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Eliot - I spend so much time watching  your progress, that I'm neglecting my layout.  LOL!  I enjoy your detailed explanations, even if I'll never use the methods.  I'm looking forward to a ride around the layout.  Hope that you have a train camera.  It's been a fun few years following your progress.

Thanks for sharing.

                                                          ran some trains....

                                   sorted some more scrap wood with my helper...

                                           and tinkered with some weathering....

                                                  then we watched a movie.....

                                         " there is something about a train..."

                                                                    a good night...


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Been pouring in the hours this month. Possibly topped my previous best for a single month, and there are still 2 days left. Sunday night, I went to town on the fascia in aisle one. I got it from where I left off almost two years ago, all the way around the corner.

And finally the "missing link" where the new section meets up to Red Wing which was done all the way back in 2003.


I just have a little more to do on the upper level, and the small helix, which is going to be complicated but fun.

2003? WOW

Amazing Elliot!

mike g. posted:

Brian, the weathering looks good, one day I will give that a try. I see Izzy really likes her bed better then the train room, but if she is anything like my Tank she want to be wherever you are! I would have to say the whole night looks like a fun time!

Brian, I am with Mike on all counts!  Our Annie will follow my wife all around the house.  She is always looking for a scratch behind the ears from me when I come along, but doesn't usually follow me around unless my wife isn't home.  She has been a great dog for one that was dropped off along the road.  But she barks almost frantically at my trains when running.  

Arnold D. Cribari posted:

My dog (German Shepherd Beagle mix) went crazy with the trains and acted as if the train was a snake!

I've seen dogs do that, too, and cats as well. In fact, we had a cat - Noel - which was fond of climbing up into the Christmas Tree to wait. When the train was turned on, she would pounce on it and wrestle with it. My theory was that she was amusing herself, playing, not thinking it was an actual snake. But what did I know. Sometimes, even when I had not included a loop of track for a train, she would actually climb up the trunk of the tree (this one)3

 to where she was exactly opposite our faces. She'd wait. Then, she would glare out at us, like a deranged predator, and reach out a paw very fast to pretend she was taking a swipe at one of us. My theory was she thought we had installed the tree in the house just for her. It was all such fun.



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Last edited by Moonson

I needed a very short turnout to create a trolley storage yard.  Having several 1960's vintage 027 manual turnouts that have not aged well I tried the following.  Removed the metal plate on the bottom, cut the two divergent routes right up to the frog, drilled out the solid plastic the remaining rail sits on and trimmed off the area around the throw bar.  The result is a nice short turnout with a 22.5 degree divergent route that can serve as a yard ladder.  What would have otherwise been trash now serves a purpose.

fisch330 posted:

NECRails:  Sounds like a really clever idea.  Most of us have some 0-27 switches that could be so used.  Would you consider taking photos of the process, writing a little article and submitting it to OGR?  We could use more "how to" articles and info.

Paul Ffischer

Hi Guys,

There is a thread already going on this that dates back to 2013.  A lot of options listed here and other places as well.  I use cut off old 042 Lionel manual switches for sidings so that large diesels can navigate.

Cutting Down Lionel 022 Switches

There are lots of pictures f & "how to" from a number of OGR members.

Good luck.

Thanks guys, and yes it does feel good to have gotten that bit done. For the last couple years, it seemed like there were always more important or interesting things to do on the layout. Combine that with my health issues, and it just kept getting pushed off. Now that I'm feeling better, the backdrop is done over there, and the benchwork is getting filled in for scenery, the time was right to get it done. There are four sections left, and three of those already have the Masonite cut. The last one will be cut and fit from two full sheets plus some added strips.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 2017 is the year that a number of things on the layout get finished forever. Still a little track to do, a little track wiring too, a few switch throws, one more piece of backdrop. I'm going to make every effort to make it all fall into place in December.

Matt - Yeah, I have a GoPro and a car that I have rigged up to carry it. I do need a new video since so much has been done since the last one almost exactly two years ago.

Here's the link to it.

I just watched it to see how much has been done in that time. The list is long, but I notice all of it, and then there's all the stuff that doesn't show up.

Bob - I started the layout in late 2002. Red Wing is the oldest piece. I started building that back in 1998 at my previous house. Starting with the big hidden yard, and then the big helix, I connected Red Wing as the first piece of the main level, and from there I was off to the races until late 2006 when I was diagnosed with skin cancer. Then I gave up for 5 years and didn't touch the layout. When the oncologist said GO AWAY! in 2012, I started up again. That section of fascia was the first. My technique has improved greatly since then, mostly due to Mill City (Jon) who did a fair share of it with and for me. That's why he called it "that crap", because he's intimately familiar with it.

Last edited by Big_Boy_4005

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Deuce posted:

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Said no one ever.....

RSJB18 posted:
Deuce posted:

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Said no one ever.....

His wife has access to OGR!

I have not bought a loco in a year now.....same for any rail cars. (Menard's box car last thing) I have bought a few structures and just yesterday bought Gargraves track needed to finish layout from Trainword. But buying only what I NEED for the layout  and will soon sell off all that I do not need any longer.....I am past the point of having what I need. 

