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Hi all, I am looking for some ideas on doing a 11 x 11 o scale basement layout.  There will be a back wall and a right side wall, when looking at it,  the other 2 sides are accessible. I was thinking maybe a u shaped for easy access, or maybe a hatch. Looking to run 2-3 trains, so maybe 2 main lines, sides for parked trains a MTH bridge, and some industrial area. I will add another level in the future for another train (036) run with a town on top. I can't use SCARM since I use Mac.  I am not very good at planning anyway with reverse loops and such lol. Any ideas for this new set up ? Thank you !

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Hi again, I found a layout on that I liked for the 11 x 11 layout I would like.  I want to expand it on, it fit track to curve back up to 1 main line as shown in my dotted lines. Could anyone play around with this on SCARM to see what other tracks/ switches I would need to complete the circle , or maybe some suggestions.  I also need to ad a MTH 30" arch bridge 40-1031 and 2 10" girder bridges 40-1032 connected. I can't use SCARM since I have Mac.. I know there is a MAC program, but you only get 50 pcs of track for free.  Thanks



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Last edited by Not seasoned yet

Here are 2 options. There's a bit of a discrepancy with the O-54 switches in SCARM that I'm trying to reconcile. Atlas shows the switch with a 4.5" (?) straight attached and SCARM doesn't, so I'm trying to find out if the extension can be detached. The photos you posted have it attached, so I had to add it in SCARM to get the designs to match. I then expanded the size to 11X11. The Blue tracks in the photo show one way coming off the right-hand spur. The Gold tracks show another way (like your drawing) coming off the left-hand spur and crossing over the right. Obviously, both need more than the addition you drew. Because of the O-54 discrepancy, things don't connect in SCARM using the default tolerances, but should if you decide to built it. I did make a couple of changes. For some reason, the author had 1/4 O45 and 1/2 O-54 curves on the right loops where full curves would have fit, so I added full curves. Even though you can't use it, I included the SCARM file in case someone else wants to play with it.

NSY 2025-03-17


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Thank you ! I see your point with the problem on the switches which needs to be addressed to make it all fit. I do think I want to go with this build and I like the gold track version although I will loose the 2 extra sidings or put in 2 more switch tracks, but it looks more balanced that way.  I have no problem with adding  more addition since this area would all be opened anyway, so I could go over to 6' instead of 5'. If you have the time would you be able to fix this, and provide the extra track list that I would need ? I would appreciate all the help I can get with this new project, I am just so bad at the design process and to know what looks good and will work.  Thank you ! and anyone else has any ideas I am opened to suggestions.  Best, Charles

I went in a different direction than Dave.  I went for an Around-the-Walls design. Along the walls are 2 ft wide tables.  In the open sides the tables are 4 ft wide. The widths where chosen to allow for easy access to all parts of the layout.  Access to the 5 ft by 5 ft center is via a 2 ft wide passage that could be crossed by lift-up, lift-out, drop-down, duck-under, swing-out...

There are two loops for continuous running and a yard with a lead letting 3 people operate.  At the top is a combination crossover/passing siding.  There's plenty of room for accessories.  If more table area is desired the table widths can be increased.  While the layout can be operated in the center, I envision most of the time the operators and viewers will be on the outside looking in.


11 x 11 Around the Walls


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  • 11 x 11 Around the Walls
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Last edited by Jan

Thank you, nice layout , I just am a little undecided about the access to the middle part I know there is a post about the lift up on the tracks but I think there would be an issue since the access tracks are curves, and not just straight tracks for a better contact. I maybe wrong on that, just my thought, and yes, I think I would operate on the outside.  Thanks I will consider this also.

IMO, straight or curved tracks don’t make much, if any, real difference. Some folks lift the entire track and let it extend past the lift up platform, others cut the track where the lift up meets. Curved tracks are just cut on an angle. If the platform is on an angle with straight tracks, they can be cut on an angle too.

Hi Jan I have a single bridge with 2 girder bridges, I used it with my old layout and used Atlas 3 rail track.  I am sure you can use FasTrack with it.  I like the look of the Atlas and it fits better on a layout since it is not as wide.  I did like your design with the the along the walls, I am just turn on the entrance way with making a pull up/down access, just wondering if I the skill to make it lol

Best Charles

I have redone the plan using Atlas track (plus some additions).  Atlas is my choice for track system.  There are no cut sections.  I improved operations and storage in the yard and reduced mainline track spacing.

