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I am not electrical minded and have ??  ,  I have all accessories, ran to those 8 post radio shack wire connect, red in one group and black on the other,

Got a post war ZW,  and would like to use toggle switches,  -- I have hooked a test wire to the wire connects ( on transformers)  and everything does work, I Just havent hooked up the fuse box, and off course dont know which way to go to now ,  I sure have seen a lot of pictures with those boxes under layouts, but can NOT

get any pictures  of what direction to they go 1st 

How do I proceed ,  will I need to take all the wire off of the 8 post boxes , I just dont know which way to run the wire, and yes doggone it I am new to this

My train and trolley car are running !!!!!  THANKS

Original Post

First; welcome to the forum!!

Second; it might be more productive if you were to move this topic to the electrical forum.

This forum is more for general O gauge discussions.

I read your post 2 or 3 times, and I am having trouble understanding just what you are hung up on. Maybe you could give us a bit more detail on what you are trying to accomplish, then we can offer a few ideas.

I think you are trying to run several accessories  using one of the inside outputs of a ZW, perhaps post B or C?

You are using some kind of a distribution block perhaps, with power feeds running from it to each accessory?

How are we doing so far?

Do you want ideas for fuse sizes, wire gauges, type of distribution block, or ??



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