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@TedW posted:

Here’s a public domain photo, circa 1964, of the Pioneer Zephyr on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.  It has been moved inside many years ago, but refurbished inside and out recently.  A link to a March 2021 article(with photos) in the Chicago Tribune is included.  Nicely done I think.

Tribune Pioneer Zephyr 3/21


Fascinating post' ,and very interesting.  Sure was quite the fancy of the day'. The mid 30s were no picnic for many'.. I would imagine the enthusiasm surrounding this technology would be a welcomed distraction of the daily grind'...  and beardom from the great depression'..

Nice historical post'... 👍😁   

FOR TODAY: Sunday morning in Patsburg ....

Church service going on inside Our Lady of Locomotion.   The choir can be heard singing "Swing Lo Sweet Chariot".  The driver of the Corvette steps out from behind the wheel just to listen.  That's Joe and Cindy sitting on the front steps. ...they attended the earlier service but are lingering a bit  just to soak up the sweet sounds. IMG_0443

Passengers wait for the next train as MU cars glide by on the elevated line.   The two soldiers sitting on the bench are Sargent Carter and Pfc. Pyle.  IMG_0153

A switch job takes care of business switching a scrap yard.  That's Barney, the brakeman, riding the step on the caboose while Cranston, the other brakeman, is on the ground ready to throw the switch as soon as the engine clears.  Patsburg's West End looms in the background. IMG_0491


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Morning guys, some wonderful  photos  that you all are posting!

Curt, nice little layout and as Ted said great car collection. I am glad you pointed out the waterfall under the layout! I seen the river on the edge but didn't expect a waterfall also! Very nice surprise!

Farmer John, you are building a master piece for the rest of us to drool over! What an amazing task you have taken on and outstanding work that you are doing to make sure everything is just right!

Patrick, thank you for the Saturday night story about the poker game and how Big Benny darn lost his shirt and Mrs. Benny not being to happy! I would imagine that the whole Benny family were in church this morning and he will be working around the house on anything the Mrs. ask for! I bet he wishes he was working Barney today! LOL

Nothing new from me today. But I hope you all are having a great weekend!

@Curt Henion posted:

Hey Quarter Gauger 48, the cars hanging on the wall is 1/64 scale. I also collect 1/43, 1/50, 1/24, and 1/18 scale cars and trucks. Here are a few more, about half of the collection.3503A2EB-56C9-404C-8C96-C34249292B1D89292A58-621D-4E59-8D27-3DE299A4B8DAFF23CE1C-947E-4030-B94E-71F2AD62BD9CCD8F25C0-C206-4C3B-87CF-BCB39239A461

Wow Curt' impressive collection of vehicles and Quite elaborate of the many I've seen.  And all of this and the layout are in a walk in closet?  or have I got that wrong???

I also see you are a new member as of May.  Let me welcome you to the forum, Where have you been'... 😃... In particular, I think you will continue to enjoy the two threads , this one and the 1/43, 1/50 car and truck thread.  Great bunch of contributors and all perfect gentlemen'...

As of late I haven't been contributing as I'm recovering from some medical issues.  But as Arnold says',, I'll be back... Let's see some more of that fabulous layout'...👀👍😊

Everyone, fantastic pictures, great stories, absolutely beautiful projects in the making, and the Likes are well deserved. I had the good fortune of running trains at Dr. Jack Fishers for the Garden Railroading Convention this past week. So these pictures are from his Garden Railroad. Jack does amazing modeling. Happy Railroading Everyone 4EDFE3D5-45C7-4B19-87DA-3C61D3A585D7DBAFEE6C-F3BE-496B-AD34-734C0B64C112E852F7D5-FBA5-4F1E-AB75-B053C34ACB78DE8475CC-438C-4C60-8CFE-8D2F7EDDA208BB46E81F-3D02-427B-A8B3-4894008DE8E1CCD4DEC0-A42C-4F36-B3CE-35885DB06CC749CE6B57-12CF-4334-A4A1-541A1F5EF07C6255EB39-4734-48BC-9B89-80AE3F8B044F


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Now, I was asked to run his O gauge layout during the tour so here are a few pictures of his Amazing Three Rail scale O gauge layout. It was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had running trains in Legacy command. 4 hours, and over 250 people passed through both layouts, the outdoor G and the indoor O.  A great day in the neighborhood. Happy Railroading Everyone (Dr. Jack Fishers O Gauge RR.)9335231D-2412-4032-9D2F-C2976F58C29D12919FED-CD64-4328-BF1F-3AC32117229A8D768EE2-3CE5-4B12-828C-5410A33286EE964A1297-6B83-4BF8-9593-92BC62D19B638C15BC44-D798-4727-8338-B8C305E62D191047B681-C67F-4B20-812B-EE7F28CCB4C2C0F64B8A-7B75-4466-B39D-9B2A1C65D36810121385-F195-4F4F-ABE7-F69A2BE7289ADC6A687B-A3B4-4714-9A93-4E401BFFC2C181337A81-FA10-405B-AFFF-BFAD45E77CB8ABE08730-0E49-4DA7-A9EA-6BEED79F541139B70557-10E4-4D2E-AD93-7FC6573498EE


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Hey Quarter Gauger 48, hope you get to feeling better. Summer is coming and not a time to feel bad. No, my layout is in a 9’ x 13’ bedroom that my wife kindly donated to the cause and I turn my trains around in a walk-in closet which gives me a 20’ straight away. Yes, I just joined the forum and what a great bunch of people. I never thought my layout was up to par with some I have seen, but I have had some really nice comments on it.6BAAB7EC-96D5-4DE7-AC28-2F0ABD97FFA88DBE462E-C90D-480F-BFAE-A6F9D7C8FD018EDD144C-7E6F-4532-BD86-FF02DE3C731A35C0952F-602C-4775-9FC9-57228C1D371DThere is looking up and down the 20’ straight away and the main part of the layout in the bedroom. A lot going on in a small space.


