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Hard to believe I am still trying to clean up the layout after all this time. Yesterday and today I got a couple of packages that I had ordered from Scenic Express and Nicholis Smith trains. Earth tone pigment and figures for my modular scene and an unloading dock on one of my buildings in the basement. And a black sound tank car to go with the two three pack sets of black tanks cars I ordered. I decided to add these cars to my BNSF oil tank car set. This will give me a total of 14 tank cars which I think will make for a better tank train. Pics.............Paul 2



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Last night I drove the "golden spike" in my layout.  I started the benchwork over 5 years ago.  It felt really good to be able to run a train around the whole thing instead of just the outside loop.


There is still much to do, got to wire up all the turnout motors and place the buildings I have.  Then make a road and get more buildings and trees and such.

It's amazing even with such a small and simple layout how much delay there is when life gets in the way.


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Sinclair, I certainly know how life can get in the way of a hobby, but admit the hobby has to take a back seat to our obligations.  Congratulations on the Golden Spike, and I hope you get more layout time in the near future!

Ray, the building is going to look great!  You may have seen me comment on other Forum topics that delve into 3D printing.  I think it is great!

SINCLAIR, now the real problems will come into play. You'll spend more time having fun running trains than working on scenery and such. Keep a record of how many times you attempt to work on the layout but only ran trains and got nothing accomplished other than total relaxation. I've been retired five years and still no trees have been planted on my layout. Have fun.

The fifth and sixth Lionel Santa Fe 21" passenger cars of nine total are finished.  I glued the last figure and took some pictures of the two Santa Fe Coach cars side by side,  The Coach #3136 is in the rear. Coach #3139 is in the foreground.  I had to run to the store for more Krazy Glue to finish the 6th car.

I will work on the Observation next, leaving another 10-6 Sleeper and the baggage car to finish.

(After viewing Coach #3136 on the layout, I added two more figures to the rear of Coach #3139.  The people are pictured in the last picture.)

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Last edited by John Rowlen

Been planning and working on the new signal system for the entire main line.   Decided on 11 blocks (around 25 feet each in length)....  STAN2004 had provided me a great schematic to control the B & O Color Position Light signals I purchased from another OGR member.... 

Using 3PDT relays the system will "look ahead" 2 blocks and control the G/Y/R lights accordingly....  So I decided that I really need to do bunch of research to understand how the prototype B & O CPL signal system worked and what all the different light aspects (with the additional white marker lights) were communicating.   As I was reading through two really great pieces on the web, I found out that the prototype system was specifically designed to look at block occupancy 2 blocks ahead, so that was a pretty cool discovery.

Anyway, it's taken alot of time to lay out and identify all the signals on the track plan, for both eastbound and westbound protection, label all the blocks so that when I start wiring the 24 relays, I don't get "lost"....   

Also, made a major improvement to the base of the Brass NJ International "bracketed signals with 2 heads"  epoxied in a brass tube with heat shrink liner to protect  the wiring and make it possible to mount the signal in a 25/32 diameter hole drilled through the table top.   

Got to stop and eat, but at least I got the relay panel laid out, everything screwed down and the first 3 relays are 90% wired....

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chris a posted:

Been planning and working on the new signal system for the entire main line.   Decided on 11 blocks (around 25 feet each in length)....  STAN2004 had provided me a great schematic to control the B & O Color Position Light signals I purchased from another OGR member.... 

Using 3PDT relays the system will "look ahead" 2 blocks and control the G/Y/R lights accordingly....  So I decided that I really need to do bunch of research to understand how the prototype B & O CPL signal system worked and what all the different light aspects (with the additional white marker lights) were communicating.   As I was reading through two really great pieces on the web, I found out that the prototype system was specifically designed to look at block occupancy 2 blocks ahead, so that was a pretty cool discovery.

Anyway, it's taken alot of time to lay out and identify all the signals on the track plan, for both eastbound and westbound protection, label all the blocks so that when I start wiring the 24 relays, I don't get "lost"....   

Also, made a major improvement to the base of the Brass NJ International "bracketed signals with 2 heads"  epoxied in a brass tube with heat shrink liner to protect  the wiring and make it possible to mount the signal in a 25/32 diameter hole drilled through the table top.   

Got to stop and eat, but at least I got the relay panel laid out, everything screwed down and the first 3 relays are 90% wired....

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Chris, I learned a lot just by looking at your photos.

Mark and Vincent,  thanks.   When these came up for sale at a price I could afford, I couldn't resist.  The level of detail is over the top, all hand fabricated brass.....    So I jumped, and just about bought everyone he had for sale figuring they were long out of production and no longer available....

