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Originally Posted by Adriatic:

Looks like fun, Lancer. But your track looks kind close in spots. Especially the curve closest the photographer. Maybe its just me.
Have you checked it all for a train clipping the next tracks cars?
 With your longest wheel base on the outside, and the engine with the worst pilot overhang, or cab kick-out placed on the inside? Don't forget to do so asap, rather than later. The turn, & turnout off the left sides, inside straight are looking tight for pilot swing too. My worst clearance offenders are the General pilot(low),  C&O Berkshire cab with a Baby Madison(roof center[high]), a GG-1, and fleet of modernism car(mid height), Virginian rectifier ("tank" area), and Evans auto loader(tall), rocket launcher car tall, crane (tall & swing).
 One track on mine has to hold the width of an over sized, wide load. On flat cars- Pyro half track scout car, tank, DUKW, and M8 Greyhound.(the wheels and tracks don't fit on the bed they hang perfect over the cars sides!)
Good luck testing!
  Originally Posted by Lancer:
Finished laying track tonight! Time to start wiring image



Took your advice and moving it out. Tested with my hands both the diesels and they collided. The farthest away on the other side they don't hit. image


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Originally Posted by M. Mitchell Marmel:

Just spent a few minutes reattaching a couple targets to a Marx switch using J-B Weld and Erector Set angle brackets: 






This and a matching sister are destined for my Marx demo layout because the later switches, lovely as they are, just don't play well with single truck trolleys: 



The eventual idea will be to use the Marx set as a switchable oval/bump and go trolley layout (keeping the factory switches, of course, so it can be brought back to factory specs). 


How does one do that, you ask?  Simple! 




All you need to do is snap a bumper into place next to where the red trolley is!  The car hits the bumper, circles the track, through the switch and down to where the green car is, hits the bumper and back it goes!  If you put another bumper behind the other switch, you can use two bump and go cars running at the same time, each using one half of the oval.   Remove both bumpers, and single end cars such as the Baltimore Peter Witt can circle the oval...


Look for this layout to be on display at the February Sugar Creek MRR show in Springdale AR...



This is quite extraordinary and very cool looking. I like the whole idea.



Hooked up two loops on the basement floor to keep myself occupied while I work on benchwork and other projects. I also took the opportunity to hook up my DCS for the first time and try it out. Unfortunately, I've got a power issue in one of the tracks, one section isn't getting power for some reason. But the DCS seems pretty cool, can't wait until I can everything fully functional.


Started measuring out lumber for modules for the NYO&W layout. Hoping to make some major progress there in the coming weeks.

Over the years, my family and I have consumed serious amounts of ice cream packed in plastic pails.


My railroad's version of a bucket list: all the pieces for a specific project go in a bucket. Today, I crossed one off. I mounted 5 DZ1000 switch motors to the hump yard ladder. It feels good to use up loose parts that I have had in inventory for a long time.


I also laid a couple more sections of track. The golden spike for the mainline is about 10' away!!!  


2014-12-26 001 2014-12-26 002

 I'm about 3 sections beyond what you see here.


2014-12-26 001 2014-12-26 001

There are still 4 more tracks that have to be finished in this section. Then the hump needs a little more work, and all the track in this aisle, on all levels, will be done.



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Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

Since Thanksgiving I have accomplished the following.


4 chuff modified 3 PRR locos.  Lionel Consolidation, K-line K4, Lionel M1a.


Replaced an O-36 turnout with an O-72 and modified and extended a stub track.


Extended bench work and added (3) O-72 turnouts for a 20 foot siding/run around and rearranged connection to another stub track.


Buying a PRR 4-4-2 Atlantic for local passenger and fast mail service, to share passenger duties with the K4.


Making plans for redoing scenic elements of the layout which, looking forward, will enjoyably occupy many hours, days and months.      

Last edited by pennsynut
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

I've been past that! My family is from Beaver Falls.

Originally Posted by Steamer:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

I've been past that! My family is from Beaver Falls.

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Steamer:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

I've been past that! My family is from Beaver Falls.

Small world!  Where do you live now?

Not much today.  Replaced the light bulb in a 126 station w/o removing the housing bracket--not easy with fat fingers and hands of stone; test fit the 675 headlight lenses in the second headlights I added to a pair of F3A units (they fit well, just too long and will be shortened); test fit an MPC pick-up roller assembly from Olsen's on a PW B unit so I'll have power for the LED's to be installed--perfect fit, just need some solder for the wire and drill a hole in the frame; and, read the USPS tracking information for a train gift to a friend.

Fired up the soldering iron for the first time in years and fixed a bunch of stuff that hasn't worked for years. Light bulbs, accessories that stopped working and added a couple crossing gates. Got a new list of stuff that I want to knock out this weekend. Should be doable as long as I keep the momentum going. Its amazing where spider webs show up in a layout that's been sitting inactive.....


Last edited by Jim Battaglia

Noodling about with a decidedly oddly wired K-Line whistling station off of eBay: 





Apparently, a PO decided to add an interior light, but the way they added it, the motor turns at low speed when a lightbulb is in the fixture, then runs up to full speed when the button is pressed.  Crazy.  I'll rewire, of course.


Say, does anyone have a line on replacement windows and doors for this station? As you can see, it's shy one each...




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Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

We live in Mars, here's the flying saucer in downtown Mars:




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Originally Posted by Anthony K:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

We live in Mars, here's the flying saucer in downtown Mars:



There it is.  Like I said, small saucer, small downtown!

Thanks Anthony!!


So, do you live in the area too??

Last edited by Mark Boyce

After lunch I put down my earth color on the plastering I did. Once it dried I started adding back evergreens and lichen in the corner and down one side to the bridge. I ran out of evergreens so after dinner I'll go back to adding a couple of extra feeder and ground lines. But now I found out I can download pics I may try to send a couple of what I have gotten done so far.................Paul

I actually improved things by taking away. The north side of my square layout is  white plaster wall that had paintings hanging on it from when it was my dining room. At the base on the layout is a row of mostly tin plate buildings. I removed the paintings, just the bare white wall, an it is amazing how that has opened up the layout. Made it look much bigger-deeper. On the other side, across the layout is a round, metal free- standing fireplace that is not going anywhere !!  There is a metal stack about 25 ft. long going up to the roof just full of black soot.

Holiday shmoliday. Everyday is a good day to work on the layout. 


I got a bunch of the non scale cars, that I plan to sell, back in their boxes today. I also got about half of the Northtown arrival yard done. I'm about to bust into my last case of Gargraves. I think I'm going to need one more finish.


My new goal is to have ALL of the track in the first aisle done by Sunday the eleventh. Very achievable.

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Anthony K:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Nick R.:
Its Dept 56 "2001 Space Oddity".  I picked it up on craigslist with some other Xmas village stuff really cheap.  Of course the people are huge, but the saucer is pretty detailed and it lights up.  Kinda fun

Nick, That would fit right in at my hometown of Mars, Pennsylvania.  They have a little flying saucer in the little downtown park.

We live in Mars, here's the flying saucer in downtown Mars:



There it is.  Like I said, small saucer, small downtown!

Thanks Anthony!!


So, do you live in the area too??

 So if you look at me like this, I should run eh?




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