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Paul, I thought it would be cancelled.  Wise decision!  Hopefully I will be up to it if you are able to reschedule.  Running trains is an excellent idea.  The tank cars sound great!

I'm taking all the ceramic Christmas buildings off the layout.  I had to stop after standing and walking back and forth to the adjacent garage for an hour because my leg was hurting too much.  I'll give it another go later.

briansilvermustang posted:


          having a fun train day... 















I already slapped a "LIKE" on this but I really do like the diversity.  It's a very eclectic display of pictures.  Steam & overhead electric is missing, but it is still different.  Who makes the nice looking Penn Central green coach?  It looks long.


Brian, I agree with Matt!  This is a very diverse group today.  Usually you definitely follow a theme!  Or is there a theme we are missing?


       no theme today,  just messing around running different trains today...



I already slapped a "LIKE" on this but I really do like the diversity.  It's a very eclectic display of pictures.  Steam & overhead electric is missing, but it is still different.  Who makes the nice looking Penn Central green coach?  It looks long.


               the Penn Central green coach is a new Lionel car,

                        to go in my Amtrak rainbow train,  all 21" cars I'm putting together...


          Steam & overhead electric is missing...






                                               have a great weekend !!




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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Very nice once again, Brian. I wish that I designed in 072 curves at both ends of my layout to handle 21” cars. I have the track. Hmmm 🤔 🧐!  Maybe it’s time to relocate the workbenches. Measuring is in my future. I’ve been told that 096 is what’s really needed for 21” cars, but 072  would improve the look of my 18” cars. 

Today I'm an EXTREMELY happy camper!  For the past two weeks I have been ignoring a mystery short in my LED lighting and Tortoise switch machine power circuit.   I’m 12 months shy from completing my 80th trip around the sun, so you can imagine how much enjoyment I get from crawling around under my layout!   Yet, I was determined to find that short today!

Luckily, I’m able to isolate the main part of the layout from the yard area with an easy disconnect.   After that, the switch machines and signal indicators came to life on the main part of the layout which indicated that the short was somewhere along the industrial yard and scrapyard.   To make a long story short, I found the short in one of the DPDT rocker switches which activate the switch machines.   You’re probably familiar with the 6 posts and wire arrangement used with this type of switch, they are small and crowded.   Somehow, one of the lead wires got bent and kissed a neighbor.   I have no idea how that happened as this circuit has been working fine for several years and I don’t play much under the table.     I guess gremlins do exist and, from time to time, like to visit train rooms and raise havoc.

I am sharing this simply because I have to tell someone that might appreciate the magnitude of this day as my wife does not totally understand the pure joy one gets from such a find!

Chris, you're giving me a bad case of signal envy!   Impressive project! 

John, you are quite the passenger agent!   Amtrak should hire you to fill their trains.   Wonderful detailing!   Are you keeping all these passenger cars for your layout or are you doing custom work for others?   Your work is very impressive!  

Paul, you have a very understanding wife to give you both the Attic and the basement (laundry room)!   Way to go!!

To all others, keep on posting.   Great way to share!

Double cheers, Dave

Meet the Bad Boy!



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Please don't accuse me of lying.

We had 19 kids on the church van and my van. The church van broke down at church. I was taking half the kids home in my van when the left front axle collapsed on a busy highway. They got the church van running, and it broke down in the mountains in a crowded area with all narrow streets. After getting my van towed away, I took my SUV and went after the church van. Mayra, the woman driver who had her four year old son with her, was crying. I got half those kids home and then sent Mayra off with my vehicle and the other kids while I waited for the mechanic. After two hours of work, we got the van three blocks and had to give up.

And then we had Mayra and her son over to our house, and her son and I had a wonderful time with my trains.

I skipped to my 8th Santa Fe 21" passenger car, the Pine Gorge 10-6 Sleeper in the 1927010 4-pack.

I was starting to place people in my Observation and my nose kept dripping.  I decided to paint the interior of the Pine Gorge sleeper instead.  The car is painted and ready for my sniffles to subside.  Got to keep my nose to the grindstone. 

I will add figures to the Observation and Sleeper as soon as I am able.

