Some more trivia on the remaining NKP Berkshires:
The 755 last came out of the shop after a class 3 overhaul on March 19, 1958 and I don’t think that it was ever fired up again as evidenced by the fact that the superheater units still had data marks on them when they were pulled out to go into the 765 long after the 755 had been placed on display in Conneaut. Some of the guys from Fort Wayne could verify this. I remember seeing 755 in the Conneaut roundhouse after the Berkshires stopped running.
The 757 last came out of the shop after a class 3 overhaul on November 12, 1957 and did see service after that.
The 759 was the last engine overhauled by Conneaut and came out of shop after a class 3 overhaul on May 14, 1958. I remember it sitting in the easternmost stall of the roundhouse and thinking to myself what a beautiful looking machine it was resplendent in its brand new paint.
The 763 last came out of the shop after a class 3 overhaul on August 8, 1957. It saw a lot of service on the Buffalo division before it was laid up. I remember seeing it many times.
The 765 last came out of the shop after some class 5 work on May 16, 1957.
The 779 last came out of the shop after a class 3 overhaul on December 31, 1956.
Of the preserved locomotives, it looks like the 765 and 779 probably saw the most mileage prior to being laid up.
I’ve been asked how a 13 or 14 year old kid managed to meander around the shops and roundhouse somewhat unencumbered. The answer is I don’t know except that the railroad people were very friendly back in those days to an inquisitive kid, especially one that seemed to be acting in somewhat of a safety conscious manner. I did, however, manage to get caught on a couple of occasions by the railroad cop who politely escorted me off the property. One time I even got hauled into the master mechanics office where it was explained to me how dangerous it was to be hanging around a railroad yard. My reply was “yes sir”. I failed to mention to him, however, that I had just spent the last two hours playing engineer on half of the dead S-3’s in the somewhat remote western part of the yard.