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55113400-8335-4963-906E-66658DD074759588E08C-BB41-46B6-8800-51FBE2146E1904DF4A7A-AA7B-418A-98AC-486C21FCE7E42923C1B5-8E65-4BC8-B3F2-162BCFC43A19399D8CED-417F-4158-8EA3-75D2F9AF402BB0FF1ED6-B2B4-41D2-8627-378A828210E50F5CAF13-8023-4940-B1CC-D1EB2FCFC444This evening I decided to get this old Lionel  depot up and going. I bought this several years ago at a Hobby Shop in St. Louis and I’m tired of moving it around Under the layout to get something. It will go on the second half of the layout. I’m undecided on the colors but have a few in mind I’m going for a fictional depot. I dismantled it and hope to get it cleaned up and painted soon


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So much to see on this thread in the last three days.

I am still painting Preiser 65602 Seated People for the next passenger cars I will detail.  I have started 38 combined figures that yield 76 people for the train.  The figures were set aside because of the painting challenges they present.  If I stray with my paint cut lines on one figure, I am marking the figure next to it.  I also have changed the way I install these figures, making them more realistic.  I do more grinding of legs that keep them vertical, rather than reclining.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


Images (1)
  • IMG_1516
Last edited by John Rowlen
Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, the painting is looking very good!

Lee, I do not have a steady hand anymore, and even by bracing it on something it seems paint goes everywhere.  Your car looks better now than when you started.

LISteamer, the scene is really coming together!  The printed piers are great!

Paul, Your buildings are looking great!  As long as it doesn't snow a bunch next Saturday, I plan to see them first hand!!

Well what I found on the '87 crane is that the magnet works and both motors wonk but they don't turn anything.  I see the coupling between the plastic motor housings and the gears must be little square end shafts, and they both are missing.  I took all the cardboard filler out of the box, but don't see them there.

In this photograph, I have removed one of the motor housings from the base.  I had a dickens of a time getting light to shine where I wanted it, but the two circles with the line between them shows where the square shaft should go from the easy to see hole on the motor housing and the hard to see gear.  The single circle shows where the other motor housing is still mounted on the base and it is missing the shaft also.

If anyone sees where my observations are wrong, let me know.  I never saw one of these before.

Inked2020-02-08 17.16.24_LI

Hardware store keystock,  square wood dowel (craft isle at Wally world, etc) or square ended chopstick?  (a bit easier than finding plastistrut here)

Hold it place for assembly with a tiny dab of silicon/caulk (if it's tricky.)

I wanted to chop off my left arm last month, then my right one soon after. Each lasted about 2 weeks;  Mid fingers to elbow... I couldn't lift a coffee cup with the left one.     Arthritis or CT  most likely....It ain't fun; that's for sure.

mike g. posted:

Erica Ann, Wonderful work on the Alco shells!

Lew, those are some fantastic photos! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us~!

Third Rail, Great job on the weathering, thanks for the step by step information!

JLM, Your son has an eye for taste! Let him flow with it, it will help keep him interested!

Johan, You never let up! Once again what a great looking scene!

Mitch, Outstanding work, what an improvement and I bet the kids really love it!

As for me, nothing, noda, zip, zilch. I guess you all get the point, been working on the house! LOL

Mike. You're welcome. I just try do it my best.🤝



paul 2 posted:

Johan, those are great pics. You have a good eye for capturing a scene.

Mike g, good to see you got a chance to run trains. Hope you find the problem with the power to the track.

Erica ann, very nice paint job on the diesels.

 And to everybody else you have made for good reading today on all the projects going on. 

Took a trip to Menards to get some spray paint for the different silos along with some basswood strips from the hobby section to make some loading docks for the new flats. Also picked up two 3 inch clamps that had a great rebate on them. 4.99 each with a 4.00 dollar rebate on each one. The rebate was a limit of two. Today I applied two more washes to the machine shop. Then I started piecing in the flats to see how they will work together. Did some changing out of the flats I already had in place. I decided to cut off the bottom on one of the last flats I got. I think I am pretty close to this being the final positioning. Pics..........Paul 2


Paul. Thank you. I waiting our new backdrops, hope they are soon ready.🤝


Adriatic posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, the painting is looking very good!

Lee, I do not have a steady hand anymore, and even by bracing it on something it seems paint goes everywhere.  Your car looks better now than when you started.

LISteamer, the scene is really coming together!  The printed piers are great!

Paul, Your buildings are looking great!  As long as it doesn't snow a bunch next Saturday, I plan to see them first hand!!

Well what I found on the '87 crane is that the magnet works and both motors wonk but they don't turn anything.  I see the coupling between the plastic motor housings and the gears must be little square end shafts, and they both are missing.  I took all the cardboard filler out of the box, but don't see them there.

In this photograph, I have removed one of the motor housings from the base.  I had a dickens of a time getting light to shine where I wanted it, but the two circles with the line between them shows where the square shaft should go from the easy to see hole on the motor housing and the hard to see gear.  The single circle shows where the other motor housing is still mounted on the base and it is missing the shaft also.

