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paul 2 posted:

Going down to check to see if the flats are dry so I can glue some more together. In the meantime this afternoon I got this in the mail today from forum member and friend Mark Boyce. Tomorrow it will join the growing line of Weaver TOFC's...........Pic.............Paul


Paul, your flats along with your flat car from Mark are really going to add to your layout! I too just like Mark would like to see the fleet of TOFC's!

This thread has been a really informative and super fun to watch group of Wonderful Layouts, great conversations relating to the lives of fellow Modelers, and simply The Good Life. Mike G, has built an amazing train room, Elliot has also done amazing things and even hurt his foot in the scheme of things, (I am glad he is heeling good), and Bryan is Modeling the american sport of Baseball, Trumptrain, Briansilvermustang , Ted W, many others, Moonso, Frank M, has graced these pages with his Real to Life Model Railroad, Moon Township, and Chugman, oh what a display of hard and dedicated work, just to mention a few, and Paul 2—Wow. Great Modelers, I commend you all.... Well, yesterday, we ran trains. 18048621-E9B4-45CD-82A9-124B1998F885089F9605-0C28-4D33-AD55-5CA0ACCF69CB61D00CCA-DFEB-4B17-B1B7-A9EBC64D472896A917EE-FD9C-432C-863B-F6517F7227536C890957-30BE-4F50-94B0-135D459D520DC09AE8F6-4228-4C6D-BA8D-19AB8E24D94DA8F0182F-5B54-402D-B7ED-63CC7890671B12B935E9-0E23-4673-961E-076F25AC2040310F6CAC-ECFD-4B34-AF8D-ED681358C38716416E50-1DD5-49F7-A746-52AE64BA9D5CD345E13E-C1AA-4E2D-BDAD-A3E9F0C43ED692F40C1B-DAD8-490B-8F69-A612583A643A


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Last edited by leapinlarry

AND I agree with Bob and Brain about your layout, Larry, because it seems a cheerful, enjoyable place with a strong sense of playfulness and play. Every angle is a treat to see.

Thank you, also, for including me in that group of layouts you have enjoyed. I have certainly enjoyed all those layout photos too!

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Last edited by Moonson

Wow guys, such an outpouring of warmth and concern for my situation. I'm overwhelmed. Thank you all so much!!! It's a bummer that we had to cancel the trip, but with the exception of the wedding and a soccer match, it can all be recreated. I still need to stay close to my doctors, til this thing is fully healed. It's just the prudent thing to do.

Brian - How far back did you go to dig up that picture? My guess is 2013. That's Patrick doing work over at Hoffman.

Paul - Thanks, and I will take it easy. I must be doing something right, because the doctor actually seemed impressed with my progress. Glad you finally got to Rochelle, Now you're hooked!

Pat - Thanks, it is. I was really dreading the prospect of having to pretty much stay in bed for two weeks post surgery. I like my freedom to work on the layout, among other things.

Bob - Thanks, that's what it's all about!

Pete - Thanks, typically I'm not a real believer, but things like this do give me pause. It's kind of like, "I'm going to put him through all of this first, to get his attention, then I'll make it OK in the end." It was that way with the cancer too.

The Dude - Thanks, I had a little celebration yesterday. I'll share that with everyone at the bottom of this post.

Bruce - Thanks.

Art - Thanks. Even though I hadn't contacted you yet, I had planned to stop in for a visit on our way through. When we get a new schedule, I'll let you know.

Mike - Apparently. I had an interesting experience many years ago, when I was driving as a courier. It's a long story of a strange day, but I'll make it very short. Something that happened first thing in the morning, haunted me all day, and came home to roost at the end of the day. Karma.

John, Jackson & Mark - Thank you.


In spite of the good news, it took me a while to head downstairs after the doctor. I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe too much time off. It took me a while to get warmed up, but it kind of helped that I declared it Christmas in July. I spent seven hours opening boxes and putting trains on the layout. Most of the pieces were still in their shippers unopened. This happens all the time with me. I take the boxes downstairs, and just stack them up.

Speaking of stack, that was primarily what was in them, Atlas maxi IV's and all their containers. I unpacked four sets of cars, and still have six left. I also unpacked all but three cases of containers, and logged everything into the computer.

That process took seven hours. It's been a long time since I've done that, but I found my happy place, and the time just flew.

I'm actually working with a new handicap. In my haste to grab a bite before heading out to the doctor, I threw a Jimmy Dean's breakfast croissant in the microwave. My wife was rushing me a bit, even though we got there with ten minutes to spare.

