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Paul, The water project is shaping up very nicely.  Yes, experience on what you like is what is needed here.

Brian is on a roll for sure!!

Lew, I'm glad your brother-in-law had the experience and came back safely!  Considering the rough water in summer, think what they encountered on the fateful trip of the Edmund Fitzgerald!

Larry, I'm glad your station will be playing all your favorite hits!!

Lee, Wow, it broke down already!  I'm glad you have a crew with a hefty truck to take care of the problem.

Pete, Thank you so much!!  Yes, at the age when both my dad and father-in-law retired, I am looking for new work in a culture that is a bit hard to grasp.  I guess that is why when one recruiter asked me when I graduated from high school, and I told him 1974, he paused and said I wouldn't fit into their 'profile'.  LOL  Maybe not.  I'll bet his parents are younger than I am!  LOL

I did have a phone interview this week with a company that makes pharmaceutical dispensing systems for hospitals and other medical centers.  The lineup online is pretty impressive.  They are looking for second shift technical support personnel, and I do have a background they want, albeit mine is all more than 10 years behind today.  I have a nephew who has been working in marketing at that company for a few years, after he retired from low minor league professional hockey.  He's my wife's brother's son, so no one will guess we are related.  He likes the company, and the compensation.  He says they are great about training!  I need it!!   Who knows?  On the other hand, I could be signing up for Social Security after the unemployment runs out!  It is all in the Lord's hands for sure!!!

Well, I did do something on the layout today.  I added the brackets for the turnback loop table portion and fastened down the OSB.  I have the section of Homasote I had started to use in the little room on top, but not fastened down, and marked out the centerline for the 042 portion.  I sat on the floor and tried a cheap rolling stool I have, but it doesn't roll very well on the carpet.  I wan't down there very long.  My back is a little sore up near the belt line, but okay where my belligerent disc is.  Baby steps at this time.

2019-02-22 21.20.49


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  • 2019-02-22 21.20.49

WOW guys some great stuff as usual!    

Paul we pick up rocks like that too!   A lot different looking here in the Smoky Mountains though!  

Mike I hope the turtle switch machines work for you!  Do post pictures!  GOT MY COWS!!  MOOOO 

Kon as always cool video!  I was beginning to wonder if you took that "state of Maine" car out lol 

Lee you are killin me with all that cool cars and trucks you have!   I cant even find a TOFC that suits me!!! : ) 

Larry no kidding I just saw those on the net for the first time today!!!   I have a BT lantern that I use in the train room now. How is the sound through that thing!!  Its awesome and you found a great place for it!   I'm a huge fan of the 1950s and love playing doo wop while working! I think I was born too late!  

Dave "luvdemtrains" are you a professional trying to pull our legs!   That mountain is amazing!!   

Did I mention I finally got my cows!!   Got to go take some pictures around here next nice day we get for some details to build my hill  : )    Still raining here.   Ground is like dirt soup.   

Also got 3 turnouts that I needed so I can figure out sidings for the Vetters buiding and and US power station.   Still pondering the US materials building to go with the power station????   



Mark you got me !! Posted while I was posting lol    Glad you got a little bit done!  And very glad you felt like doing that!   Hope you continue to do better and I look for more progress making for you! 


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Last edited by carsntrains

Carsntrains, you have a neat layout, I like your country scene with the barn, older style home, and wind mill. The Lionel Radio Station is a fun accessory, the sound is not Bose Quality, the speaker is not a fat boy either,  but it’s a novelty piece, like a conversation piece, and it’s cool that it plays radio stations, or other music created from your smart devices.  I have a lot to learn about these blue tooth accessories. I appreciate your compliments. Happy Railroading.

Mark Boyce posted:

Paul, The water project is shaping up very nicely.  Yes, experience on what you like is what is needed here.

Brian is on a roll for sure!!

Lew, I'm glad your brother-in-law had the experience and came back safely!  Considering the rough water in summer, think what they encountered on the fateful trip of the Edmund Fitzgerald!

Larry, I'm glad your station will be playing all your favorite hits!!

Lee, Wow, it broke down already!  I'm glad you have a crew with a hefty truck to take care of the problem.

Pete, Thank you so much!!  Yes, at the age when both my dad and father-in-law retired, I am looking for new work in a culture that is a bit hard to grasp.  I guess that is why when one recruiter asked me when I graduated from high school, and I told him 1974, he paused and said I wouldn't fit into their 'profile'.  LOL  Maybe not.  I'll bet his parents are younger than I am!  LOL

I did have a phone interview this week with a company that makes pharmaceutical dispensing systems for hospitals and other medical centers.  The lineup online is pretty impressive.  They are looking for second shift technical support personnel, and I do have a background they want, albeit mine is all more than 10 years behind today.  I have a nephew who has been working in marketing at that company for a few years, after he retired from low minor league professional hockey.  He's my wife's brother's son, so no one will guess we are related.  He likes the company, and the compensation.  He says they are great about training!  I need it!!   Who knows?  On the other hand, I could be signing up for Social Security after the unemployment runs out!  It is all in the Lord's hands for sure!!!

