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Lee,  very cool scene,  great photos.   I assume you painted the tractors to match the REA trailers ? 

Are the trailers the Lionel ones that come with the PS-4 Flatcars ?   Mine REA trailers/PS-4's are still packed and won't be coming out till the main line is done.   Thanks for sharing .


Mike G:   It all looks good.  my only suggestion while you are roughing out building locations, think in 3 dimensions.  If it's possible have some gently rolling terrain, even if it's only 1 inch elevation difference it will help avoid the everything is on exactly the same level look.   You can raise buildings up in 3/4 or 1 inch increments with the rigid stryene insulation board and cut and bevel the sharp corners with those really sharp 25 mm (1 inch) snap off blades we talked about.  Once you cover it  with the low loft batting and ground cover of your choice you'll be glad you created a 3rd dimension.  

You really don't have to do too many to break up the plywood table top look, and your paved roads can go up an over the gentle inclines, while the train tracks remain level and go through a small cut, which is pretty much what happens on the prototype. 

  It's always dangerous when you ask for suggestions here LOL !!!

mike g. posted:


Looking great Mike!   I envy your open space for buildings, roads and industries.   Chris made a good point about thinking 3D.  You have the space to create some topography.   What is the status of the far corner?   Any more thoughts on your airport?   Now that I see your track and return "Y's", you made the right decision by not ganging the switches.   Did you insert the new throw wire and is it working?  Painted track looks very nice.  

Cheers, Dave

Last edited by darlander
mike g. posted:

I spent a good amount of the day in the train room today, really did more work then I thought I was going to.

First I re strung the fishing line for my Crane and ran new wires to the controller. While I was under the layout I decided to wire up the train station, the grocery store, and a couple of Hummers from Menards! The Train Station what a great surprise from Paul 2! Thanks Paul! Well here are a couple of pictures for you all to enjoy! Please comment with what you think! I am always open to suggestions!

IMG_20190930_154145576_HDRIMG_20190930_154139305_HDRIMG_20190930_154124249_HDRIMG_20190930_154003496IMG_20190930_153948574                                          I hope everyone had a great day and Hope you all have a great Tuesday! I will be getting a brain mapping done in the morning then when I get home I hope to get back in the train room to wire up a few more buildings!

Remember please have fun on your layout and with your trains!

It is great to see a plan coming together, Mike.

Keep 'them updates coming

No real photos to speak of, but I'm getting the layout ready for Oly Ops, which is on the 12th. I'll probably be taking the day before off to make sure they layout is ready to go.


What is Oly Ops, you ask? (mind you, this is an old video and one of the layouts no longer exists).

It's a charity event where model railroaders sign on, and get assigned to two layouts in the greater Olympia WA area. I live a fair distance south of there but not too far that people can't run on my own layout and then another. People can't chose which layout they get, and I hope nobody in the past two years has been disappointed (as let's face it, most people in the hobby like larger layouts). All I know is most, when they're done, say they had a good time and that they're seriously misjudged how long it would take to cycle one train through my layout.


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Last edited by p51

Johan, nice weathering on the gon. Can hardly wait to see your great work on the B unit.

Mike g, layout is looking real good. I envy you with the open real state you have for buildings. And like Chris said 3 dimensional would look real good.

Lee, here are the Weaver flats I got in the mail today from the "B". I now have one less thing to look for on my hard to find needle in a haystack list for York. I'll be converting them over from two rail to three rail. Pics...........Paul 2



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I'm going to be in deep trouble.  Last night I bid too late on five O22 switches with controllers plus some stuff I didn't need.  They sold for $0.01 plus realistic shipping.  This morning, in a fit of frustration, I bought eight O22 switches for an average of $26.50 each.  Yes, they look good and the sellers says they all work.  When the CFO sees the bill, I'll be shot.  If I survive, she will shoot me again.

The late Odenville Bill

Bill, I understand!  I yielded to temptation to buy the perfect switcher for my railroad, a Western Maryland Scale PS3 0-8-0 from a fellow Forum member.  I posted some items for sale to cover the cost, but have only one commitment so far.  The switcher arrived yesterday, but I just now got a chance to put it on the track.  So as Lew reminded us earlier, show us a photograph or it never happened...

2019-10-01 18.12.09


Images (1)
  • 2019-10-01 18.12.09
paul 2 posted:

Johan, nice weathering on the gon. Can hardly wait to see your great work on the B unit.

