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Mark- I already trimmed the corners on the solenoid covers for another engine. Not much more I can do. I can run it on the front of the layout between the two spurs as a yard goat. It just won't be on the main. The switches connecting the two loops are 042's so I can pick and spot cars on the inside main and spot them on the outside spurs. More operational options.

Lemons? I don't need no stinkin' Lemons!

@RSJB18 posted:

Mark- I already trimmed the corners on the solenoid covers for another engine. Not much more I can do. I can run it on the front of the layout between the two spurs as a yard goat. It just won't be on the main. The switches connecting the two loops are 042's so I can pick and spot cars on the inside main and spot them on the outside spurs. More operational options.

Well, look at it this way:  It IS a switcher, after all... 


Bit more tweaking on the 1130 resurrection...

A drawbar/rear axle assembly should be arriving on Monday, so I fabbed a drawbar support from Plastruct: 


Note also that I'm using wonton soup containers to separate my strip plastic, metal and wood supplies.  SCROUNGE! 

In case you're wondering what I'm using for a cradle:


Bachmann G scale trolley truck sideframe assembly and an old washcloth!  SCROUNGE again! 

A little sanding wheel action to take off the edges and a Testors' touch up later, viola! 


By the way, does anybody have spare tender and/or caboose shells handy?  I would like to get these Scout frames back into operating condition...


And still on the hunt for whistle and horn relays!    Thanks! 



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@Windy City posted:

What track system are you using?

K-line had low profile tubular switches, if that will work.

027 tubular and 5121, 22 Lionel switches. I really wish I knew about the K-line's before I built my layout (not just because of the clearance issues). I have 14 switches on my layout and I'm not ripping it apart to change them. Might as well strip the whole thing and start over.

Again.....lemons = lemonade!

@RSJB18 posted:

I was finally going to run my New Haven RS-1 today after doing a lube and checking the battery. Turns out the previous owner already installed a BCR-2 so off to the layout. Fired it up and around the bend until I heard a thud. The fuel tank doesn't clear my 5121 switches........
Strange since RS-3's and RS-11's and other 031 locos clear the same spots. Oh well- it still looks good on the shelf.

Who can I call at ALCO to register a complaint about the fuel tank design.

2021-02-20 07.38.03

I can’t say that I’m surprised by this. What do you expect when a guy from Long Island starts modeling New Haven?  Everything would’ve been fine if you went with an mth LIRR RS-1 instead of that mth new haven model.

Last edited by Strap Hanger
By the way, does anybody have spare tender and/or caboose shells handy?  I would like to get these Scout frames back into operating condition...


And still on the hunt for whistle and horn relays!    Thanks!


What kind of tenders you looking for Mitch. I may have one or two I can spare. Shoot me an email.


Last edited by RSJB18

Today I hooked up some S gauge American Flyer 760 crossing signals that I recently bought.  I like the size of them with O gauge.  I’m debating on whether to do a flashing modification to them; but they are in near mint shape and I don’t really want to touch them.  In the meantime, look out for the Texas Special passing through!


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so i am back on the Waxhaw division for a bit. In one area i had contemplated a small team Yard (nothing is small in O gauge Ha Ha ) . One end has an oil terminal . So I decided to put some track together and move this part along.

My mainlines use Ross turnouts . In this area off the main, i have used some gargraves turnouts i had on hand. Added the hand throws mounted on the plastic base and cars roll pretty well by hand through the turnouts and the new trackage. There is room for a wreck track, a small coal pile, hopefully a team track unloading spot and a few small buildings , all to be built and placed.

I will attach the track to the table now that the arrangement is worked out. This will be followed by wiring, soldered leads direct to the track. Here are a few photos of the area as it stands right now.







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@Former Member posted:

Today I hooked up some S gauge American Flyer 760 crossing signals that I recently bought.  I like the size of them with O gauge.  I’m debating on whether to do a flashing modification to them; but they are in near mint shape and I don’t really want to touch them.  In the meantime, look out for the Texas Special passing through!

New update......

