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carsntrains posted:
beardog posted:

why do i have no idea what you guys are talking about??????

Phasing transformers for common ground.   So only one ground is used for the whole layout while using multiple transformers.   Old school lol 


It is a little more than that; there is a safety factor in using two transformers together.

It has to do with sine waves being aligned timing wise, and a possibility of doubling voltages or incorrect operation by not being "in phase". Search Lionel transformer phasing on youtube , look for the Lionel corporate video for a great explanation.


Deuce, FYI MRC is good equipment but doesn't always play well with other systems and transformers. Some kind of floating ground or something ???

Adriatic posted:
carsntrains posted:
beardog posted:

why do i have no idea what you guys are talking about??????

Phasing transformers for common ground.   So only one ground is used for the whole layout while using multiple transformers.   Old school lol 


It is a little more than that; there is a safety factor in using two transformers together.

It has to do with sine waves being aligned timing wise, and a possibility of doubling voltages or incorrect operation by not being "in phase". Search Lionel transformer phasing on youtube , look for the Lionel corporate video for a great explanation.


Deuce, FYI MRC is good equipment but doesn't always play well with other systems and transformers. Some kind of floating ground or something ???

Yep all that is true.   I was just leaving the tech details out lol   Ive seen the video many times yet still enjoy seeing Mike Reagan draw out the sine waves like he's done it 5000 times lol


Adriatic posted:

Deuce, FYI MRC is good equipment but doesn't always play well with other systems and transformers. Some kind of floating ground or something ???

@Adriatic that's good to know. I have three 1022 switches, and five (four O27, and 1 FT) uncoupling switches. I think I'm going to run the FT uncoupling switch off of track power (I don't see any reason not to). I wonder if I could run the rest off of the accessory pole of my CW80 (or would that be a bad idea)?

ETA: Uncoupling track requires 10-12 V. LC/LC+ needs 18V. The two are incompatible. So stupid.

Last edited by Deuce

All railpower transformers on the same layout should be checked for correct phasing before use. But if paralleling phased transformers,  only fixed voltage units such as the 180 watt (10 amp) Power Houses should be used. Long ago expert advice from engineers on the Forum suggested that variable voltage transformers could cause circulating currents in the system. 

However, as one who used paralleled PoHos for a while back in the day to support multiple, lighted, long  passenger car consists; I recommend against paralleling even with fixed voltage units. Although the voltage is still fixed at 18 VAC, the current capacity is doubled to 20 amps. On a derailment at 20 amps you actually have the potential for strong arcs ("welding") and both rail and wheel damage. Some of my paralleled PoHos are shown in the picture below on the bottom shelf linked to TPCs on the top shelf. The two 180s with red & white labels are very early PoHos which were produced (wired)out of phase with the overall Ogauge transformer world. I opened the units: cut, switched,soldered and insulated the two inbound primary conductors which phased them. (Lionel later issued plug-in adapters for the secondary).

I operated with TMCC with a handheld remote but linked with TPCs for paralleling and to switch to Conventional at times. Happy Railroading!

(layout dismantled '09)







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Last edited by Dewey Trogdon

Update on reindeer pack A!  The A pack I ordered that is actually a B pack. Lionel does not have a set to exchange them.  They are looking for some.   My dealer (forum sponsor) says that since they sent the box with the correct number on it, he will not take them back for refund or exchange.  Not a good day for the home team!   Customer service at certain places SUCK!  



Last edited by carsntrains
Dewey Trogdon posted:

All railpower transformers on the same layout should be checked for correct phasing before use. But if paralleling phased transformers,  only fixed voltage units such as the 180 watt (10 amp) Power Houses should be used. Long ago expert advice from engineers on the Forum suggested that variable voltage transformers could cause circulating currents in the system.  

Wait, what? If I have one transformer running my FT loop, and one running my O27 loop, and another running my accessories, and another running my switches and they're all in phase and sharing a common ground ... is this going to cause me an issue?

Honestly, I need to grab a ZW or a Z4000. It's just that ... well, to be honest, I'd rather buy a train (or two) at those prices right now.

Last edited by Deuce
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.    Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


Last edited by carsntrains
Deuce posted:
Dewey Trogdon posted:

All railpower transformers on the same layout should be checked for correct phasing before use. But if paralleling phased transformers,  only fixed voltage units such as the 180 watt (10 amp) Power Houses should be used. Long ago expert advice from engineers on the Forum suggested that variable voltage transformers could cause circulating currents in the system.  

Wait, what? If I have one transformer running my FT loop, and one running my O27 loop, and another running my accessories, and another running my switches and they're all in phase and sharing a common ground ... is this going to cause me an issue?

Honestly, I need to grab a ZW or a Z4000. It's just that ... well, to be honest, I'd rather buy a train (or two) at those prices right now.

Deuce, we are not "paralleling" the transformers.      If you wire yours like Mike Reagan shows there will be no problems.   Ive ran mine like that for over a year.   Just hooked them up again.    Power to separate isolated tracks.  Common ground.     I take the pins out of the "hot" center rail at the joining switches to isolate my layout. 



carsntrains posted:
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.   Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


I only see a Mario’s Trains in Winchester Virginia. Some confusion here.