Only the Santa Fe Baggage remains to be painted.  I will load the car with baggage and freight, and bicycles and all kinds of Woodland Scenics figures.

Have a good day.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Hi folks- lot's of great work and play going on. Hit the 'like" button a bunch of times.
John- your dedication to your little people is amazing. You better watch out that they don't revolt and tie you to the ground like Gulliver.
Chris- please share more details on your signal project. How are you controlling the relays? Isolated rail or IR sensors? I have a set of crossing signals that I control with a ice-cube relay on an isolated rail. The relay chatters with lighter cars so I'm watching closely for tips and tricks.
Matt- go for won't regret larger curves.
Brian- your never ending collection constantly amazes.
Paul- I hope you made a list of where all that stuff went. Too bad about the weather. We're out in the Poconos this weekend and we just made it to the resort as the flakes started flying.
Dave- glad you found the short. 30 years as an electrician I've seen it all. Wires do weird things sometimes. I swear its the electrons........

Everyone have a great day with their trains and.......FOOTBALL!

2019-11-17 17.54.38


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Last edited by RSJB18

Brian, I think you are the only one to have one of everything! What a great collection you have! Very Impressive! Between your amazing layout and your collection anyone would be a happy person!

Paul 2, Sorry you had to delay your group meeting at your house. But its better everyone be safe! I agree now you have a clean slate, time to mess it up again and see what you come up with!

Mark, Take it easy on that knee! Remember baby steps will take you along way! You have plenty of time to get things moved before you have to start moving them back out again! LOL

N5cjohnny, Looks good. I just love the products from John at Azatrax!

Dave, I am glad you got your short fixed! I had the same problem with the tight wiring of the DPDT switches!

Ray, your 3D printing project is just amazing to fallow as you go! Very Impressive!

Vincent, Way to step up to the plate and take care of the kids and Mayra! They are lucky to have a friend like you! 

John, Wonderful work! Sounds like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project!

As for me I did nothing, but went to the train show yesterday. I was able to pic up 8-10 gondolas and 1 switcher for $200, I needed them for my scrap yard area and I didn't have any in my collection. They are a bunch of different road names which I will have to change down the road, And the switcher is a New Haven switcher that will one day get either a BN or BNSF repaint. I will post pictures later in Buy anything cool lately!

I hope you all have a great day with your train and layout! I will be working on the house again! LOL

mike g. posted:

As for me I did nothing, but went to the train show yesterday. I was able to pic up 8-10 gondolas and 1 switcher for $200, I needed them for my scrap yard area and I didn't have any in my collection. They are a bunch of different road names which I will have to change down the road, And the switcher is a New Haven switcher that will one day get either a BN or BNSF repaint. I will post pictures later in Buy anything cool lately!

I hope you all have a great day with your train and layout! I will be working on the house again! LOL



RSJB18 posted:
mike g. posted:

As for me I did nothing, but went to the train show yesterday. I was able to pic up 8-10 gondolas and 1 switcher for $200, I needed them for my scrap yard area and I didn't have any in my collection. They are a bunch of different road names which I will have to change down the road, And the switcher is a New Haven switcher that will one day get either a BN or BNSF repaint. I will post pictures later in Buy anything cool lately!

I hope you all have a great day with your train and layout! I will be working on the house again! LOL



But Bob, as you can see there is no  green on here! LOLIMG_20200119_064512365


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Vincent Massi: You are a hero! What a story and I know its one those kids will remember as well.  Setting a great example is the best thing any of us can do for our young people...Thanks!

Mikeg :  I also went to the train show yesterday, it was quite a show.  Sorry that there is very little way we might identify each other and thus meet for coffee or something.  Glad you had good hunting. 

I too had good hunting at the show.  Found a pre-war (I think although dating Flyer pre-war accessories is tough) Town Depot.  A little lithographed station on a 6" x 4" grey metal platform.  The station itself (more like a shed) is lithographed brick with white trim and is only 5 1/2"L x  2 1/4" W x 3" H to the peak of the roof.  Roof is dark green metal.  Litho is quite detailed with a baggage cart and scale on the long side and a bicycle , a window, and a clock (12:33 is the time) at the peak on the short ends. The baggage cart has a barrel or keg and a crate on it.   It is labeled on the ends as  "Flyer Town Depot" No 93, Made in USA.  My books on Pre-War Flyer are good on trains but nearly blank on accessories or structures. Folks, if anyone has any data on the No. 93 that you would be willing to post I would appreciate it as my reference material has come up dry!