Mike g, layout is looking real good. I envy you with the open real state you have for buildings. And like Chris said 3 dimensional would look real good.

Lee, here are the Weaver flats I got in the mail today from the "B". I now have one less thing to look for on my hard to find needle in a haystack list for York. I'll be converting them over from two rail to three rail. Pics...........Paul 2


Thanks Paul for posting they look awesome. I have a few to get but there very hard to find and when you do I have to decide to pay with my daughters college fund of pass on it 

Lee D. Videos are better then pictures any day! See Lew, it did happen! LOL

Chris, I know I opened myself up asking for suggestions, but that's how one learns! I will PM you about the 3D effects!

Brian, We are all waiting to see who won, Izzy or You! LOL

Dave, thank you! First off I did switch the wire out and things seam to be working fine, no problems so far! As for the Airport that is one of those on again off again kind of things! Just not sure right now!

LionelSki, Thank you Sir!

Johan, The Baldwin RF 16 B-Unit looks great and will fit right in with the rest of the S.B.R Plus the Gondola looks wonderful!

Balshi, I hope you find the bad connection without too much work!

Lee, Have a great time with the Oly Ops! Its always nice to get together with other railroad folks!

Paul 2, Great looking TOFC's! One has to ask how many does that make now! I sure hope you have room for them all!

Bill, Don't worry, it will all pass by the time you get out of the hospital! LOL

So Went to the Doc today had a EEG of my brain and the doc said everything looks normal! Still no driving till Dec 19th LOL. But when I did get home I kept my word for Lew and tried working something out with the Kadee and Lionel trucks. Below are the pictures but I will for warn you its not pretty! Plus after a test drive, it wont work without the box for the Kadee, Might as well mount them to the car! Here are the pictures.IMG_20191001_143210940IMG_20191001_144049986IMG_20191001_144058154IMG_20191001_144141496IMG_20191001_150025138IMG_20191001_150030591                                                   I wont have any work in the train room for the next 2 1/2 days as I have to work at the store and stay there till the wife gets off shift on Friday at noon! So I hope you all have a great hump day and I will check in tomorrow!



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Johan. Great pic as always love the back ground of the mountains 

Lee. Great pic of ole Bessie hope that’s here name that  water trough looks like you use a dresser draw knob great idea looks real especially for your era most metal was used for the war

Mike  great  idea that looks like it will work 

Mark.  That’s a beautiful steamer you have there 

Bill.  When she gets the bill just say it’s for light switches lol

briansilvermustang posted:
geysergazer posted:

Lee, thanks for the pics! Unfortunately my MTH Sw1500s have a slightly different coupler knuckle geometry and a Kadee mated to them just slips sideways and uncouples.

                      Lew, run an idler car, claw one end, kadee the other... 


Works for me all the time

mike g. posted:


So Went to the Doc today had a EEG of my brain and the doc said everything looks normal! Still no driving till Dec 19th LOL. But when I did get home I kept my word for Lew and tried working something out with the Kadee and Lionel trucks. Below are the pictures but I will for warn you its not pretty! Plus after a test drive, it wont work without the box for the Kadee, Might as well mount them to the car! Here are the pictures.IMG_20191001_143210940IMG_20191001_144049986IMG_20191001_144058154IMG_20191001_144141496IMG_20191001_150025138IMG_20191001_150030591                                                   I wont have any work in the train room for the next 2 1/2 days as I have to work at the store and stay there till the wife gets off shift on Friday at noon! So I hope you all have a great hump day and I will check in tomorrow!


Mike, glad to hear about your brain . I see you had some Kadee fun 

I walked by my layout as I did a load of wash and took another load out of the dryer.

"I've been working on the laundry, all the live long day."

My mono is giving me fits with swelling in upper abdomen area and back of the neck with headaches.  Been taking some aspirin, or were they smoke pellets?  At age 69, my college mono from 1969, came roaring back from the stress of caring for Mom these past two years.  I love what I am doing, but my 69-year old body ain't what it use to be.  My thinking and vision are really muddled, but I'll get better soon day some.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

John Rowlen posted:

I walked by my layout as I did a load of wash and took another load out of the dryer.

"I've been working on the laundry, all the live long day."

My mono is giving me fits with swelling in upper abdomen area and back of the neck with headaches.  Been taking some aspirin, or were they smoke pellets?  At age 69, my college mono from 1969, came roaring back from the stress of caring for Mom these past two years.  I love what I am doing, but my 69-year old body ain't what it use to be.  My thinking and vision are really muddled, but I'll get better soon day some.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Hope you get to feeling better. Take care of those eyes love looking at your figures and layout. Your in my prayers 

paul 2 posted:

Johan, nice weathering on the gon. Can hardly wait to see your great work on the B unit.