There aren't many of these left standing and still operating, most have been replaced after 2000 by CSX.   Took quite a while to understand what all white marker lights are for.   In short, they are "approach speed" indications for the block the engineer is entering, as well as what speed he/she needs to be going approaching the next signal...  

Anyway, after I found the 2nd resource, it was much easier to comprehend, and plan with.   

There are a more than a few signal  wires running between relays, so I finally broke down and realized I needed to put all the relays on one panel, then run multi-wire cable out to the actual signal locations.  

I will keep posting as I make some progress. 

Chris, Thank you for the additional information!

W&W, The ballasted track looks great!  It reminds me of the old double track B&O mainline we used to walk as kids.  It was always well maintained!

I have been pondering taking down the ceramic buildings and snow blanket over the layout I started building last year.  Today I took down the "train tree" as my wife calls the little Christmas tree she bought for the train room a couple years ago.  All the train related ornaments she has bought go on it.  Maybe I'll get the layout back to normal this weekend, since my replaced knee isn't up to the trip over the state line to join the Northeast Ohio guys at Paul 2's house Saturday.

John Rowlen posted:

The 5th car, Lionel 21" Santa Fe Coach #3136 is completed.  I have the 6th car, Coach #3139 ready to add figures.  I will attempt to change the appearance of passenger groups and switch figures to the opposite side of the second coach when possible.  Creating a new look is always a challenge with a limited number of posed figures.

After working on so many 21" passenger cars, the interiors begin to look the same.  They are not the same, but it creates a challenge to avoid repeated patterns of passenger placement.

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

They looked awesome John!

chris a posted:

Been planning and working on the new signal system for the entire main line.   Decided on 11 blocks (around 25 feet each in length)....  STAN2004 had provided me a great schematic to control the B & O Color Position Light signals I purchased from another OGR member.... 

Using 3PDT relays the system will "look ahead" 2 blocks and control the G/Y/R lights accordingly....  So I decided that I really need to do bunch of research to understand how the prototype B & O CPL signal system worked and what all the different light aspects (with the additional white marker lights) were communicating.   As I was reading through two really great pieces on the web, I found out that the prototype system was specifically designed to look at block occupancy 2 blocks ahead, so that was a pretty cool discovery.

Anyway, it's taken alot of time to lay out and identify all the signals on the track plan, for both eastbound and westbound protection, label all the blocks so that when I start wiring the 24 relays, I don't get "lost"....   

Also, made a major improvement to the base of the Brass NJ International "bracketed signals with 2 heads"  epoxied in a brass tube with heat shrink liner to protect  the wiring and make it possible to mount the signal in a 25/32 diameter hole drilled through the table top.   

Got to stop and eat, but at least I got the relay panel laid out, everything screwed down and the first 3 relays are 90% wired....

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I am very interested in what you are doing here. What is it that you read?

Chris A, Wow, I just took a few minutes to check out the latest on this topic and was amazed at the pictures of your new signals. This is great and will be an interesting journey to see how this enhances your train layout and Operation of your model railroad. This will take a lot of concentration, and are you using insulated rail to activate the signals? I am getting ready to hook up my Atlas O signal system, and also with Custom Signals. It requires lots of thinking. Your signals look very nice. Keep us informed and good luck. Fantastic. 

Thanks John and Larry...   Yes Larry I haven't thought about something in this detail for some time....  Went through several copies of the track plan trying to come up with a number ID system for eastbound and westbound signal heads, plus ID labels for the insulated blocks, that I could transfer to the relay board and the signal locations so I don't end  up in the "corn maze" !!

Didn't think it was going to be that complicated, until I started drawing it out and trying to label it for both directions.  Good thing I was working in pencil, because I was using the eraser pretty frequently!!!   Ended up making all the eastbound signals odd numbers, even numbers for the westbound, and then I used letters for track blocks so I could make sure the right insulated block was wired to the correct relays.... signal protection in both directions means that the same insulated rail section has to communicate with signal control relays for both the east and west directions.... I can't wait to run a bench test after I get the eastbound direction done to see if I did it right the first time.    Once everything tests out ok, I plan to pull up the masking tape labels and print labels for the wires, relay ID's and terminal strip ID markers and tape them down with HD clear packing tape...

John Rowlen, trust me I had a few days this week when I had the same frustrations you were sharing above...."Is that all I got done today ? "     These were the original NJ International brass signals,  I have had to resolder a few joints, but with the new temperature controlled soldering station I purchased making small brass repairs was actually not too bad.   

Got a long way to go, but at least I've gotten off to a pretty decent start this week.  

WOW, took me 2 pages to get up to speed on what everyone is doing! There sure is a lot of great work being done!