I know those things are hot when they come out, I've eaten enough of them, and usually grab them by the corner, but apparently my middle finger got too close. The neuropathy caused me not to feel it happen. I even looked at the finger when we were at the doctor's office, and didn't notice the blister forming. When we got home, it was huge, and it took me a minute to figure out what happened. Sound familiar?

I tried desperately not to pop it as I unpacked trains, but my luck ran out late in the afternoon. My wife is getting used to bandaging me up. I CAN feel this! Owwww. This may be a second degree burn. It's pretty raw, and even bled a bit.

Back to the good stuff!!!

I repopulated Pig's Eye after moving a number of cars up to 35th Ave. All those Atlas flats with the light green pipes are new additions. Thought I had them all, then I found 8 more. It'll be fine, they just need to be distributed.


I pulled the unwanted ore cars from the layout at Shoreham, then put a couple K-line containers in the lone Right of Way well car. Paul thinks Menards got a hold of that tooling, and is making them again. I plan to order some. I'm pretty sure it's scale, in spite of the fact that it looks small next to the MTH Husky Stack (the tallest car made).


Here's one of the Atlas sets at Shoreham. It's difficult to be random when placing the containers.


A few more Atlas flats added to the fleet of Lionel 66' mill gons at Western Ave.


A few more of the Atlas stack cars over at Midway Intermodal.



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Larry, you got a nice looking layout. Elliot, great pics again of the progress, FL9TURBO2, you have a nice looking layout too.  So I did not get to the layout today but for Mark and Mike G I added the Weaver TOFC I bought from Mark to the train. I took pics of all the TOFC's on the track. The last pic is of three I am trying to work on to make them whole. I have more Weaver TOFC's in the basement yet to be brought up to the attic layout.........Paul



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leapinlarry posted:

This thread has been a really informative and super fun to watch group of Wonderful Layouts, great conversations relating to the lives of fellow Modelers, and simply The Good Life. Mike G, has built an amazing train room, Elliot has also done amazing things and even hurt his foot in the scheme of things, (I am glad he is heeling good), and Bryan is Modeling the american sport of Baseball, Trumptrain, Briansilvermustang , Ted W, many others, Moonso, Frank M, has graced these pages with his Real to Life Model Railroad, Moon Township, and Chugman, oh what a display of hard and dedicated work, just to mention a few, and Paul 2—Wow. Great Modelers, I commend you all.... Well, yesterday, we ran trains. 18048621-E9B4-45CD-82A9-124B1998F885089F9605-0C28-4D33-AD55-5CA0ACCF69CB61D00CCA-DFEB-4B17-B1B7-A9EBC64D472896A917EE-FD9C-432C-863B-F6517F7227536C890957-30BE-4F50-94B0-135D459D520DC09AE8F6-4228-4C6D-BA8D-19AB8E24D94DA8F0182F-5B54-402D-B7ED-63CC7890671B12B935E9-0E23-4673-961E-076F25AC2040310F6CAC-ECFD-4B34-AF8D-ED681358C38716416E50-1DD5-49F7-A746-52AE64BA9D5CD345E13E-C1AA-4E2D-BDAD-A3E9F0C43ED692F40C1B-DAD8-490B-8F69-A612583A643A

Larry, you are so kind to the rest of us! You have such an amazing layout that I know I only dream about! There may be others that dream about layout like yours and I know from this forum there are many who have made there dreams come true. But like me and others were still working on a dream, to someday to be able to sit back and run trains with friends and family!

Larry, its people like you on this forum that help keep the dream alive! I look at your layout and say I can never do that , then the next thing I have support from here and what do you know? I'm doing it! So all I can say is thank you so much !


Brian, You have to really like them Yellow  & Blue engines! But the Red & Silver are nice also! LOL

Elliot, I am so glad you had yourself a nice little Christmas in July! After all you have been threw and then this darn burn to the finger, Man you need a break from injuries. The Maxi stacks are sure looking right at home, I sure like the brown BNSF ones! LOL VERY NICE!

FL9TURBO2, just look at you go, first a great idea with the hwy bridge under construction! Mark is right Al did a great job on it. But then you turn right around and throw a building in and make it looks like its been there forever! Great Work!

Paul2, thanks for the pictures of the TOFC's great looking collection but I would have to say that the Auto Cars above really got my eyes! Very nice looking layout you have going there young man! LOL

Greetings Everyone,

 First, let me be Crystal Clear before the whinnin’ starts.   I am in no way, shape or form condoning, advocating, glorifying, Blah, Blah, Blah the practice of “Tag Art” so, please do not insinuate that I am setting a bad example for the young folks that may or may not decide to become a model railroader.   I was a policeman in the inner city for 30+ years and I’m pretty sure I know what vandalism is.   That being said, the intermodal car pictured is my interpretation of a common sight here in the Greater Cleveland area.  Like it or not, this is the face of modern railroading and if you model the current railroad scene as I do, one or more freight cars with “Tag Art” on them is prototypical and most appropriate.  This particular car started out as a MENARD’s Double Stack Intermodal Car with Containers.  If it’s not your “cup of tea” I total understand!