Mike g, layout is looking real good. I envy you with the open real state you have for buildings. And like Chris said 3 dimensional would look real good.

Lee, here are the Weaver flats I got in the mail today from the "B". I now have one less thing to look for on my hard to find needle in a haystack list for York. I'll be converting them over from two rail to three rail. Pics...........Paul 2


Paul. Thank you.  I like those your trailers with flats a lot. I try repaint a some S.B.R. flats with trailers.


mike g. posted:

Lee D. Videos are better then pictures any day! See Lew, it did happen! LOL

Chris, I know I opened myself up asking for suggestions, but that's how one learns! I will PM you about the 3D effects!

Brian, We are all waiting to see who won, Izzy or You! LOL

Dave, thank you! First off I did switch the wire out and things seam to be working fine, no problems so far! As for the Airport that is one of those on again off again kind of things! Just not sure right now!

LionelSki, Thank you Sir!

Johan, The Baldwin RF 16 B-Unit looks great and will fit right in with the rest of the S.B.R Plus the Gondola looks wonderful!

Balshi, I hope you find the bad connection without too much work!

Lee, Have a great time with the Oly Ops! Its always nice to get together with other railroad folks!

Paul 2, Great looking TOFC's! One has to ask how many does that make now! I sure hope you have room for them all!

Bill, Don't worry, it will all pass by the time you get out of the hospital! LOL

So Went to the Doc today had a EEG of my brain and the doc said everything looks normal! Still no driving till Dec 19th LOL. But when I did get home I kept my word for Lew and tried working something out with the Kadee and Lionel trucks. Below are the pictures but I will for warn you its not pretty! Plus after a test drive, it wont work without the box for the Kadee, Might as well mount them to the car! Here are the pictures.IMG_20191001_143210940IMG_20191001_144049986IMG_20191001_144058154IMG_20191001_144141496IMG_20191001_150025138IMG_20191001_150030591                                                   I wont have any work in the train room for the next 2 1/2 days as I have to work at the store and stay there till the wife gets off shift on Friday at noon! So I hope you all have a great hump day and I will check in tomorrow!


Mike. Thank you Sir.


lee drennen posted:

Johan. Great pic as always love the back ground of the mountains 

Lee. Great pic of ole Bessie hope that’s here name that  water trough looks like you use a dresser draw knob great idea looks real especially for your era most metal was used for the war

Mike  great  idea that looks like it will work 

Mark.  That’s a beautiful steamer you have there 

Bill.  When she gets the bill just say it’s for light switches lol

Lee. Thank you. I love your trailer pics. 🤝


Mark Boyce posted:

Bill, I understand!  I yielded to temptation to buy the perfect switcher for my railroad, a Western Maryland Scale PS3 0-8-0 from a fellow Forum member.  I posted some items for sale to cover the cost, but have only one commitment so far.  The switcher arrived yesterday, but I just now got a chance to put it on the track.  So as Lew reminded us earlier, show us a photograph or it never happened...

2019-10-01 18.12.09

Very nice Mark! Worth every penny- even if that means selling other pieces.


BAR GP7 #63 posted:
darlander posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Keep these great scenes coming!!!!   Johan, does your layout represent the O-scale 3-rail/Hi-rail club you referenced in your reply to me a few pages back?   If not, could you tell us a little about club involvement in your area?   What is the size (foot print) of your S.B.R. layout?   I'm looking forward to get a hold of the June 2019 issue CTT and read more about your layout.  Thanks for posting!!!

Cheers, Dave

Dave. You're welcome. When you found a that June 2019 CTT, you get all answers. The layout size is a 8.5 x 15.5 feet. 🍺


Johan, A friend who is a CTT subscriber told me that they do not publish a June issue.   Is your railroad being featured in a special publication of CTT?   If so, would you or someone please post more details on where we can find the article on the S.B.R. layout.  Thanks!  

Cheers, Dave

lee drennen posted:

Lee. Great pic of ole Bessie hope that’s here name that  water trough looks like you use a dresser draw knob great idea looks real especially for your era most metal was used for the war

That was an Artistta metal casting of a wood wash bucket, swiped from a 'washer woman' figure. I need to make a better looking trough, though. It's filled with Woodland Scenics water resin.

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