As you can see its a long way from "LN" but then again ... so am I!!   By the way while I was waiting for the picture to move to my computer, I took a look with a magnifying glass as the crate that is lithographed on the baggage cart actually says :  "from American Flyer Mfg Co , Chicago, Il."

Anyway it was fun to find!  I have a Flyer pre-war freight station on my layout this may find a place next door. 




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samparfitt posted:

The GNRW's mission statement:

Hauling nothing, nowhere, on time, everyday!

Also, excellent safety record: We've gone 14,600 days with no fatalities!


Auxiliary to GNRW mission statement:

 GNRW operating rules:

Rule 1: This is my railroad.

Rule 2: I make the rules.

Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!

John, Your baggage car is great!

Don, Very nice station!

I did take a rest, Mike.  The knee did prove to be a little more swollen than normal, so I will heed your words today.    The knee is back to normal, if you can call it normal.    Just now I did get all the Christmas buildings and snow blanket put away, so I am looking at the bare tabletop today.  

So far today I just ran trains in the attic. I had switched out engines to entertain the group but bad weather canceled that. Upper mainlines I have the Lionel Legacy 4 unit FA's pulling the autoracks on the outside and on the inside track I have the wife's L & N fantasy passenger set running. On the lower mainlines on the outer track iss the Lionel Legacy Niagara pulling the Weaver TOFC flat cars and on the inner track I have my Canadian Club PGE RS-3 pulling a bunch of Crown model and Weaver box cars and reefers. Pics..............Paul 2



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I just finished gluing people into the "Pine Gorge" Sleeper from the 1927010 4-pack.  My biggest fan, Mom, looks at the finished car.  Now we are ready for some football on TV.

The Pine Gorge is the 8th car of 9 Santa Fe 21" passenger cars.  I skipped putting people in the 7th car, the Observation until this afternoon.  The people are ready and I will break to work at half-time and after the game.

Have a good day.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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The last two days, I've been busy with a bunch of detail stuff. I took a couple of coaches I bought it a show for next to nothing, Christmas patterns, and turn them both into Maintenance of Way cars. I didn't really need them, and I probably won't use them in any op sessions, but I just wanted to mess around with them because I had almost no money in them.

Take a look at the soda bottles in the pallet, each was an individual piece. That took quite a while to get those together...



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mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:
mike g. posted:

As for me I did nothing, but went to the train show yesterday. I was able to pic up 8-10 gondolas and 1 switcher for $200, I needed them for my scrap yard area and I didn't have any in my collection. They are a bunch of different road names which I will have to change down the road, And the switcher is a New Haven switcher that will one day get either a BN or BNSF repaint. I will post pictures later in Buy anything cool lately!

I hope you all have a great day with your train and layout! I will be working on the house again! LOL



But Bob, as you can see there is no  green on here! LOLIMG_20200119_064512365

Heresy, sir... heresy!!!   
(Though not as bad as the pink GG1...)

Last edited by Apples55

Forward Progress

I went back to the 7th Santa Fe 21" passenger car, the Observation Lounge.  Work was slow and tedious as I had to do more grinding to fit the figures at and under the table tops. The figures are sandwiched between the seat and underside of the table.  The Sleepers went quickly earlier today with grinding on the backsides only, but the Observation brought progress to a crawl. 

The seated people with wide hips have to sit on the benches.  Only the smaller figures can easily fit in the many narrow chairs in the rear of the Observation.

I plan to call Lionel parts and see if the earlier Bar from the NYC ESE Observation is available.  I am tired from re-inventing the wheel and creating interiors that should have been included in the car.

This is where I stop for today.  Three of the four Lounge Tables are done and some larger figures are seated on the bench/sofas.  My creativity has disappeared and sleep is calling me.

