I started the thread and have been reading all of the posting, and really appreciate all of the information.
I have always been an avid collector of antique toy trains from all over the world, and also had a 2,200 loop of 7.5" gauge outdoor railroad around our property, but had to sell it 2 years ago because of rheumatoid arthritis. I also have 2 European 1" scale live steamers (a factory built in Germany by Zimmermann 4-6-2 DGR 01 Pacific that you see in my avatar with my wife & I). I was told by Zimmermann that it was the only one ever shipped to the USA. And a nice 1" scale 4-6-0 Springbok loco that came from South Africa. I'll try to post some photos.
I just got too busy to keep up with the "real trains" news on steamers. I can see how NS would not want ANYTHING to slow them down. Their amount of freight has them running as many trains as possible, and probably could get twice as much freight if they could move it. When the west coast port strike ended I had never seen so many container loaded trains headed east in all my life, and for many weeks. And now that structural steel has died and been replaced by everything steel being "roll formed" from coils, I also have never seen so many coil cars. And then there's the new auto carrier cars too, and still some coal trains. But, it seems there's very little box cars or refers, gondolas etc. rolling down their line in these modern times.
Their line is choked down & slowed by so many sidings for passing trains. And I never see them upgrading to a "two-way" full line. And not just because of the billions in cost, but they all get chocked at the lack of bridges crossing the Ohio River at Louisville, KY (and probably the Mississippi too). And those large bridges are shared by all railroads. So who would pay what percentage?
I just do not understand the American psyche of ALL things history. I have a friend in Germany, and there are so many perfect operating steamers over there. And we "had" locos well over twice their size! And there will never be anything built like those in the next million years! I feel so grateful to live in the best country in the world. I just do not understand why we're such a disposable breed. From all antiques, to beautiful large building. Tear it down and build something ugly & plastic.