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I found this amusing list on the site of a gentleman who calls himself the "Idiot Railfan." It's a light hearted look at our railroading avocation and, as I read through it, I recognized myself being described in several instances. It provides some enjoyable comic relief. 



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Luckily, I only found myself on number 17, but I probably looked like one when I was

photographing a grain elevator last weekend (found two I had missed in the area).

The second elevator was on busy tracks, and a very short, 3-4 cars train went by behind a couple of diesel units, and then, shortly afterwards a long one came by, both

going same direction.  The short one honked at me....(no, I was not close to the

tracks...remember I used to play near them all the time as a kid and am not

interested in getting splatted, and besides, I did not have a mattress with me)..but I was focusing on the elevator and did not think to wave. No, diesels are not what I photograph.  Nobody else was around this abandoned elevator, until another car pulled up on the other side of the elevator, in time to get a couple of kids and a camera out to watch the second long train go by.

Well, since we seem to be counting - here's my tally


8, 17,18, 31, 32, 36, 43 – but no stitches, 50 – no, but I knew someone who did, 51, - ditto from 50, 59 – no but I have witnessed this on several occasions, 67 - not quite but we did have a long discussion about my affliction before she said yes…and that was a very long time ago, 68 – close, too high on the videos and wrong publisher and way too few on the books, 69 – once upon a time – yes, 80 – oh yes, 83 – substitute “camera bag” for “T-shirt”and the answer is yes, 94 – yup, 101 – well, of course, 122 – no, but when the stoplight changes from red to green I have, on more than on occasion, thought I was “being released from a block”., 123 – from time-to-time – yes, 126 – Oh Yeah, and how, 128 – half right – the leaving part, 140 – yup

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