I now added the blinker circuit without having to modify the signals themselves.  They now alternate back and forth between each sign:


Videos (1)

The 1130 I'm working on had its markers snapped off (not uncommon with Lionel steamers in general).   I was mulling over repair ideas when it occurred to me:  Why not take a cue from past practices? 

Had a couple of clear lanterns in the parts box...


Used a spring punch to locate holes for drilling...


Drilled holes so that the lanterns were flush with the boiler...


Installed, and secured with super glue...


And here's the result! 




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Mitch Marmel, now that’s a very creative way to add marker lights to the #1130 steamer. It will be visible for miles, cool job. RSJB18 Bob, I can see there’s going to be some remodeling soon, that’s to pretty an engine to sit on a siding, keep us posted, it’s a cool paint scheme.... This is a picture of the MTH Passenger station, Now you see me, Now you don’t??? Happy Railroading Everyone 8AA039D1-C72B-472F-BA29-0D5BDA52C59AE710A453-597C-4782-A876-79609473FA67


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Jeffery, one of our next projects will be a short elevated line for our MTH bump and go trolley(s)...we'll likely need to use a different support approach as most of the line will run directly over the lower our supports will need to straddle the line below with trains running thru them...but curious to know if you had any lateral movement issues with the single supports centered on the track...wish we had room to do what you did.

@Canes RR posted:

Jeffery, one of our next projects will be a short elevated line for our MTH bump and go trolley(s)...we'll likely need to use a different support approach as most of the line will run directly over the lower our supports will need to straddle the line below with trains running thru them...but curious to know if you had any lateral movement issues with the single supports centered on the track...wish we had room to do what you did.

Cane, I have had no lateral movement issues. I used poplar 1.5 dia. dowel rod for the columns and .250 thickness poplar for the roadbed, it's rock solid. Good luck with your project.  

The 1130 I'm working on had its markers snapped off (not uncommon with Lionel steamers in general).   I was mulling over repair ideas when it occurred to me:  Why not take a cue from past practices?

Had a couple of clear lanterns in the parts box...

Used a spring punch to locate holes for drilling...

Drilled holes so that the lanterns were flush with the boiler...

Installed, and secured with super glue...

And here's the result! 



M.Mitch-Marrrrvelous. Great idea..... now. Make em green Mitch, Make em Green. I also love the down-splash appearance of Ditch Lights, Right? Those LEDs with a little black fingernail polish will help focus green out the front. Thanks Mitch for taking a chance and making it sweeeet

Worked on a Plastruct vertical twin tank storage kit. Plastruct suggests scribing lines into the walls to simulate the weld lines. After trying that suggestion, I didn't think it made any sense to cut into the tubing.  So I tried applying modeling filler to simulate the raised seams by applying in the gap formed by applying painters tape. 

Here is the attempt at creating the horizontal seams.  It works better to let the filler set a bit - but not completely dry - when removing the tape.


Filler with the tape removed. Its pretty easy to knock some of the high spots down with a finger.


The taping and filling process was repeated for the vertical seams. After priming, I did knock down a couple of the seams with a small file, and gave it another coat.


In retrospect maybe I should have applied the tank man ways prior to priming. I wanted to set the seams with primer so I would not knock them off by handling. I'll see how scraping the primer off to glue those pieces on works. 

This is a link to my original post on "Buy anything cool" which describes the kit.


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I began a Korber building kit the Junction Transfer Co. the week of snow and falling ice around February 15th. I couldn’t walk up the thick ice covered steps to my layout.  

Saturday I completed the exterior and today added the exterior an interior lighting.  It’s ready for transfer to the layout. The building will serve as the office building where my father worked for Harbison Walker Refractory plant in Olive Hill beginning in 1943.

My first Korber kit, a Woodlands  Scenic kit is next.  The weathering of this Korber was a really difficult learning experience.  I repainted the walls several times in my attempt to have the mortar joints visible...but I’m now pleased.


