Was the K-Line Extended Vision K613-2112 Smoking Caboose designed to run on the newer Lion Chief track voltages of 16 VAC? It SEEMS that way to me, because when I run my old 2037 conventional Lionel Steamer, and obviously bring the track voltage down to 10 or 11 volts, I can hardly notice that the tiny lantern LED's are lit, and the "Christmas Tree" bulbs are barely glowing. I took the shell off, and on a test bench I fed 10 or 11 volts onto a section of track, and only measured 1.5 volts going to those tiny LED's. Unfortunately, I put everything back together before measuring the same LED voltage at 16 volts AC.
When I take the 2037 steamer off the track, and bring my ZW transformer up to 16 volts to run my Lion CHief Plus Hudson 170 Nickel Plate Road, it looks just FINE! I KNOW that the conventional wisdom is to run at 18 volts, but I don't want to push it. Oh- and, by the way, this K-Line Caboose smokes up a STORM at 16 volts!