If anyone sees where my observations are wrong, let me know.  I never saw one of these before.

Hardware store keystock,  square wood dowel (craft isle at Wally world, etc) or square ended chopstick?  (a bit easier than finding plastistruct here)

Hold it place for assembly with a tiny dab of silicon/caulk (if it's tricky.)

I wanted to chop off my left arm last month, then my right one soon after. Each lasted about 2 weeks;  Mid fingers to elbow... I couldn't lift a coffee cup with the left one.     Arthritis or CT  most likely....It ain't fun; that's for sure.

Butch, Thank you for the ideas.  Someone else suggested he has the ability to cut plexiglass to size as well.  On the one hand, it is a back burner project.  On the other hand, it is a project I would like to put back together once and know it's working.  Right now it is sitting there in pieces.  

I'm sorry you have had so much pain with arthritis or even carpal tunnel.  I had CT surgery in each hand twice.  Scar tissue caused the second go round.  It was much worse. 

Mark Boyce posted:

Lee, I was looking for something else and found another AmeriTown kit I forgot I had.  It says it is a Realtor office, but I think it looks like a small company store in coal country. I’m going to build it next trying a thinner, more tan mortar, and see how it goes before I do the Atlas switch tomorrow.

Mark- when I did my building over the weekend I mixed the paint to a very thin milkshake consistency. Seemed to work well.



I inherited my grandfather's 226e with correct 12 wheel tender around Christmas of 2018. Had it serviced and got bit by the bug. Several locomotives was time to get off of the floor.

This is my first layout.  I have a 3.5 year and 9 month old so time is tight. Just bought a lionchief set (santa fe superchief) so my older son can run it with the remote and sounds, he loves it. 

My main goal was to have a place to run 2 trains simultaneously and this was the space I had, 4' x 10'.  I just wired my 2 remote switches in the back today. My outside loop is missing a 1.75" piece which will put it flush along the front edge, had to steal that piece while installing the switches for the inner figure 8. 

I am already planning an elevated level so I can run 3 trains or possibly a smaller elevated bumper track for a gang car, but that won't be for a while.


Images (3)
  • 20200211_153146: First layout, had to go 4'x10' due to restrictions
  • 20200211_153206
  • 20200211_153211: Wired up my remote switches today
Last edited by PRRick

Johan, the cars and backdrop look great!

Brian, NS&EW, That is the perfect name for your railroad!!

Kevin, the station area looks great!

Gerhardt, You are doing a great job fitting in a lot of layout in 10x12!!

Rick, the layout looks great so far.  You are doing a good job, and I hope your little ones will enjoy trains with you.  I see a Go Steelers sign on the wall.  Do you live in the Pittsburgh area?  Also, check your wanted to buy post, I replied there also.  


While waiting to get some better colored paint for the AmeriTowne window sills, I dug out all the parts for this River Leaf Models building I started a long time ago.  I'm thinking I put it all on the shelf back in 2014-15 when I had carpal tunnel issues and surgery for the second time and never got it back out.  I trimmed, sanded and attached all the windows and doors today.  Yes, I see I need to do something with the interior on this one.  Who knows what I was thinking 5 years ago.  

2020-02-11 19.57.58


Images (1)
  • 2020-02-11 19.57.58

After three days of painting 38 Preiser double figures, they are ready for final inspection and correction.  These double figures take more time than the usual single figures.  I have painted approximately 165 Preiser 65602 24-Seated People packs.  This double figure was used, but not as often as the adults with babies, old woman with a cane, and others.

I am panting the few leftover figures from when I would open a new package to get a specific figure from a 24-pack for a passenger car I detailed.  I created 10 variations of these figures in order to have variety in a seven-car passenger train.  Preiser only offers two variations in their factory painted packs.

I also save significant cost by painting the figures myself.

Sincerely, John Rowlen 



Images (1)
  • IMG_1522
Last edited by John Rowlen
Mark Boyce posted:

Johan, the cars and backdrop look great!

Brian, NS&EW, That is the perfect name for your railroad!!

Kevin, the station area looks great!

Gerhardt, You are doing a great job fitting in a lot of layout in 10x12!!

Rick, the layout looks great so far.  You are doing a good job, and I hope your little ones will enjoy trains with you.  I see a Go Steelers sign on the wall.  Do you live in the Pittsburgh area?  Also, check your wanted to buy post, I replied there also.  


While waiting to get some better colored paint for the AmeriTowne window sills, I dug out all the parts for this River Leaf Models building I started a long time ago.  I'm thinking I put it all on the shelf back in 2014-15 when I had carpal tunnel issues and surgery for the second time and never got it back out.  I trimmed, sanded and attached all the windows and doors today.  Yes, I see I need to do something with the interior on this one.  Who knows what I was thinking 5 years ago.  

2020-02-11 19.57.58

Mark. Thank you. The building looking really nice.🤝


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