Where ar you getting your information??
Headlight failure sometimes caused when turning "on" the smoke. I had it happen today using the "rev" up.
This bug has been around for several years, since the advent of DCS 4.20, not DCS 4.30. I believe that it's a Super mode only bug, however, I could be mistaken.
Regardless, it's on the list to be corrected in DCS 4.31.
I think there maybe a problem adding engines with multiple tiu. Engines want to add to the lowest numbered tiu.
Completely untrue and also impossible.
Engines always add to the TIU upon whose track they reside, in Normal or Super TIU mode. Always. They simply cannot add to any other TIU. Period.
I don't have any proto-3 but after running in command mode engine must be "factory reset in conventional to get it to run??
Absolutely not true.
No stealth mode with proto 3?? correct or incorrect?
This is not a bug. It's intentional and only with newer PS3 engines.
The handful of remaining bugs introduced with 4.30, that are not corrected in 4.31 beta, are all "noise level", and all have workarounds.