Well, I did do something on the layout today.  I added the brackets for the turnback loop table portion and fastened down the OSB.  I have the section of Homasote I had started to use in the little room on top, but not fastened down, and marked out the centerline for the 042 portion.  I sat on the floor and tried a cheap rolling stool I have, but it doesn't roll very well on the carpet.  I wan't down there very long.  My back is a little sore up near the belt line, but okay where my belligerent disc is.  Baby steps at this time.

2019-02-22 21.20.49

Looks good mark but don’t over do it take care of your self

carsntrains posted:

WOW guys some great stuff as usual!    

Paul we pick up rocks like that too!   A lot different looking here in the Smoky Mountains though!  

Mike I hope the turtle switch machines work for you!  Do post pictures!  GOT MY COWS!!  MOOOO 

Kon as always cool video!  I was beginning to wonder if you took that "state of Maine" car out lol 

Lee you are killin me with all that cool cars and trucks you have!   I cant even find a TOFC that suits me!!! : ) 

Larry no kidding I just saw those on the net for the first time today!!!   I have a BT lantern that I use in the train room now. How is the sound through that thing!!  Its awesome and you found a great place for it!   I'm a huge fan of the 1950s and love playing doo wop while working! I think I was born too late!  

Dave "luvdemtrains" are you a professional trying to pull our legs!   That mountain is amazing!!   

Did I mention I finally got my cows!!   Got to go take some pictures around here next nice day we get for some details to build my hill  : )    Still raining here.   Ground is like dirt soup.   

Also got 3 turnouts that I needed so I can figure out sidings for the Vetters buiding and and US power station.   Still pondering the US materials building to go with the power station????   



Mark you got me !! Posted while I was posting lol    Glad you got a little bit done!  And very glad you felt like doing that!   Hope you continue to do better and I look for more progress making for you! 


thanks I really like that barn and truck how about a close up shot next time 

luvindemtrains posted:

Hi Guys and Gals,

This is day 5 of me being a model railroad maniac. In my insanity a lot was accomplished over the last week. Here is the almost finished results of the work done. Please check out my layout progress page for more pics and a detailed description of each project.


Day 5 Scenery Work #2

Day 5 Scenery Work #5

My Layout Updates


WOW, Dave, gorgeous! Real. And WOW! again!!!


P.S. Very apparently, you know the unkept secret of not skimping on the foliage. The results are rich and real.

Last edited by Moonson
Steamfan77 posted:

Lee, hook em up, and take him back to the shop! Dave, fantastic work! Mark, keep your head up. I’m in a similar situation. I retired from my job a few months ago, and I’ve applied for new jobs that I’m more than qualified for, but I don’t “fit” their profile either. Something will come along for you soon .


Andy,  Thank you!  Something will come along for you too!  

Dave AKA Darlander, I got one installed yesterday but didn't take any pictures. I am going to try another one today and I will take some pictures along the way.

Paul 2, things are really coming together! I hope you had a nice dinner with your wonderful wife!

Andy, Nice little video. Way to squeeze all 3 engines into such a short time!

Dave, your work is just AMAZING! Just think all that in just 5 days! Don't you sleep! LOL

Larry Thank you sir! I bet everyone is ready for spring or summer! That sure is a cool looking radio station, fits right in on your wonderful looking layout!

LEE, great job on the Mack tow truck!

Mark, good luck on the job search! Sounds like that company would be a good fit for you! The table looks good and check it out there is even some track! NICE! Your right Baby steps!

Jim, I am glad you got your turnouts, but more important the COWS have come home! Good luck on the hill and take your time on the sidings!

Yesterday I went out to the train room and installed my first ever Tortis switch machine along with 15 of track. Today I hope to install another switch machine and another switch or 2.

Everyone I hope you have a great Saturday!

93EE1EC6-3AE1-4E3E-995D-044FBD30E273913054CE-3638-431F-9047-1CD7776FE2D32DD6F1F2-4968-4668-AB34-AA5FF4F8A125A9809D3B-536C-4A1D-AB3B-4955587D68BBA487837E-A561-4F85-9237-F376CF79F1F2DBA4C0D3-0C58-4003-A24D-2CAD75274D97915E17F0-954B-44B4-8969-E8FB902F4BE6This is my first attempt at painting O scale figures. Complements are welcome if any it’s hard to paint figures that have very shallow detailing. I painted these back in 1995 they came with the Revell  Mobil truck on my layout this morning thought I would try my hand at it. After I was done with paint him I lightly weathered him using one of my daughters soft makeup brushes


