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What'd I do? I want to have a little close-up-and-personal switching. I already use a walk-around Throttle so decided I really need a siding with a manual switch and the controller for the required 2 remote uncouplers right there so all work is within a hand's reach.

Aha! Possible real estate has been'll just be a little magic like draining those Florida swamps to sell housing lots.


If there is one thing the Gandy Dancers on the Plywood Empire Route know how to do it is work with plywood.


Empty air filled in w/ plywood, track switch cut into the main stem, track laid and remote uncouplers installed.


Remote uncoupler controller installed.



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Last edited by geysergazer

E40EEFC4-763E-420C-ADBB-9BA9AA4BD4C95568BCE0-6220-4A51-861D-B335984B366CEA7FBA69-0B3E-4CD1-897E-8CAD7F5B81C9254DBC39-C647-461A-A57E-705A09B5957C4A0C8B3E-5F2B-4E5A-A43D-AE6643A849DA0CFCCF50-EEC4-4779-B07B-9F9E5609479589AFBB89-A1FB-4718-BE35-6ED1C577CD32Great work everyone! The garage was warm today so after I got back from the Hobby Shop and done the chores “feeding the chickens and gathering eggs and putting up there feed” I decided to do my Ballasting. I never done O scale this is my first this is as far as I can get because I’m adding another 4x8 section. Did I mention what I got at the Hobby Shop watch the video my first Steam


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Lew- nice small expansion project. Grab every inch of real estate that you can.
Mark- a little progress is better than none.
John- welcome back. Hope to see more from you soon.

I ran trains for a bit yesterday. Gave my new RS-3 a quick once over on the bench and lubricated everything. As we all know, this hobby is a constant learning process, I now know what the difference is between Loco-sounds, and Proto-sounds systems. The Loco-sounds has fewer features but it's still a nice engine and it runs great.

2019-03-16 07.56.34

It is not equipped with a battery, but has the space under the chassis next to the speaker. Anyone know if I could add a BCR to this to keep the sound system running while changing directions?

Also worked on the flat car/ tandem trailers too. Here's a few progress photos.

I had to cut out the plastic wheel stops to fit the smaller scale trailer wheels

2019-03-17 08.44.41

First trailer stacked- the wheel stand is glued in place on the trailer so that it doesn't move.

2019-03-17 08.44.55

I made some small blocks to set the second trailer on the first. They still need work done to them to hold the top one in place.

2019-03-17 08.45.43

I'm probably going to glue the trailers in place with a little hot glue to keep them from shifting and then make up the cables for tie downs.



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  • 2019-03-17 08.45.43
geysergazer posted:

Lee, your ballast sure looks good. I think about doing it but am concerned with Fastrack switch maintenance issues, of which I've had a couple.



Thanks I still have some touch up to do I was getting tired and decided to quit. All my switches are manual I’ve never had any problems with them I ran this steamer for about 20min after I cleaned the loose stuff up it ran fine Through the switches with the ballast on it with no problems  the main thing  I found about these switches you have to keep them very clean.  Go for it !

Last edited by lee drennen
lee drennen posted:
geysergazer posted:

Lee, your ballast sure looks good. I think about doing it but am concerned with Fastrack switch maintenance issues, of which I've had a couple.



Thanks I still have some touch up to do I was getting tired and decided to quit. All my switches are manual I’ve never had any problems with them I ran this steamer for about 20min after I cleaned the loose stuff up it ran fine Through the switches with the ballast on it with no problems  the main thing  I found about these switches you have to keep them very clean.  Go for it !

Ya Lee, with manual Fastrack switches I'd have no hesitation wrt ballasting. I really wish Lionel would offer O72 Fastrack manual switches.


Hi everyone haven't been here in a couple of days and a lot has got done! Wonderful work is being done by all!

Pete, nice work on the ballasting of the tracks, looks great!

Andy, wonderful job on the retaining wall! The lumber yard area is coming right along!

Lew, The Gantry crane looks good there and the track work is perfect for what you need, when you fill the gaps no one with ever know its scratch built! Also nice way to gain real estate!