Chief Bob (Retired)  


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Thanks Paul.

Mark, my wife has given serious thought to putting me in a bubble for my own good. Just gotta find one big enough. Gonna be tough getting in the car though.

Mike, at first he unpacking of the flat cars was a bit tedious, but when I got to the stack cars and containers, the clock just flew.

Bob, I for one love what you did with that car. You and I are of similar mind when it comes to graffiti. While socially deplorable, it is both realistic and visually interesting. One small point of accuracy though, it is highly unusual to see graffiti on the containers themselves. It is typically confined to the cars. Beside, it's hard to reach that upper container. The weathering is great.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Paul.

Mark, my wife has given serious thought to putting me in a bubble for my own good. Just gotta find one big enough. Gonna be tough getting in the car though.

Mike, at first he unpacking of the flat cars was a bit tedious, but when I got to the stack cars and containers, the clock just flew.

Bob, I for one love what you did with that car. You and I are of similar mind when it comes to graffiti. While socially deplorable, it is both realistic and visually interesting. One small point of accuracy though, it is highly unusual to see graffiti on the containers themselves. It is typically confined to the cars. Beside, it's hard to reach that upper container. The weathering is great.

Hey Elliot,

Thanks for the encouragement!   Good point regarding the containers.  I guess I got a little carried away with the decals.  Actually I did the containers because I could use the larger decals without too much problem.   BTW, I really admire the work that you are doing on that enormous layout.   I have been following the progress but never posted.  It's gonna be awesome when it's done!

Chief Bob

Bob, it's easy to get carried away when you're on a roll. I'm always on the lookout for light colored cars when trying to apply commercially produced graffiti decals that are printed on clear film. It keeps the colors sharp.

I also tried isolating graffiti that was on real trains, from photos. That takes some time with a photo editor. As a test, I printed the images on some clear window decal material, not regular water slide decal film. The test was OK, and I stuck them to some cars with smooth sides. I have the water slide film, but have never tried printing on it. I have some ideas about getting the best results, including printing on white film, not clear for images that contain white, and also matching the color of the car for the edge background. Here are some of the ones I did:



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I used to like graffitti more when I could read what was written. It was likely an influnce on my specializing in comercial art lettering vs other veins of the trade. "Mommy" and DST are ok, but the others may as well be fractile design. Pretty, but useless in conveying whatever it is they are trying to say. Which is (or was) the whole point to begin with; making a statement there because your voice isnt being heard by the powers that be....I had more to sat....say but composer is freaking onshzb oj ....out. (I love googleg stuff )qhf)+€#$(($#.€@.#$*,=_!)$!€$($'.$(-&!_$($! J

I finally received the special micro reed switch I had ordered, so I was able to complete my lit fire truck with automatic lights on and off on return to the garage as shown in the videos.

This project was inspired by seeing the video on Evan Designs website and the video made by  Bill Lowe and his creation. I think he must have used a different method to turn the lights on and off than I used, but the results I achieved made me satisfied and fulfilled a long time desire to add more action to this great MTH accessory.


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Paul, So I think I counted 47 of them!  Yes that is a lot, and maybe you are getting close to Elliot with his maxi stack cars as Mike said!  Thank you for taking all the great photographs to show us!!

Tom, The N&W A is certainly a wonderful addition!!

Jonny, the fire station is certainly a great looking and running building!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

"Jonny, the fire station is certainly a great looking and running building!"

Yes Mark, it is a great accessory, I only wish the firetruck went around the building and back in the garage through the back door. I suppose I could have a car blocking the way and that is why the firetruck had to stop where it does. (lol) Anyway I am done with all the led lights in vehicles for awhile. It sure has been fun working with them and thinking of ways to accomplish what I want.

Had a bit of time to correct a mistake I made gluing the angular building together. Made the mistake of taking the flats away from where they would be. I glued the shorter flat first then when it was dry brought it back to where it will be and glued the longer side on. That's when I realized I glued the short flat at the wrong angle. I debated for a few days how to go about separating it. So tonight I slowly started bending little by little to break it apart.  Well it worked so I cleaned up the edges and redid the wall. Now once dry I can reapply spackling to fill the gaps and redo the concrete paint. Pics..........Paul



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