RSJB18 posted:
Deuce posted:

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Said no one ever.....

Come now RSJB18... I don't think you are being exactly forthcoming there. If you were being truly honest, you would admit we ALL have said the exact same thing. I myself have to cop to saying it for 40 years, give or take. That reminds me - Saturday is National Lionel Train Day... what don't I need???   

Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Deuce posted:

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Said no one ever.....

Come now RSJB18... I don't think you are being exactly forthcoming there. If you were being truly honest, you would admit we ALL have said the exact same thing. I myself have to cop to saying it for 40 years, give or take. That reminds me - Saturday is National Lionel Train Day... what don't I need???   

Guilty as charged Paul. Every time I say to myself that I don't need to buy anything else right now I'm back on the hunt for the next thing that I don't really need but gotta have anyway. My problem is I forget sometimes where I put the stuff that I buy.

Then again Christmas is coming and I've been a good boy this year so maybe Santa will bring me some goodies.


RSJB18 posted:
Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Deuce posted:

Grabbed an aquarium car. I'm definitely going to have to have a siding or two on my new layout because I have more cars than I can pull. I've purchased a couple of Tropicana cars (one white, one orange) for my abbreviated "juice train" and a gondola with canisters. Need to grab a flatcar that my son can load up, and some stuff that can be loaded into gondola's to keep him busy with the setup ... and then I'll call it a day! Unless I can get myself a giraffe car, and then I'll quit buying ... for now.

Said no one ever.....

Come now RSJB18... I don't think you are being exactly forthcoming there. If you were being truly honest, you would admit we ALL have said the exact same thing. I myself have to cop to saying it for 40 years, give or take. That reminds me - Saturday is National Lionel Train Day... what don't I need???   

Guilty as charged Paul. Every time I say to myself that I don't need to buy anything else right now I'm back on the hunt for the next thing that I don't really need but gotta have anyway. My problem is I forget sometimes where I put the stuff that I buy.

Then again Christmas is coming and I've been a good boy this year so maybe Santa will bring me some goodies.


Let me be clear ... it's not that I don't need to buy anything else*, it's that if my wife figures out how much stuff I've acquired in such a short amount of time, I'm going to have some explaining to do!  I'd rather go without the interrogation (or having to undergo an audit).


*Because let's face it ... there's a ton of stuff I'd like to acquire, all at once if I could muster it.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks guys, and yes it does feel good to have gotten that bit done. For the last couple years, it seemed like there were always more important or interesting things to do on the layout. Combine that with my health issues, and it just kept getting pushed off. Now that I'm feeling better, the backdrop is done over there, and the benchwork is getting filled in for scenery, the time was right to get it done. There are four sections left, and three of those already have the Masonite cut. The last one will be cut and fit from two full sheets plus some added strips.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 2017 is the year that a number of things on the layout get finished forever. Still a little track to do, a little track wiring too, a few switch throws, one more piece of backdrop. I'm going to make every effort to make it all fall into place in December.

Matt - Yeah, I have a GoPro and a car that I have rigged up to carry it. I do need a new video since so much has been done since the last one almost exactly two years ago.

Here's the link to it.

I just watched it to see how much has been done in that time. The list is long, but I notice all of it, and then there's all the stuff that doesn't show up.

Bob - I started the layout in late 2002. Red Wing is the oldest piece. I started building that back in 1998 at my previous house. Starting with the big hidden yard, and then the big helix, I connected Red Wing as the first piece of the main level, and from there I was off to the races until late 2006 when I was diagnosed with skin cancer. Then I gave up for 5 years and didn't touch the layout. When the oncologist said GO AWAY! in 2012, I started up again. That section of fascia was the first. My technique has improved greatly since then, mostly due to Mill City (Jon) who did a fair share of it with and for me. That's why he called it "that crap", because he's intimately familiar with it.

Eliot - Just took a ride on the link.  It's good to see the bones of a layout.  The big HELIX was impressive!

Thanks again.

I thought I was done with leaves for the year but Mother Nature brought in the wind and other people's leaves so once again I had to rake. I think I can say I have seen the last of leaves till next year. With that out of the way I started applying plaster to the mountains. The separate piece is done and the permanent mountain is about half done. Talked the wife into watching her Cavs instead of taping it for later so that should give me the evening to finish the mountain. I am keeping my fingers crossed I have enough plaster to do the job. While I was doing the mountains my trees from scenic for the mountain came today. Pics..............Paul



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paul 2 posted:

I thought I was done with leaves for the year but Mother Nature brought in the wind and other people's leaves so once again I had to rake. I think I can say I have seen the last of leaves till next year. With that out of the way I started applying plaster to the mountains. The separate piece is done and the permanent mountain is about half done. Talked the wife into watching her Cavs instead of taping it for later so that should give me the evening to finish the mountain. I am keeping my fingers crossed I have enough plaster to do the job. While I was doing the mountains my trees from scenic for the mountain came today. Pics..............Paul


Paul, I am kind of surprised you haven't gotten the trees planted yet! LOL Things are really looking great!

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