Howard, wonderful job on the street scene! Looks so real!

John, its nice to see you moving right along with your passenger cars! I can see how that could be a daunting task!

Brian, great photos as usual!

Chris, just reading what your doing makes my head spin! Your signals look amazing and I cant wait to see your future progress!

I haven't done anything in the train room for a couple of weeks now. Between working on the house and shoveling snow I haven't had much time for anything. The good news is the wife, kids, grandkids and I are going to the train show tomorrow. I need to see if I can find some gondolas for my future scrap yard with both my cranes are sitting.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and finds a lot of time for there trains and layouts!

p51 posted:
mike g. posted:


The good news is the wife, kids, grandkids and I are going to the train show tomorrow. 

Glad to hear you're going there. I got my ticket already and plan on being there first thing, myself....

Morning Lee, We have our tickets already also. We hope to be there around 10 or 11 as the wife has to work 2 hours in the morning. I hope to see you there!

Chris a, signals are going to look good when placed at the tracks. You are an electrical guru. 

Brian, as always great pics.

Yesterday I opened up the woodland scenics unloading crew and placed the forklift on one of my loadfing platforms. I like it so I think I am going to get a few more. Hoping today to clean the last of the table off. I started lining up the buildings at the back of the table. I see already I have to recut the PVC...I measured wrong ( what else is new for me LOL) plus I have to fill in more of the backdrop) . Waiting for the tank cars to come today but I found a box I can throw the rest of the stuff on the table in and stuff it under the table. Couple of Pics...............Paul 2



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romiller49 posted:

SINCLAIR, now the real problems will come into play. You'll spend more time having fun running trains than working on scenery and such. Keep a record of how many times you attempt to work on the layout but only ran trains and got nothing accomplished other than total relaxation. I've been retired five years and still no trees have been planted on my layout. Have fun.

modeltrainsparts posted:

Rod, Exactly what happened to me after "driving the golden spike".  I did very little for over a year except run trains.

Okay, so I have to come clean.  It didn't take me long to get the bench work done, just a couple months.  Then it took me probably another couple to finalize the track plan.  I got the outside loop done and powered, and then all work came to a halt because I started running trains.  That lasted a few months and then life really got in the way.  It was about a year a go I decided to really finish it, so I ordered the rest of the track, and then got laid off.  So now I had time to work, but no money to buy the wire and LCS parts I needed.  Once I got a job it took me a while to rebuild my savings and so I then got to work.  I should really get the buildings I have on there, but last night I had to get the important stuff done.


There be trains on those tracks.


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Hi Guys: Lots of work going on...Leapinlarry - I loved the NYC F-3 in front of the roundhouse, I love my 1952 NYC F-3 its my favorite engine, smooth, steady, and pulls anything I ask of it..  Odenville Bill - I am contemplating adding a second level to my layout so I appreciated the picture of your starting point, will be tracking any other photos you post.  Gandydancer 1950 - really liked the pictures of Starkweather Ave.

My activity has not been near as satisfactory.  My brand new CNJ RS-3 died right out of the box after traveling about 10 ft.  I had waited for this engine for many months so this was a real downer.  Well, after a phone call to Lionel I am pleased to say that they responded well and agreed it was covered by warranty and sent me shipping instructions and a shipping label to send it back. So...its on its way back to Lionel for repair (I hope). 

By the way, anyone in our area going to the big train show in Plano, Tx both Sat/ Sun?  I  will be there on Sat and would love to meet 1:1 anyone of you folks who are there.  Just look for a short, heavy, balding guy with the confused expression on his face


Opened up my Santa Fe 21" Observation and was greeted by the surprise that the center Bar Area was not in this car. (The holes in the floor are not there for the Bar pegs so this is an intentional omission.)

I posted two pictures of my second Chesapeake and Ohio Observation with the Bar factory installed.  Filling the area with the Bar makes a big difference.  I will have to see what I can create for this large middle space.

UPDATE:  I painted most of the Observation Lounge seats and tables. (There are no rooms in this Observation.)  It will need something to fill the middle void where the Bar has been on other Lionel Observations.  Perhaps I will build a Buffet Table and a smaller Bar/Service Area.  The last three pictures are from tonight's painting.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Weather today was not the greatest so I made the decision to cancel the group get together at my house today. I didn't want anyone driving in this bad weather. Hopefully I can reschedule it for next month. So today I think I'll run some trains for a while and then since I have the table cleaned off I'll get some work done on the basement layout. In the meantime I opened the two packages I got yesterday. Two three pack tank car sets. Have to say these are long tank cars........................Paul 2


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