Parallel would be #1 to #1 ("red") and #2 to #2 (blk) coming from each. You would do this(internally) for more amperage. On PW equipment, a ZW was not necessarily enough power for an MU.   No wonder with up to two Pulmores each section in an ABBA. And a string of heavy aluminum, bulb lit, passenger cars on old school trucks and non fast angle wheels... the amps added up fast. Gramps ran parallel ZWs connected to use just one for throttling the extras.

As a note, I had "something" happen on my shelf layout last week that may be phase or transformer back feed looping. It may have been a track to street lamp short, but I can't be sure it was or was not a short.

  I run 4 blocks on a prewar Z, 5th block and lights on  KW #a & #b. The #5a block was off. I've run this way for at least 5 years without issue.

 The other day,  I was "no hands" looping for an hour easy when suddenly as the loco crossed between blocks, the voltage spiked, apparently doubled, and the no e-unit post war 0-4-0 motor hit light speed for a full 10ft, and took flight. Fast enough to dent the drywall, it hadn't slowed a bit in that 10ft. No short on the track but the Z breaker tripped, the KW stayed on. I shut the power strip down and went to bed. I tried again the next day.... no signs of any issue at all.  .....      I've got my eye on that one

Deuce, just do some seaching/ reading on the MRC you have first. You didn't mention which one and I think some do play well.

  The voltage could be knocked down; a bridge rectifier or a pair of matching diodes, wired with opposing anode/cath, in series on power, will lower ac voltage slightly. So a few BR or diodes would bring the 16-18vac down to 12vac.

 The CW accessory out should be ok. You might see a fast flicker or a tiny bump in a trains performace as you operate a switch, but it should be slight and over in a flash. Turnout coils are really only active for a split second, even anti-derail "chatter" as each wheel set hits is not really a strain on wattage. Our usual issue is just getting the coil the voltage it likes best. The next issue would be lights flickering; a seperate supply won't show flicker.

romiller49 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.   Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


I only see a Mario’s Trains in Winchester Virginia. Some confusion here.

Yes, I have dealt with Mario's and they are in Winchester.  

Jim, is it Mario's in Winchester Virginia or someone else in NewYork.

carsntrains posted:

Update on reindeer pack A!  The A pack I ordered that is actually a B pack. Lionel does not have a set to exchange them.  They are looking for some.   My dealer (forum sponsor) says that since they sent the box with the correct number on it, he will not take them back for refund or exchange.  Not a good day for the home team!   Customer service at certain places SUCK!  



That's just BS!

Took delivery of a shiny new RSD-4 courtesy of techno-peasant and well known facilitator Paul A!   

This loco dates back 27 years to 1991, when Mt. Clemens was at the peak of its prowess.   It glides about smoothly and assuredly.   The only flaw is that the pilot tends to pick the gi-raffe ramp, so I don't think Gi-raffe Express service is in the cards...  


It'd be a shame to desecrate a lovely body shell like that,  so I'm gonna give my RS-3 shell the works instead! 


Technical note:  If you're inclined to pull the glass from one of these things,  pull some teeth instead.  It's easier and less painful.   

Since there's no interior detail to speak of,  I'll be spraying the glass white to mask the cracks...   



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carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
romiller49 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.   Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


I only see a Mario’s Trains in Winchester Virginia. Some confusion here.

Yes, I have dealt with Mario's and they are in Winchester.  

Jim, is it Mario's in Winchester Virginia or someone else in NewYork.


Okay, I have never dealt with them.

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Took delivery of a shiny new RSD-4 courtesy of techno-peasant and well known facilitator Paul A!   

This loco dates back 27 years to 1991, when Mt. Clemens was at the peak of its prowess.   It glides about smoothly and assuredly.   The only flaw is that the pilot tends to pick the gi-raffe ramp, so I don't think Gi-raffe Express service is in the cards...  


It'd be a shame to desecrate a lovely body shell like that,  so I'm gonna give my RS-3 shell the works instead! 


Technical note:  If you're inclined to pull the glass from one of these things,  pull some teeth instead.  It's easier and less painful.   

Since there's no interior detail to speak of,  I'll be spraying the glass white to mask the cracks...   


You know Mitch, some things just come apart easier than others......

carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
romiller49 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.   Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


I only see a Mario’s Trains in Winchester Virginia. Some confusion here.

Yes, I have dealt with Mario's and they are in Winchester.  

Jim, is it Mario's in Winchester Virginia or someone else in NewYork.


I’m glad I brought this up. Most of us were most likely thinking Mario’s in Winchester. I sure hope Winchester doesn’t take a hit from this.

romiller49 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
romiller49 posted:
carsntrains posted:
Pat Kn posted:

Who's the dealer? Sounds like someone I want to avoid .

Pat I have had nothing but good things to say about this company since I started dealing with them. Timely service, good pricing, responds to questions.   But its how you handle a problem that tells the story.  I had even sent them an email before they shipped the Reindeer cars to please check them because people have been getting them boxed incorrectly.  

