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Originally Posted by Moonson:

Much Thanks to these voices on the forum who sent me a "Like" for my work on refreshing the Lionel layout @ FAO Schwarz:

Chugman; Mark Boyce; trainroomgary; TRK; Spence; C.Chancey; Chessie; Pingman; MillCity; Suzukovich.


You may be interested in knowing that Lionel completely SOLD OUT of every train-set in the store by last Friday and is endeavoring to replenish the inventory.


I have concluded from this (to put my own spin on an old axiom)  that a model train layout in a store is worth a thousand cheers! The hobby is alive and well !


P.S. The same happened @ Macy's, Herald Square, NYC !!!!


Layout Refinements




photo 4[2)

photo 4

Well built and crafted layouts in stores is what sells trains in any scale. My kids saw your layout I would be hard pressed to say no. You did a great job, sure the economy is slowly getting better but the bottom line, it was the layout that sold the trains and a sales staff that knew the right answers.



Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Chugman:

Mitch - I never get tired of seeing children's faces at a train layout.  Priceless!




i agree with Art.  Looks like you had a good event!

Quite good!   How the little dickenses managed to tear a giraffe car coupler knuckle out by the roots while knocking a wheelset out of another one eludes me, as my head was turned at the time... 



After a few weeks hiatus I finally got back to the layout. From before Thanksgiving I have not been able to run trains because I decided to change to position of my control panel. In doing that I decided to paint the sides black. Also I started running new wire to replace the temporary wire. Along with that I ran to the Depot to get 14 gauge spade connectors instead of cutting corners using the 18 gauge connectors on the 14 gauge wire. So shortly I will be heading up to the layout to drill new holes in the cross braces to hold wire for the power leads and wires for switches and uncoupling tracks. I have to get back to running a train or two while working...............Paul

I bought a car routing, card system from Micro Mark, which will be used for operating sessions.


This is the perfect opportunity to take inventory and clear out all of the non scale pieces from the railroad. I had an old list on my computer, but I never updated it with all my new acquisitions. So, I'm going train by train, checking each car off the old list, and creating a cards for them. I'm going to wait until the major construction is done to unpack the rest. That day is coming soon.


I've actually gotten my wife in on the action. Her hand writing is far more legible than mine. 


In the process of doing this, I have been moving all the trains, having them each take a lap, pushing the track cleaning car. I must say, things are running much smoother now.

After some procrastination, and indecision (this thing will have a huge footprint which

may disallow its use on the layout), I began the first cutting of walls and windows for

a Steam Era Structures Feed Mill day before yesterday. All windows have to be cut from unshaped walls, and I will not use the kit's template method, so going will be

slow with lots of careful measuring.  I will raise the central elevator higher, also.  The

model is reduced at least 1/3 or 1/2 from the pictured prototype, so I decided not to

enlarge it back to that, which would make it quite a bit larger.  I do not need another

elevator....I have enough now to operate a prairie shortline that did nothing but serve

various elevators.  There are two O scale elevator kits I don't own, that I eventually

hope to pick up on the secondary market...I have a thing about elevators.

Originally Posted by suzukovich:
Originally Posted by Moonson:

Much Thanks to these voices on the forum who sent me a "Like" for my work on refreshing the Lionel layout @ FAO Schwarz:

Chugman; Mark Boyce; trainroomgary; TRK; Spence; C.Chancey; Chessie; Pingman; MillCity; Suzukovich.


You may be interested in knowing that Lionel completely SOLD OUT of every train-set in the store by last Friday and is endeavoring to replenish the inventory.


I have concluded from this (to put my own spin on an old axiom)  that a model train layout in a store is worth a thousand cheers! The hobby is alive and well !


P.S. The same happened @ Macy's, Herald Square, NYC !!!!


Layout Refinements




photo 4[2)


Well built and crafted layouts in stores is what sells trains in any scale. My kids saw your layout I would be hard pressed to say no. You did a great job, sure the economy is slowly getting better but the bottom line, it was the layout that sold the trains and a sales staff that knew the right answers.