Paul, those sure are some nice looking TOFC's! They are going to look great with the rest of them on your layout!

Ralph, the sidings look great!

Dr. Joe, sorry about the Rotary Beacon, but I am glad you have a plan on how to fix it! I just hope it doesn't take flight! LOL

CSX AL, the slash burner turned out amazing ! Well done and it looks great on the layout!

John, nice placement of the field office! Also as Mark said welcome back!

Lee, Wonderful job on the ballasting! And you get a new Steamer, sure sounds like a great Saturday to me! Then you step up to the plate and get a tender renamed and looking like new! Wonderful job and sure is going to look sweet behind your new steamer!

Bob, nice little engine you got there! Also the flat car with the trailers is coming along nicely! It is going to look wonderful on your layout!

So my plan to have the whole weekend for trains changed really fast on Friday night. One of the girls had a problem at the store so I had to run up there and on the way back my truck broke down! I had to meet the tow truck driver Saturday morning, which took forever. Fallowed him to the repair shop talked to them and hope to get my truck back Monday night!

But I did get some work done in the train room. I learned a good lesson, if you think you might have to take up your cork do not use wood glue! LOL I spent an hour running a sander in one had and a shop vac in the other. Not the easiest thing to do! But I got 99% cleaned up and started laying out my new plan. I think I am going to tweak it a little more. But when I am done here I am on the way out to get more done today! I will take some pictures later and post them!

Everyone have a great Sunday!

Lee, your ballasting came out looking great. I like the colors.

Al, super job on the slash burner. Sure is amazing how it looks so different under different lighting.

Bob, nice additions to the engine roster. But you may have to think about building a bigger engine facility.

Jim, I took your advice about trees in the front.

This morning I went to the Kirland show. Didn't find anything but touched base with a lot of friends. So after I had lunch and started our corn beef for tonight I went down cellar and did some trees in the front. I tried something different. I painted one that had broken off and landed in the river. Then I took some white and did along the river banks and around the tree trunks in the water. I'll let it all dry and see what it looks like tomorrow. Not sure if I will ad more trees to the right yet. We'll see tomorrow. Couple of pics.....................Paul




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Andy.  thanks 

Bob thanks your trailer project is coming  a long nicely 

Mike thanks 

Ok I said there were going to major changes on the Dough Hill layout. I’m back dating it to Spring of 1942 I wanted to do this on HO but sadly my arthritis in my hands and eye site caught me before I could get those tiny Jordan vehicles build. I plan on building a layout in the house and that’s what’s its going to be like this. I have a few vehicles and soon to get more I have some trucks I also need to build also. So I hope you guys enjoy this journey. 


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Last edited by lee drennen

Yes Andy- I decided to update my profile pic. I had taken a "selfie" ( a term and practice that I detest), in front of my layout last Christmas. Decided that it was time for a change. Can't be Summer on Lake George forever (although it would be nice). Good eye BTW.

I know I need more space Paul- gotta secure the land rights first. Since both kids are still home that's kinda tough right now. I think my new operating plan of switching out RR's regularly will keep me satisfied for now.
We can't all have TWO layouts you know.

The bend in the river is really looking good. I think the broken tree and white-water add some nice detail.

Lee D- looking forward to coming along for the ride. Sounds like a interesting plan.

Thanks for the comments and likes on the flat car/ trailer project everyone.


Bob, The "selfie" is very good.  I thought your wife must have taken it, as it is better than most selfies, so I won't think of it as a selfie.  Ah, Lake George!  We won't be going anywhere this year again, but I hope we can get back to Lake George someday.

Lee, Arthritis and eyesight was what drove me away from HO back in 2012.  I'm glad I switched.  The vehicles look good as does that NYC Hudson!!

Paul, I think you really improved the river scene with the white and the foreground trees.  The fallen tree is so convincing, it looks like a bunch nearby that came down in the two wind storms here this last month.

Brian, Happy Saint Patrick's day!  The Richmond triple crossing is a photograph I like and your photographs are great!  Or did Marci teach Izzy how to do it? 

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