Mario's Trains in NY.   Other than this they have been awesome.  I was fixing to buy the Christmas disconnect set and a Z4000 from them (got our tax return : )  )..     Now I am looking for a new dealer.


I only see a Mario’s Trains in Winchester Virginia. Some confusion here.

Yes, I have dealt with Mario's and they are in Winchester.  

Jim, is it Mario's in Winchester Virginia or someone else in NewYork.


I’m glad I brought this up. Most of us were most likely thinking Mario’s in Winchester. I sure hope Winchester doesn’t take a hit from this.

Sorry guys I wasn't at home..  It is the Marios in Winchester.   I am not bashing them.  I really like Mario.   I do not like that policy.  I don't know how anyone can justify that policy.   Maybe someone can explain to me how I buy a product, seller ships it to me, its wrong, call the company that made it (should be the sellers job) cant replace it.  Too bad you own it now you cannot return it to seller.   I see others buying older cars from dealers.   I have too.   What if a car we buy that is 5 or 10 years out of production is incorrect?  Lionel cant warranty that.  Is it standard practice with dealers to say "sorry you own it"?   If it is I am shocked.  And may be in the wrong hobby.  


Edit:   Mario from Mario's trains has contacted me and I hope we are going to get this worked out.   

Last edited by carsntrains
Adriatic posted:

 Mark Boyce, my "like" button wasn't working each time you posted your diorama a while back  

Did I miss the grand finale? Maybe an ongoing thread? 

..or do you need a nudge to get back to work? 

Applause maybe?...   



Actually, I got all the plaster cloth on, and then I came up with two days where I was able to devote more than a half hour or hour to trains in I don’t know how long...many years I know.

Last week I got about 4 hours, and just today actually worked for about 6 hours!!  I actually felt guilty.

Here is the results.  The top particle board salvaged from an old book case are just setting there, uncut, to give an idea of what this part of the layout will look like.  This part will be 5 feet deep, but I will be able to detach it to roll it away from the wall when access is needed.  Crawling in just to put screws in from the bottom probed to me my decision to not put in pop up hatches was wise.  It was misery!

The diorama is to the right.



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Mark Boyce posted: 

Last week I got about 4 hours, and just today actually worked for about 6 hours!!  I actually felt guilty.

There is no such thing as O-gauge guilt.

The top particle board salvaged from an old book case are just setting there...

Sounds like someone is trying to out-scrounge Mitch!!!

Looks like you are making some good progress, Mark. I think you need to get snowed in for a couple of days to make some serious progress.

LOL, Paul!!!

I have had so many things to do for so long, I couldn't believe I had no jobs to do at my parents' empty house, I didn't need to visit them or my aunt all in personal care homes, I got all the snow shoveled last evening, and I didn't have any house work to do while my wife was at work!  I felt guilty because I kept thinking there must be something else I should be doing instead.  

I have not spent one cent on any of the wood you see there.  All I bought were drywall screws and 4 casters.  I want to spend my money on trains, not wood!! 

Mark Boyce posted:

LOL, Paul!!!

I have had so many things to do for so long, I couldn't believe I had no jobs to do at my parents' empty house, I didn't need to visit them or my aunt all in personal care homes, I got all the snow shoveled last evening, and I didn't have any house work to do while my wife was at work!  I felt guilty because I kept thinking there must be something else I should be doing instead.  

I have not spent one cent on any of the wood you see there.  All I bought were drywall screws and 4 casters.  I want to spend my money on trains, not wood!! 

New wood has loose grain and warps

I tried to make a Little People littler for running my Marx Crusader but fell short of my goal; he cant be seen in the window. the head rivet is already shaved and the hat would have to go.IMG_20180209_061047

Ah, that's a little betterIMG_20180209_060533

Just enough room to stand and stretch his... peg leg? 


The gastrointestinal surgery done, a trip to an orthopedic podiatrist might be needed to remove enough shinbone to get a steel toe safety boot on.

 The remainder will be up to his "Army doctor"



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Mark Boyce posted:

LOL, Paul!!!

I have had so many things to do for so long, I couldn't believe I had no jobs to do at my parents' empty house, I didn't need to visit them or my aunt all in personal care homes, I got all the snow shoveled last evening, and I didn't have any house work to do while my wife was at work!  I felt guilty because I kept thinking there must be something else I should be doing instead.  

I have not spent one cent on any of the wood you see there.  All I bought were drywall screws and 4 casters.  I want to spend my money on trains, not wood!! 

Save the cash for the important stuff!

Looks good Mark. Trains running by Memorial Day? Gotta give you a goal.

Mark, starting to come together for you. It is a plus when you can reuse materials from something else and find more and more time to work on the layout. I like the idea of the roll out table. This is starting to turn into the chariot race from Ben Hur. Only thing different is instead of horses and chariots it is everyone now building layouts. But this is a plus for all of us to see different ideas that may work on our layouts...............Paul

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