Thanks, Doug. I'll pass your viewpoint on to Lionel and FAO. You made me feel pretty darn good reading what you said here. Thanks again, most sincerely.


Originally Posted by Spence:

Well the light bulb just went on. I finally put 2&2 together & realized that Moonson is the Frank Mullen that is talked about in the new Notch 6 podcast. Better late than never. (LOL)

You inadvertently did me a great kindness, Spence, in posting that. I had no idea about any Notch6 Podcast radio station. So, my wife and I had a little adventure together, right away upon my reading your reply here and got amazed and really tickled listening to the interview, thanks to your good-offices. Thank you. 


Bill Wander's mention of my Layout Refinements efforts with the Lionel FAO layout was, clearly, deliberate, amounting to something of an imprimatur, IMHO. It was very gratifying to hear. He is a very dynamic, no-nonsense new leader in Lionel who is benefiting the company significantly, IMO. And he is an excellent personality with whom to work.


P.S. So, as it turned out, it was I who didn't know something. Thank you again for the heads-up.

Last edited by Moonson
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Moonson:

Thank you, Randy Harrison, for your gracious and positive viewpoint. I wish you much continued success with your accomplishments at Harrison Trains and Scenes, to be sure.


P.S. Having just now gone to your website, I particularly like your "Log Cabin", "The Church Yard", and the "Boy Scout Camp" among your many nice creations. Bravo, indeed!


You certainly did a fine job on that store layout!!


I totally agree, having an operating, detailed layout in the store does wonders for sales.  ...

Thank you, Mark, for your positive input and approval.


Originally Posted by Moonson:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Moonson:

Thank you, Randy Harrison, for your gracious and positive viewpoint. I wish you much continued success with your accomplishments at Harrison Trains and Scenes, to be sure.


P.S. Having just now gone to your website, I particularly like your "Log Cabin", "The Church Yard", and the "Boy Scout Camp" among your many nice creations. Bravo, indeed!


You certainly did a fine job on that store layout!!


I totally agree, having an operating, detailed layout in the store does wonders for sales.  ...

Thank you, Mark, for your positive input and approval.




Thank you for your kind words. The work you did on the store layout is second to none. The stream in the one photo is superb If get some time, can you post a tutorial on how you got such great results?


Happy Holidays.

Originally Posted by Moonson:
Originally Posted by Spence:

Well the light bulb just went on. I finally put 2&2 together & realized that Moonson is the Frank Mullen that is talked about in the new Notch 6 podcast. Better late than never. (LOL)

You inadvertently did me a great kindness, Spence, in posting that. I had no idea about any Notch6 Podcast radio station. So, my wife and I had a little adventure together, right away upon my reading your reply here and got amazed and really tickled listening to the interview, thanks to your good-offices. Thank you. 


Bill Wander's mention of my Layout Refinements efforts with the Lionel FAO layout was, clearly, deliberate, amounting to something of an imprimatur, IMHO. It was very gratifying to hear. He is a very dynamic, no-nonsense new leader in Lionel who is benefiting the company significantly, IMO. And he is an excellent personality with whom to work.


P.S. So, as it turned out, it was I who didn't know something. Thank you again for the heads-up.

I have not listened to this podcast yet, but will keep these tidbits of knowledge in mind while listening. 

Finished testing, repairing, and servicing two pairs of 022 switches and their controllers in preparation to sending them as a gift.  Also, installed a Model Power small incandescent light in the GM&O F3 B unit to go with the two I had previously installed 10+ years ago--apparently these small lights and fixtures are sold in pairs--and two had been installed long ago, and a second pair was found after going through yet another container of train stuff.


Almost forgot, installed a small, clear screw base bulb in the 126 pre-war station that I've had for 20+ years, but never lit.  Friday I was searching for the right bulb, including a thread here, but found 5 of them in yet another container of train stuff.  Slowly, very slowly, I'm making some order out of chaos. 

I put the fascia pieces alongside the benchwork, and marked where I wanted terrain contours from the inside edge with a marker. I'll be cutting the profiles out with a saber saw once there's a break in the rain.

