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Bruce, Outstanding job on the weathering!

Larry Looking like you had alot of fun today. I see you posted the BNSF just for me! LOL

Lou, glad your UP engine is running nicely!

Randy, I knew as soon as you got the lights turned on you would be able to find some employees! LOL

Well as for me the last couple days I worked on  the park area the CEO wanted, so here is what I came up with and lucky me the CEO is very happy with it, IMG_20201126_153549668IMG_20201127_112846808IMG_20201127_141356162IMG_20201127_141402554

While I was at it I built some track ends for my spurs!IMG_20201126_153521083

I weathered them with some black powder so they dont look as new as they do in the photo.

I hope you all have a great weekend and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines (PRSL) Passenger Coach

For those of you that just tuned in, I am converting three O-27, MTH, heavyweight passenger coaches into (rivet counters forgive me) pseudo-P70, PRSL coaches with detailed interiors.. This has involved Repainting the car, applying custom decals and painting the interiors. Below are photos of a real coach that I am trying to emulate.

PRSL_P70_9935_1P70 Coach Interior

Today, I added ed walls to each end of the seating compartment. Below is a photo of the interior as it exists now with the end walls installed..

Interior with PRR ADs

On the end walls, like in the earlier prototype photo, are actual Pennsylvania Railroad ad posters reduced to O scale for Atlantic City as well as the Jersey shore locations.

Interior with PRR ADs Close Up

Below is the coach with the interior temporarily installed.

Coach taht needs re-numbering

Left to be done is re-numbering the coach. Members of the PRSL Historical Society pointed out that I originally applied the numbers too close to the coach doors. Also, to be done, is installing the LED lighting, glazing the windows, putting in the passengers and conductor taking tickets, re-install the trucks (6 wheels rather than the protoypical 4 wheels) and attach the roof. The end of this one is in sight. I have 2 more to do after I finish here.


Images (5)
  • PRSL_P70_9935_1
  • P70 Coach Interior
  • Interior with PRR ADs
  • Interior with PRR ADs Close Up
  • Coach taht needs re-numbering

Happy Thanksgiving all! Getting back on here and following up to a few folks. Hope you have been enjoying some extra time to run those trains. I know it's always train season for all of us in this group but this time of the year really gets it going.

@Mark Boyce The bridge with girders is 50" long. Without the girders, the bridge is 30" long. I ended up not liking the lack of symmetry with the bridge on one side and the trestles on the other so I added a second bridge.

@Miggy, I do have to keep the trains at a low to moderate speed on the elevated trestles. My curves on the trestles are only 36" diameter so it is pretty tight compared to the wider curves on the main level of the layout. I mainly run my smaller and lighter engines on the elevated sections. I have to agree with your grandsons on the Polex. I do like those Polex Passenger cars! Also hope to add a GG1 to my Post War collection one of these days.


Images (1)
  • Second Bridge
Last edited by Chris1985

Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines (PRSL) Passenger Coach

For those of you that just tuned in, I am converting three O-27, MTH, heavyweight passenger coaches into (rivet counters forgive me) pseudo-P70, PRSL coaches with detailed interiors.. This has involved Repainting the car, applying custom decals and painting the interiors. Below are photos of a real coach that I am trying to emulate.

PRSL_P70_9935_1P70 Coach Interior

Today, I added ed walls to each end of the seating compartment. Below is a photo of the interior as it exists now with the end walls installed..

Interior with PRR ADs

On the end walls, like in the earlier prototype photo, are actual Pennsylvania Railroad ad posters reduced to O scale for Atlantic City as well as the Jersey shore locations.

Interior with PRR ADs Close Up

Below is the coach with the interior temporarily installed.

Coach taht needs re-numbering

Left to be done is re-numbering the coach. Members of the PRSL Historical Society pointed out that I originally applied the numbers too close to the coach doors. Also, to be done, is installing the LED lighting, glazing the windows, putting in the passengers and conductor taking tickets, re-install the trucks (6 wheels rather than the protoypical 4 wheels) and attach the roof. The end of this one is in sight. I have 2 more to do after I finish here.

This is inspiring, Randy. I have several Lionel PRR heavyweights (6-wheel trucks, lighted interiors) that I'm modifying in similar fashion: better lighting, more passengers, etc., and I'm adding a detailed kitchen to a dining car. I could spend a whole hobby lifetime just doing makeovers.

Got my new RS-11 on the tracks. I had a few issues that have mostly been worked out. The engine was set in Cruise mode and stuck in forward only. Since I don't have a Cab-1 set up I was able to do manual resets of both issues. Still have a problem with the lights not working but I will work that out eventually. I need to make a stop at Nassau Hobby this week for some switches , maybe I will take it with me for a factory re-set.

