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carsntrains posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
carsntrains posted:

Guys..  Bad thing about it is I have no use for the AF or the MARX stuff.   And no idea if they run or not. I was told that they may be DC??   I guess I could use them as some sort of stand in on my layout.   ???  Cool looking engines! 



Hmmm, I only got my Marx a couple years ago from a guy who had already given it a tuneup.  The Marx transformer is in the box too, and I don’t recall which it is, AC or DC, or both, but it hummed along nicely. The box os buried in a closet.  Hopefully an expert will respond before I can dig it out.

No worries Mark.   I've had that old thing since I was a kid : )    I used to put it on Lionel track and pull it with my DT&I switcher.   Since both outside rails are ground it shouldn't have damaged it lol 


Jim, the 666 is a great runnning engine, is AC, but may run on DC like lionel does and the boxcar

looks good too.


carsntrains posted:

Guys..  Bad thing about it is I have no use for the AF or the MARX stuff.   And no idea if they run or not. I was told that they may be DC??   I guess I could use them as some sort of stand in on my layout.   ???  Cool looking engines! 



why not put them on the for sale forum here....someone will snatch them up.

Steamer posted:
carsntrains posted:

Guys..  Bad thing about it is I have no use for the AF or the MARX stuff.   And no idea if they run or not. I was told that they may be DC??   I guess I could use them as some sort of stand in on my layout.   ???  Cool looking engines! 



why not put them on the for sale forum here....someone will snatch them up.

beardog posted:

I could be interested in the marx depending on how much you want for it


Yes Jim, you never know who may be interested.  John got me thinking about mine.  I hate to have trains sit in a box, and have no display room.  I may list my set, as I am cleaning house.

new delivery.

3rd rail D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 with green boiler (anniversary series: last year).

Got this off of ebay at a very reasonable price. 

Looks like, at most, it was test run.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 01D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 02D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 03D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 04D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 05D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 06

Fuzzy picture but the smoke deflector is functional.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 07D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 08D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 09D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 10D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 11

Another fuzzy picture: nice coal load.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 12D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 13

Choice of two 'cow catchers'.  Deck plate was pulled off in transit.  They didn't wrap the engine or tender in paper and plastic.  Lucky no serious damage.

Tender front ladders also bent but able to straighten those.

A very heavy engine.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 14


Images (14)
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 01
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 02
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 03
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 04
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 05
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 06
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 07
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 08
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 09
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 10
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 11
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 12
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 13
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 14
Apples55 posted:
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Masked off the RSD-4 chassis for painting the rails white:  

And the first test fitting!  Still have to touch up a bit of overspray once the rails dry completely... 



Please don't take this as encouragement, Mitch, but that looks rather striking.

I'm with Paul. It does look rather sharp. Are you going to number it?

And- Mitch- PLEASE don't take this as encouragement to defile another RS-4 again


Apples55 posted:

Please don't take this as encouragement, Mitch, but that looks rather striking.

Thankee!  Couldn't have done it without your kind assistance!  

Mark Boyce posted:

It is a dandy, Mitch!!  Does it just get the Razorback logo, or is the name going to be on it also?? 

RSJB18 posted:

I'm with Paul. It does look rather sharp. Are you going to number it?

When finances permit, I do plan on getting lettering and number decals made for the RTC fleet...  

And- Mitch- PLEASE don't take this as encouragement to defile another RS-4 again

Oh, no fears.  I'll figure out something ELSE to corrupt!  


samparfitt posted:

new delivery.

3rd rail D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 with green boiler (anniversary series: last year).

Got this off of ebay at a very reasonable price. 

Looks like, at most, it was test run.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 01D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 02D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 03D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 04D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 05D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 06

Fuzzy picture but the smoke deflector is functional.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 07D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 08D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 09D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 10D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 11

Another fuzzy picture: nice coal load.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 12D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 13

Choice of two 'cow catchers'.  Deck plate was pulled off in transit.  They didn't wrap the engine or tender in paper and plastic.  Lucky no serious damage.

Tender front ladders also bent but able to straighten those.

A very heavy engine.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 14

You've got yourself one beautiful locomotive. Congratulations!

