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Originally posted by Allan Miller:
Very sad news, with potential long term impacts to the hobby. I hope more information becomes available soon regarding the extent of their loss. They have served this hobby and others for a good many years.

If you read the article Allen, it said the building was a total loss,and the city ran out of water to fight the fire. They had used as many as 6 tankers from outside areas to bring water in. I think that sums up there loss prity good. BF
The main amd most important is no one was hurt, second less important insurance paid up.

After that everything else is minor and hope the people that personally know them will offer their support.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by marker:
I'm just starting my new layout. I have no idea what the set back will be.


Scenic Express
Originally posted by Patrick H:
The main amd most important is no one was hurt, second less important insurance paid up.

After that everything else is minor and hope the people that personally know them will offer their support.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by marker:
I'm just starting my new layout. I have no idea what the set back will be.


Scenic Express

I agree Pat most everything else is minor except where will those folks go for a Job . I guess something like this can ever be called good timing but the economy sucks . WS has been in business long enough that some of those folks just won't be able to get a job anywhere.

Thank God Thank God I had really good benefits and after my 6 way bypass I was able to get disability cause it's H ell to pass by a McDonalds and have to wonder if they're hiring especially after leaving a job that pays over 100 grand a year.

I really feel sorry for them.

I received an email from my LHS, and they assure via WS that only a portion of the production facility is lost. The Corporate, shipping, warehouse and so on were spread out across the town. And limited the damage. From the tone of the WS statement, they seem to be getting back to work.

I would imagine the Nation will still be in scenery, no worries.

Dear all,

As you may have heard we have experienced a fire here at Woodland Scenics
and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that no one was hurt
during the fire or evacuation process. The bad news is that it took out a
couple of our manufacturing buildings. However, and fortunately, there is
more good news than bad.

We encompass multiple buildings that are spread out all over the town of
Linn Creek. We only lost two of those buildings and those two contained just
a small portion of our manufacturing facilities. Our shipping department,
warehouse and corporate offices were spared any damage, as were most of our
manufacturing buildings, so it is business as usual.

Thanks for all your concerns.


Gale Cousins
Director of Sales & Customer Service
Woodland Scenics
I agree, John!

It's great to hear that Woodland Scenics will be recovering.

There are many hundreds of layouts in existence today with the beautifully colored vegetation we often take for granted. Compare these with the typical layout of years ago, when we were all forced to dye our own or use those horrible greens available commercially at the time.

We owe it all to Woodland Scenics who actually gave us in a jar, the first greens that really look like those found in nature. Smile

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