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  • 56E82A98-0A67-4990-96A0-FB62B6E56E1F: Test of light intensity

9602BF36-DEA2-4A0D-B848-E91973FC644B76393E52-FE5C-4084-A802-B38B6271DAAEThis weekend I started on the New Turkey Branch Lionel Traditional layout in the House. It is 4x7ish I guess I can’t join the 48 club just yet maybe when I get a expansion on I will qualify. This layout will be only Lionel Traditional O27 cars and crude vehicles of the 50s-60s. I’ve been wanting to put a layout in this room for about 2 years ago when I got the Green Light from the wife. Here’s a few pics please excuse the mess I’m still cleaning and clearing stuff out.  I’ll post updates as I go.


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I finally painted the rest of the walls around the layout.  What a pain in the butt!!!!!!  Now I know why people paint walls and add lights BEFORE they build their layouts.  My back, hamstrings, and arms are killing me and I'm only 44.  Gonna add a second coat this week and then I need to finish my grain elevator.  Also working on a revision to my shelf area of my layout (an opposite wall) as I didn't leave enough area between tacks and overall area to include any scenery.  Any ways, after not doing much for a while it feels good to have some progress.......IMG_2284IMG_2285IMG_2286IMG_2287


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@Canes RR posted:

Jeffery, one of our next projects will be a short elevated line for our MTH bump and go trolley(s)...we'll likely need to use a different support approach as most of the line will run directly over the lower our supports will need to straddle the line below with trains running thru them...but curious to know if you had any lateral movement issues with the single supports centered on the track...wish we had room to do what you did.

I used 1" dowel and made small platforms with 1/4" luan. Works just fine with no movement at all. Most supports are screwed in from below the board. Those that I couldn't get a screw in are glued in place with yellow wood glue.

2017-02-18 18.06.122017-08-29 06.51.422018-11-07 20.24.07


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@lee drennen posted:

76393E52-FE5C-4084-A802-B38B6271DAAEThis weekend I started on the New Turkey Branch Lionel Traditional layout in the House. It is 4x7ish I guess I can’t join the 48 club just yet maybe when I get a expansion on I will qualify. This layout will be only Lionel Traditional O27 cars and crude vehicles of the 50s-60s. I’ve been wanting to put a layout in this room for about 2 years ago when I got the Green Light from the wife. Here’s a few pics please excuse the mess I’m still cleaning and clearing stuff out.  I’ll post updates as I go.

Lee- If it's less than 32 sq ft you are in!


The static grass has finally dried and the shipyard brewing building has found its spot on the layout.  This was my first go at the static grass.  I have been using the woodland scenics ground cover shakers up until now.  I have to say it really adds more contrast to the ground.  Although it gets everywhere !!!


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  • Shipyard Brewing

Great work everyone!

Thaddeus, the walls look good, but while your at it you might as well do the celling as you know you want to! LOL

Lee, looks like a good start. I wish I had a room in the house, but then again if I did I might not ever leave! LOL

Alex the static grass looks wonderful, nice job! I like the placement of the brewery also!

I just been working on a auto restoration. Maybe something today.

I hope everyone has a great week and finds lots of time to have fun with there layout and trains!

Work continues on the station...  Doesn't look like much progress from the photos, but some serious hours spent fabricating brackets to screw the wing sections to the center hall, and of course had to cut and weld many sections to put the upper walls with the 6 windows under the upper roof.   Now that the overall structure is square and all the walls are anchored, I will start fabricating the back wall of the center hall and work on fabricating the large arch window / doorway assemblies.



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@RSJB18 posted:

I used 1" dowel and made small platforms with 1/4" luan. Works just fine with no movement at all. Most supports are screwed in from below the board. Those that I couldn't get a screw in are glued in place with yellow wood glue.

2017-02-18 18.06.122017-08-29 06.51.422018-11-07 20.24.07

RS, I like the way the loading dock blends in with the column. Brings back memory's of the Illinois Central running under the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago. Keep those trains running!

@TACOROG posted:

The static grass has finally dried and the shipyard brewing building has found its spot on the layout.  This was my first go at the static grass.  I have been using the woodland scenics ground cover shakers up until now.  I have to say it really adds more contrast to the ground.  Although it gets everywhere !!!


Looking good. More pics of the layout please?


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