I also bought some 1/48 scale masten matting, a prefab steel plate they used in WW2. I intend on using it to represent an Army area to cover a muddy patch. I love that we can use 1/48 scale stuff, as lots of detail parts are made in that scale for model airplane folks...

Well as much as I hate to say it over the past few days not much. I was drilling new holes in the cross braces to run new wire and at one  point I must of hit a screw in the wood and the drill spun around nailing my finger against the table....."OUCH".. I thought I broke it but I only bruised it. So a couple of days go by and I am finally able to bend the finger so back to work but once again nothing goes well. I was vacuuming up all the saw dust from the drilling and my shop-vac dies....bummer. So I ask the wife if I could use her dirt Devil and she said yes......maybe because it is close to Christmas and she does not want to get knocked off the good list for presents LOL. So after we go out for lunch the rest of the day will be layout time...................Paul

Second time I'm typing this, posting erased it again.

Cleaned, and placed enough to run on this one again.

Should keep me busy till January.

AF talking station gets wired in tonight(the factory w/stacks). Along with the 2-#90s, 2-UC tracks, and 2 more #90s control buttons used for the Super O sidings turnout. Anyone have an extra green #90 button they will part with?




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Been about three pages since I posted an update, but I was able to get back to working on my High line again.  From the pictures I am referencing, I estimate the deck girders to be about 6 feet tall so I chose to make my scale deck about 1-1/2" tall.  It's just made up of two layers of Oak stringers, 1/4" X 1/2" on the bottom and then 1/8" X 1" on top.  I'll cover that with some black painted cardboard with rib and rivet detail so I can at least run some trains on the top level.  Then, probably more slowly, I'll work on perfecting some sort of Latticed Girder design to replace those grey concrete piers.


It's kind of funny, as spindly as that thing looks, I think I could walk on it at 250 lbs.  It is solid as a rock..... I like Oak







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Looks like fun, Lancer. But your track looks kind close in spots. Especially the curve closest the photographer. Maybe its just me.
Have you checked it all for a train clipping the next tracks cars?
 With your longest wheel base on the outside, and the engine with the worst pilot overhang, or cab kick-out placed on the inside? Don't forget to do so asap, rather than later. The turn, & turnout off the left sides, inside straight are looking tight for pilot swing too. My worst clearance offenders are the General pilot(low),  C&O Berkshire cab with a Baby Madison(roof center[high]), a GG-1, and fleet of modernism car(mid height), Virginian rectifier ("tank" area), and Evans auto loader(tall), rocket launcher car tall, crane (tall & swing).
 One track on mine has to hold the width of an over sized, wide load. On flat cars- Pyro half track scout car, tank, DUKW, and M8 Greyhound.(the wheels and tracks don't fit on the bed they hang perfect over the cars sides!)
Good luck testing!
  Originally Posted by Lancer:
Finished laying track tonight! Time to start wiring image


Last edited by Adriatic

Well I was about tp take some photos,



and just missed capturing this, so I investigated the accident scene





No open couplers on any postwar ....







Even the Evans Auto loader was ok.


000_1540Uh oh....the hot box car...




I guess just because its turned off, doesn't mean its finished annoying me.




Then the camera fell and broke. Got the images, but its toast now.



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Just spent a few minutes reattaching a couple targets to a Marx switch using J-B Weld and Erector Set angle brackets: 






This and a matching sister are destined for my Marx demo layout because the later switches, lovely as they are, just don't play well with single truck trolleys: 



The eventual idea will be to use the Marx set as a switchable oval/bump and go trolley layout (keeping the factory switches, of course, so it can be brought back to factory specs). 


How does one do that, you ask?  Simple! 




All you need to do is snap a bumper into place next to where the red trolley is!  The car hits the bumper, circles the track, through the switch and down to where the green car is, hits the bumper and back it goes!  If you put another bumper behind the other switch, you can use two bump and go cars running at the same time, each using one half of the oval.   Remove both bumpers, and single end cars such as the Baltimore Peter Witt can circle the oval...


Look for this layout to be on display at the February Sugar Creek MRR show in Springdale AR...




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