Mitch, I like that engine. It's rad. So yesterday my Weaver trucks and couplers came form EBAY so I mounted then to a Weaver TOFC I had gotten minus the trucks. This morning with the weather nice I put a new belt on the band saw wheel. Thanks for the ideas on how to cut the Balsa I decided on the band saw for a smoother cut. So I got all the pieces for the crossing cut. Now I just have to fine tune them to get them in place. Decided on concrete for the approaches and in between the three tracks between the rails the look of wood planking stain wood. Pics..............Paul



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  • DSCN1456
  • DSCN1455

Samperfit:  What a really gorgeous engine!  Let us know how well it runs.  

Probably be a little too big for my layout, my minimum curve is about 64" in diameter, and I'm also sure that the front of the boiler would slam into a couple of my tunnel portals on it's way around.    And for me, if it ain't Milwaukee Road, it don't go on my layout, but that doesn't mean that I can't admire your recent acquisition.

Paul Fischer



3rd rail D&RGW L-131.

Set up and test run.

I actually read the manual!

Interesting: says don't use MTH Z750 or Z1000 or you're ruin the electronics.

I've got the MTH Z4000 so OK (at least that's the one I used to test).

It said to run conventional the first time to make sure there is no binding, etc or you'll, again ruin the electronics, gears, etc.

Ran well on straight track but the drivers are coming off  after coming out of a turn (72" minimum radius).

I was testing over three turnouts so I tried strictly on curve track:  Same thing.

It looks like the oiling mechanism is sticking up too high and scraping on the bottom of the boiler.  I also checked to insure the two plates between the front engine and boiler were connected as there is a lip on the engine side.  I also put a little oil along the plates and the roller that contacts the engine plate.

I ran the engine clockwise and the wheels stay on so it appears the oiling mechanism is a little too high. 

I checked the plates and oiling mechanism to see if I could make some adjustments on height but nada.  Called Scott at 3rd rail but they work Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's  (almost as good as my retirement days, but not quite!).

Anyway, I switched it to PROG, and inputted the engine onto my MTH throttle.

I find MTH's throttle more user friendly, plus I can load lionel onto MTH but not vise versa. 

I'll post this now and get the pictures processed as well as a short video and post these, later.

OK, pictures posted: still waiting for youtube to finish.

While checking the front, one of the steam pipes is rigid and the other rotates in the front engine, as it should.

Looking at the bottom of the boiler, there are two slots with enlargements at one end.  This is normal on my HO engines but there is always another steam pipe that fits into the slot and then telescopes into the engine steam pipe.  It appears they planned on doing that but there is no extra steam pipe in the box or package and the flexible steam pipe on the engine has no hole in it but this side could be the male end.

Will have to ask Scott, tomorrow about that.

This engine is brand new and has never been run.

I'll also admit that running on carpet isn't the best base as the track can bend down and cause unevenness, but still, it should handle it as I've got 3rd rail NP Z-8, Z-5, A-4, GN M-2, MTH DM&IR M-4, GN Z-6, S-2 and R-2 and they all run with no problems on the 'carpet central'.

Working marker lights and number boards, a given on the headlight.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 15

Nice cab detail and lighted.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 16

Dog house also lighted.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 17

Here's the oil lubricator that is scratching the bottom of the boiler.

Nice nomenclature there on the side of the boiler.

Hey, all I have to do is run it clockwise1


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 18


Images (4)
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 15
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 16
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 17
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 18
Last edited by samparfitt
mike g. posted:

Elliot, you got a boat load of stuff done! More then most of us would do in a day!  Looks GREAT! 

paul 2 posted:

Elliot, when you have a slow day the next day you more then make up for it. Really taking shape plus you are getting more to the fun stuff......scenery, not so much ballasting. So I forgot to mention something in my last post. What is the best way to cut Balsa wood, Especially cross grain to get a neat cut. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Paul

Mark Boyce posted:

Paul and Elliot, that’s a lot of work you both accomplished!  Paul, I like your shiny, white workbench! LOL. You look like me, not much room, so I work on whatever is handy!