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Last edited by John Rowlen

Bob, good news! You don't have to worry there will be no painting of the New Haven switcher! Forum Member Briansilvermustang has offered to trade me a MTH PS2 BNSF switcher for the New Haven switcher!

Don, Nice find! There were a lot of things I was looking for but ended up with what I got. I wish we could have met up at the train show. I couldn't find Lee AKA P51 while I was there, just so many people.

Sam, Great set of Rules! LOL

Mark, looks good. Now your just like Paul, a clean slate just waiting to get messed up again with the build!

Paul, Looks like a good time! You know you cant spend all your time building! Everyone should take some time to just sit back and run trains now and then!

John, Looking great! I hope you and your mom had fun watching football! So just wondering what's next when your all done with the Santa Fe Passenger cars?

Ray, Looks great just like yesterday!

Lew, Looks like a great idea that should work well! Makes me want to hook up the motor system I build for my crane. I hope you will post more photo's and maybe a video!

Lee, Your attention to detail is just AMAZING! Nice little video also! Sorry I didn't find you at the train show, there were just so many people and not enough time!

Well yesterday I busted my butt working on our bathroom remodel and that's about it! But the CEO said I should take today off and do something fun, so train room here I come. First this is to put new traction tires on the New Haven switcher, then whatever I want. I am not sure but have a few ideas of what I am going to try and get done. I will post later!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and finds time for there layout and trains!

briansilvermustang posted:


              hello Mike...


                got it all painted up for you... 

                   will talk to you later,   have a great train day !!



Brian, Your a master at painting! Looks like right from the factory!

mike g. posted:

Bob, good news! You don't have to worry there will be no painting of the New Haven switcher! Forum Member Briansilvermustang has offered to trade me a MTH PS2 BNSF switcher for the New Haven switcher!


Mark, looks good. Now your just like Paul, a clean slate just waiting to get messed up again with the build!

Paul, Looks like a good time! You know you cant spend all your time building! Everyone should take some time to just sit back and run trains now and then!


Well yesterday I busted my butt working on our bathroom remodel and that's about it! But the CEO said I should take today off and do something fun, so train room here I come. First this is to put new traction tires on the New Haven switcher, then whatever I want. I am not sure but have a few ideas of what I am going to try and get done. I will post later!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and finds time for there layout and trains!

Mike, you are absolutely right except I need to clear off some space in the other room to find the tools and materials.  

Wow, everyone’s really making progress, scenic detailing, adding freight, spicing up their rolling stock, improving older accessories, fantastic thinking... Saturday,I rearranged my MTH Stations For easier viewing as these are operating accessories. The people actually board the train, the merchandise actually gets loaded on to the trains and I’m going for realism, ha,ha. It’s all in the fun of the game. I’ve decided to wire them via the actual controller, it’s simpler. Mite G., I hope you get some train time in soon, Geysergazer Lew, great idea working on the gantry crane and keep us posted, P51 Lee, great pictures, awesome detailing, very interesting, Briansilvermustang, your the man, trains everywhere, your trains are always fun to view. SIDEHACK, Great Modeling, neat layout, more pictures. Paul 2, I like that Canadian Pacific ABBA, and the layout, wow., Mark Boyce m great pictures and I love the hi level railroad, so cool, also your table top layout looks great, wow, and now that the NFL Playoffs are close to an end, the Super Bowl in the near future, we can work on our layouts.   Have a great week everyone.78554800-CC41-413C-8567-FA156BAEF1DC5FEC58C8-5BEF-4518-B028-C15F0883A7B5


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Larry, thank you!!  The MTH station platforms are neat!  I have a freight one and need to get a passenger one someday.  I also need to cover up the NYC sign with Western Maryland!  Wink!  I see one of yours says Pittsburgh Brewing Company!  That is certainly a Western Pennsylvania icon!

So many things to do, the hobby never gets old!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Thank you Larry, The CEO has given me the green light to play in the train room today! Not sure what I will get done, but its better then working on the house! LOL

I too like the MTH platforms you have there on your layout! When you get them all hooked up it would be neat if you could do a little video as I have never seen them in action!

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