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lee drennen posted:

93EE1EC6-3AE1-4E3E-995D-044FBD30E273913054CE-3638-431F-9047-1CD7776FE2D32DD6F1F2-4968-4668-AB34-AA5FF4F8A125A9809D3B-536C-4A1D-AB3B-4955587D68BBA487837E-A561-4F85-9237-F376CF79F1F2DBA4C0D3-0C58-4003-A24D-2CAD75274D97915E17F0-954B-44B4-8969-E8FB902F4BE6This is my first attempt at painting O scale figures. Complements are welcome if any it’s hard to paint figures that have very shallow detailing. I painted these back in 1995 they came with the Revell  Mobil truck on my layout this morning thought I would try my hand at it. After I was done with paint him I lightly weathered him using one of my daughters soft makeup brushes

Great work, looks like a seasoned veterans work.

luvindemtrains posted:

Hey Jim,

I really appreciate the question but no I'm just having fun and learning as I go. 


You sure are making it look easy!   Thank you for sharing that "as you go"   Very good stuff!!! 

Mike G. can you wire those up to be non derailing?   My manual turnouts will never be because I keep forgetting to set them right lol 



Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth


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Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth

Vincent, that is a start! Just what I was looking for. Is that a BN Caboose also?

mike g. posted:
Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth

Vincent, that is a start! Just what I was looking for. Is that a BN Caboose also?

Beats me. I got both photos off the web.16405894393_5309ffdf8e_bThere seems to be something unusual about the way they use this BN caboose.


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Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth



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Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:
Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth

Vincent, that is a start! Just what I was looking for. Is that a BN Caboose also?

Beats me. I got both photos off the web.16405894393_5309ffdf8e_bThere seems to be something unusual about the way they use this BN caboose.

LOL I know we didn't hit it that hard!

paul 2 posted:

Mark, glad you are able to do little bit at a time on your layout and that the pain has diminished for you. 

Johan, great pics.

Dave, I have to call you the flash of scenery construction. Beautiful work in such a short period of time. One question.  What was your technique for your water. How did you get your colors...........Paul

Paul, Thank you!  

Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:
Vincent Massi posted:
mike g. posted:

Lee, great work on the worker! Nice transformation!

Jim, I don't think you have to because of the spring rod they use. You would have to ask someone else, but I will check the directions when I go back out today!

BRIAN< I need your help! You have every railroad picture known to man, can you find me a couple of a BN Crane car and tender?

Mike, you've handed Brian a tough assignment. This is the best I can find. BRIAN! Help us!21671943794_cbee4f4a9e_bth

Vincent, that is a start! Just what I was looking for. Is that a BN Caboose also?

Beats me. I got both photos off the web.16405894393_5309ffdf8e_bThere seems to be something unusual about the way they use this BN caboose.

Tony Hawk has finally semi-retired  into a more stationary carrier in the coopla 😎 

Great pics all.  Love the Mack tow truck.  Mark hope you get feeling better.

For me my layout has a new look.  I just had the first cataract surgery done Thursday.  A real eye opener.  The colors I thought were getting a little dull are popping and my vision is back to 20-20 on my starboard.  First week of March I get the port side done.  All those small details on the engines especially are crisp and clear.  On the otherhand, I have discovered oh so many more wrinkles when shaving.

pennsynut posted:

Great pics all.  Love the Mack tow truck.  Mark hope you get feeling better.

For me my layout has a new look.  I just had the first cataract surgery done Thursday.  A real eye opener.  The colors I thought were getting a little dull are popping and my vision is back to 20-20 on my starboard.  First week of March I get the port side done.  All those small details on the engines especially are crisp and clear.  On the otherhand, I have discovered oh so many more wrinkles when shaving.

I’m glad everything when good for you but discovering more wrinkles I thats ok I’m finding out that comes with getting old. Thanks for the complement on the Mack

pennsynut posted:

Great pics all.  Love the Mack tow truck.  Mark hope you get feeling better.

For me my layout has a new look.  I just had the first cataract surgery done Thursday.  A real eye opener.  The colors I thought were getting a little dull are popping and my vision is back to 20-20 on my starboard.  First week of March I get the port side done.  All those small details on the engines especially are crisp and clear.  On the otherhand, I have discovered oh so many more wrinkles when shaving.

Thank you very much!  I'm not bad, just kind of plodding along today.    I had cataracts removed about a year and a half ago.  Details are much clearer, as are the wrinkles!!  My difference also was the cataracts had changed me from far sighted to near sighted in about a year.  I never had glasses that worked.  Now I wear reading glasses, but I think I'll need to go back to bifocals before long.

The truck driver looks great Lee!

I took a break from putting down some cork roadbed to take a look at this.  I need to figure out a short list of GarGraves and Ross track sections and switches I need since my track plan changed.

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