Mike - Thanks, but I do put in extra long days with this convention coming up. He's supposed to come out for pictures in a couple weeks. I'm at a bit of a loss what we're going to shoot and the place is a mess.

Paul - Don't forget, I usually only work Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have dialysis, so I usually take a nap after dinner and don't make it downstairs. That's why my work days are so long, because I feel the best then.

Mark - Thanks for visiting my YouTube channel!

I'm downstairs right now, just taking a short break from the ballast. Looks like I'll be dragging in a couple more bags for sifting tonight, after dinner and the hockey game.



This afternoon I got all the Balsa cut. The two approaches I carefully sanded the ends where it will meet the brick. The wood between the rails I kept cutting with an X Acto knife until I got a wheel set to run through without rubbing. I got the last of my brick road paper and started laying out the lower road. I found some wood stain so I can stain the wood between the rails. All and a pretty good afternoon. Pics..................Paul




Images (2)
  • DSCN1457
  • DSCN1458
samparfitt posted:

3rd rail D&RGW L-131.

Set up and test run.

I actually read the manual!

Interesting: says don't use MTH Z750 or Z1000 or you're ruin the electronics.

I've got the MTH Z4000 so OK (at least that's the one I used to test).

It said to run conventional the first time to make sure there is no binding, etc or you'll, again ruin the electronics, gears, etc.

Ran well on straight track but the drivers are coming off  after coming out of a turn (72" minimum radius).

I was testing over three turnouts so I tried strictly on curve track:  Same thing.

It looks like the oiling mechanism is sticking up too high and scraping on the bottom of the boiler.  I also checked to insure the two plates between the front engine and boiler were connected as there is a lip on the engine side.  I also put a little oil along the plates and the roller that contacts the engine plate.

I ran the engine clockwise and the wheels stay on so it appears the oiling mechanism is a little too high. 

I checked the plates and oiling mechanism to see if I could make some adjustments on height but nada.  Called Scott at 3rd rail but they work Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's  (almost as good as my retirement days, but not quite!).

Anyway, I switched it to PROG, and inputted the engine onto my MTH throttle.

I find MTH's throttle more user friendly, plus I can load lionel onto MTH but not vise versa. 

I'll post this now and get the pictures processed as well as a short video and post these, later.

OK, pictures posted: still waiting for youtube to finish.

While checking the front, one of the steam pipes is rigid and the other rotates in the front engine, as it should.

Looking at the bottom of the boiler, there are two slots with enlargements at one end.  This is normal on my HO engines but there is always another steam pipe that fits into the slot and then telescopes into the engine steam pipe.  It appears they planned on doing that but there is no extra steam pipe in the box or package and the flexible steam pipe on the engine has no hole in it but this side could be the male end.

Will have to ask Scott, tomorrow about that.

This engine is brand new and has never been run.

I'll also admit that running on carpet isn't the best base as the track can bend down and cause unevenness, but still, it should handle it as I've got 3rd rail NP Z-8, Z-5, A-4, GN M-2, MTH DM&IR M-4, GN Z-6, S-2 and R-2 and they all run with no problems on the 'carpet central'.

Working marker lights and number boards, a given on the headlight.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 15

Nice cab detail and lighted.


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 16



I’m unfamiliar with 3rd Rail engines except that they tend to be way out of my price range. The detail is terrific.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:
carsntrains posted:   

Elliot Ive not got to ballast yet.   But it looks like the least fun anyone can have with a railroad!!! : ) 


Maybe so Jim, but it is very satisfying when it's done, and it makes it look like a real railroad.

Elliot that is true.   The harder or more aggravating the project is, the better you feel about a good outcome!  Just limit the aggravating and have a lot more good outcome!  Awesome work you guys have done!  My son helps me with the hard stuff!  


WOW guys!!!  I got some new buildings in and was happy with myself ...  for a minute!  Y'all have really been working hard and got some awesome equipment!!    

I've never seen a more impressive ball of wires than that control panel!!!  I have some electricians that I know that would have a fit if they seen that!  But if it works more power too you Eric!!!  

Waiting on my refund from said dealer.   They received those reindeer cars today.  Waiting until they refund it to order some from another forum sponsor!   

Jim : ) 

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