I would suggest that you start a new thread on the "Simplest Way to Cross an Access".


11 x 11 Around the Walls Atlas V2


Thanks Jan, I  like it especially with the "no cut". and the bigger yard storage. I do intend on running 2 + trains at a time and do see that your plan allows for a better run with compared to my original plan, but   I am going to compare what Dave's finished layout looks like and see which fits my needs the most. Always I need to see what track and switches I already have and see what I need. I will definitely start a new post on the access situation and see the ideas on that.  Best, Charles


Here's what I came up with using the original space and design. As you can see, I wasn't able to do much with it.
NSY 2025-03-17c

I wasn't happy with it, so I decided to try something with Jan's around-the-room approach, Unlike Jan suing O-36/O-45 curves/switches, I incorporated the design from your photos and retained the O-45/O54 curves/switches. However, unlike the original, it allows 2 trains to run on separate loops; O-54 on blue loop, O-45 on both loops. I tried O-72 curves on the blue loop, but they didn't fit. One train can be running on the blue loop unattended while another works all the gold spurs.

Anyway, I reconfigured the entry to eliminate the curve on the lift-out. I also added an example of a simple lift-out (right side of photo). The greens are the decking, the browns are framing, the orange are cleats and the gray are alignment pins. The 3D photo show what it would look like. The pins in the 3D Photo would actually be hidden.
NSY 2025-03-17b



Wow, came out really nice, you and Jan have worked out a nice layout for me, considering the foot print I had to work with. Thanks also for the diagram that should give me a good guide to follow and looks better with the straight track.  Could supply me with the SCARM parts list for this with the new O45/O54 switches, I couldn't see them in the diagram as to where each was.  Thank you, and Jan, so much for the help  on this. Hopefully I can get it going in the weeks to come. I have a bunch of Atlas track and I think a few O54 switches on hand so I will have to see what else I will need.  Ka Ching, Ka Ching.  I am sure there will be more questions ahead lol.  Best, Charles

Charles, Jan and Dave have helped you with some nice options. I'm kind of wishing that I had also reached out for help here when planning my layout, but I am stubborn and independent and always want to do it all myself (with colored pencils on graph paper and engineer scale) even if the end result isn't as professional or I'm kicking myself for putting in access hatches. Too late for me but I'm looking forward to seeing your build. Good luck.


Thank You , me too. Sometimes it is hard to ask for help, it is just our human nature at times. I wasn't proud on this one, I am very bad at planning a layout , where to start, mainlines, loops, curves to accept your locomotive size etc.. So I knew I needed help lol. Besides, all the people on here are GREAT always willing to help a fellow train junkie lol, let it be track planning or wiring questions and such. Most of all, don't say it's too late for you, many of them have changed their layouts and started new ones or made adjustments including my self and you can to. Best of luck  to you !

Fantastic , Thank you for all the help, I know that Jan mentioned that he kept the 036  switches in the storage tracks in his plan am I able to do that with this or just go with the 045/054 switches, only reason I am saying is because I have some 036 switches on hand, maybe to save some $ in buying more 045/054.  Just a thought   Thank you again

Last edited by Not seasoned yet

Not Seasoned yet

Have you considered having a way to reverse trains, adding a wye or adding a turntable and adding operating accessories?  These options would give you more thing to operate and keep interest up on operating your layout.   Most of the suggested track plans do have few multiple trains and sidings, that were on your short list of wants..


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

How about a turntable?

I've shown two possible positions for the turntable with an eye on access.  The upper left exceeds the three foot reach constraint.  Both turntables are reachable from the yard.  I also maximize the Arrival/Departure track in the yard (the longest siding) to increase the maximum train length.


11 x 11 Around the Walls Atlas V3 O54 Turntable


@Jan posted:

How about a turntable?

I've shown two possible positions for the turntable with an eye on access.  The upper left exceeds the three foot reach constraint.  Both turntables are reachable from the yard.  I also maximize the Arrival/Departure track in the yard (the longest siding) to increase the maximum train length.


11 x 11 Around the Walls Atlas V3 O54 Turntable

Jan, your ideas and design is just the way I should have designed my layout. I’m happy with my recently completed layout but this is something for the future if I decide to redesign. I know the overall is 11x11, what are the individual perimeter sizes? Are you able to show this in a block per foot design like Dave has on his without the turntables?

Thanks, Gene

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