room @ 1-2% grades, plus i have the 8'x30' room that i will incorporate into the layout, i also am planning another  8'x30' room addition off the back of building, been getting the yard ready, hopefully will start on that addition this spring...


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Today I got the rest of the track down on the table. I never end track at the table edge I always stop short so that way I do not have any track joints on the seam of the two tables.  I was going to start sliding it into place but then decided as an after thought to put a painted Masonite panel on the back. It wasn't that I was worried about cars falling off the back it was more in the line of blocking the view to the basement wall. So with an early start tomorrow morning I'll start setting the table in place and at the same time keeping my fingers crossed that I made it the right size. Pics......Paul



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