2020-11-28 07.13.38

Great work everyone- Mike G- the park looks great, Randy H- 2 for 2, both the PRSL car and ticket booth, Bruce- great repaint and weathering on that RS-1, Larry- always fun to see your layout. Frank- that GG-1 is a heavy beast, I would run it very slowly on elevated track, especially on carpet, not exactly a firm base for trestles either.



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  • 2020-11-28 07.13.38

Randy, The PRSL coach is really coming along very nice! You are doing an outstanding job!

Bob, Sure is a sharp looking NH RS-11, I sure hope the hobby shop with be able to help you out!

If I get time today I think I will do a little cleaning and maybe just run some trains. It helps me make up my mind on my next move! LOL

I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Also I hope you all find time for your train room and some fun!

Finishing the tear-down (finally) today of the temporary Halloween small layout I had set up in our Foyer. Decided I did not want to create a temporary Xmas small layout there either after all. The two 3x3 card tables the plywood was set on will go back down to the basement Wet Bar room.

However, on the Main Floor there is a large Guest Room that I have some sewing things, my sewing machine, a twin size daybed, an antique small french desk and chair, large chair, and a 1920s dressing table with bench in. Even with all of that, there is a large open floor space, that the 4x6 piece of plywood and the two tracks can easily be accommodated. Room to walk around.

Thinking completely Standard Gauge old school so I set it on the floor. I can put carpet on the wood, and lay the track on it. I could probably easily fit a 6x8 rug in that spot, so I may be able to bump up the layout size to 5x7. The O-31 loop (need 6 more track pieces) could be a nice (second area) showcase for my first original 1928 American Flyer O gauge set.

Pardon the clutter, stacked bins, and dust on the floor in these pics!



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Last edited by Carey TeaRose

Got to run a few laps tonight! Visited my local shop today for Small Biz Saturday and snagged a 2046 Hudson which will proudly pull my Christmas tree train this year. Ran some test laps on the elevated loop before we get the tree tomorrow.

Decided to switch out the command engines for the 763e so I could run the Hudsons together. Turned the video off at the end so I did not get video of the 763 running. Will do that one another time. Always fun listening to the road of the older motors!


Images (2)
  • 763e: 763e Pulling some MTH replica cars
  • 2046: 2046
Videos (1)
Run Session
@Fendermain posted:

I needed some mood improvement.  Running tinplate with some bright lights is the remedy for me.


@Fendermain replying to your comment in the Photo Chain Game thread.... the tinplate cars and gate man were my father-in-law's. They came across the box of stuff just a little over 4 years ago. To say that this was the shove I needed over the cliff would be an understatement.

Nothing like a nice Chianti with tinplate!


2014-12-20 09.28.342014-12-20 09.29.30


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  • 2014-12-20 09.28.34
  • 2014-12-20 09.29.30

Sunday night in the basement with the trains.  Thanksgiving weekend over but lots to be thankful for.  Here are four new videos:

Last nights videos were primarily my new MTH Amtrak engine and 6 car set, and some gorgeous Atlas O tank cars from @MrMuffin'sTrains, as well as some more Miller Engineering signs from @Miller Engineering I really think these signs make the layout.

Finally I am not sure what happened on my last set of postings but for some reason one of the videos had over 4000 hits.  I have never had anything more than 30 or 40 hits.



@jbmccormick posted:

Sunday night in the basement with the trains.  Thanksgiving weekend over but lots to be thankful for.  Here are four new videos:

Last nights videos were primarily my new MTH Amtrak engine and 6 car set, and some gorgeous Atlas O tank cars from @MrMuffin'sTrains, as well as some more Miller Engineering signs from @Miller Engineering I really think these signs make the layout.

Finally I am not sure what happened on my last set of postings but for some reason one of the videos had over 4000 hits.  I have never had anything more than 30 or 40 hits.



John, Excellent runs as always!  I really like your layout.

John, Thanks for sharing the videos of your Sunday night train run~! I agree with Mark, what a wonderful looking layout!

Well yesterday I did not get any train room or train time. Spent the day putting up Christmas lights untill I has a seizure then I spent most of the night at the ER. Wont be any train time for awhile as I have to be watched for at least a week. LOL

I will be here watching everything you all post and learning! That's one thing I love about this forum, even if I cant work on my layout I can spend hours here learning! Thank you all so very much!

Hope you all are safe and having fun!

Mike g., you will be in our prayers for a speedy recovery and hopefully  you will be back to normal as soon as possible. Your layout is so inspirational as you built the room by yourself, and it’s a road to success that few could ever follow. Do what the doctors say, thank you for letting us know your condition as we are here for you and Each Other. God is good. (No work on my layout today, but will soon)

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