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FOR TODAY: Sunday morning in Patsburg ....

Church service going on inside Our Lady of Locomotion.   The choir can be heard singing "Swing Lo Sweet Chariot".  The driver of the Corvette steps out from behind the wheel just to listen.  That's Joe and Cindy sitting on the front steps. ...they attended the earlier service but are lingering a bit  just to soak up the sweet sounds. IMG_0443

Passengers wait for the next train as MU cars glide by on the elevated line.   The two soldiers sitting on the bench are Sargent Carter and Pfc. Pyle.  IMG_0153

A switch job takes care of business switching a scrap yard.  That's Barney, the brakeman, riding the step on the caboose while Cranston, the other brakeman, is on the ground ready to throw the switch as soon as the engine clears.  Patsburg's West End looms in the background. IMG_0491

Patrick, your photos and narrative are very entertaining.  Please give Private First Class Gomer Pyle my regards.

Why don't you submit your story with photos to OGR Magazine for publication. Arnold

@ScoutingDad posted:

Hey Trumptrain - you could start a regular column on your railroad stories.  Kind of like the 3 or 4 frame comics in the papers. Who knows maybe there would be a book deal at some time in the future. Keep them coming - fun to see a different twist on model railroading. Jeff

Jeff, I think your above reply is a great idea, particularly about the comics.

@leapinlarry posted:

Now, I was asked to run his O gauge layout during the tour so here are a few pictures of his Amazing Three Rail scale O gauge layout. It was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had running trains in Legacy command. 4 hours, and over 250 people passed through both layouts, the outdoor G and the indoor O.  A great day in the neighborhood. Happy Railroading Everyone (Dr. Jack Fishers O Gauge RR.)9335231D-2412-4032-9D2F-C2976F58C29D12919FED-CD64-4328-BF1F-3AC32117229A8D768EE2-3CE5-4B12-828C-5410A33286EE964A1297-6B83-4BF8-9593-92BC62D19B638C15BC44-D798-4727-8338-B8C305E62D191047B681-C67F-4B20-812B-EE7F28CCB4C2C0F64B8A-7B75-4466-B39D-9B2A1C65D36810121385-F195-4F4F-ABE7-F69A2BE7289ADC6A687B-A3B4-4714-9A93-4E401BFFC2C181337A81-FA10-405B-AFFF-BFAD45E77CB8ABE08730-0E49-4DA7-A9EA-6BEED79F541139B70557-10E4-4D2E-AD93-7FC6573498EE


Hey Guys - thanks so much for all the encouragement regarding my stories and photos!  WOW!!!  I'm honored that you enjoy them!  I find them fun to write.   You've given me much food for thought.  

FOR TODAY:  I scream! ... You scream! ... We all scream for Ice Cream!!   Johnny Deal drags a pallet toward this reffer loaded with the tastiest of summer treats.  He's thinking ... ' It's two in the afternoon and it's hot as blazes!  What I wouldn't do for some ice cream right now.'   Out of nowhere he begins singing to the tune of White Christmas ... 'I'm dreaming of a fudgecicle just like the ones my taste buds know.    IMG_2898

A few moments later .... Harry Cleaver arrives, at the same time the ice cream distributor's truck does. Harry, using hand signals,  assists the truck driver in the back up move to the reffer.  All the while Johnny is singing his White Christmas tune with his own made up lyrics.   After a while .. Harry shouts to Johnny "Will you stop singing that tune already!  Hearing it over and over makes me think of how much I want an ice cold ale! Dang!!  Without a missed beat Johnny begins to sing, again to the tune of White Christmas .... " I'm dreaming of a cold Bass Ale."  Both men erupt in laughter!    IMG_2905

Next day Johnny and Harry's labor is enjoyed by kids in the city.  Johnny did get his ice cream last night and Harry got his ice cold Bass Ale.   Alls well that ends well!  IMG_2916


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@farmerjohn posted:

Thanks for all the  comments guys. The layout is more fun to me when other people enjoy it also.

Ron. The river  and falls are 7ft long and 2 feet wide. It's being made to swing down for access  to the area. This scene will be what you first see when going down stairway into my trainroom . Thanks for asking.20210606_14102320210606_14093720210606_140919

WWOOOOOW!!!!!!  Incredible Farmer John!!!!!!!    I LOVE it all ... especially the dam!!!!  That is dam good creativity for sure!!!

Last edited by trumpettrain

Great photos everyone! I mean WOW great pictures from Larry, then you have the Amazing layout of Farmer John and his soon to be river with falls! Then to top it off I know you all want some Ice Cream with a Bass ale! LOL

I am so glad I come here to relax and get knowledge from all of you! Not only am I trying to get smarter about trains, but I get GREAT Stories to go along with everything else!


@Curt Henion posted:

Hey Quarter Gauger 48, hope you get to feeling better. Summer is coming and not a time to feel bad. No, my layout is in a 9’ x 13’ bedroom that my wife kindly donated to the cause and I turn my trains around in a walk-in closet which gives me a 20’ straight away. Yes, I just joined the forum and what a great bunch of people. I never thought my layout was up to par with some I have seen, but I have had some really nice comments on it.6BAAB7EC-96D5-4DE7-AC28-2F0ABD97FFA88DBE462E-C90D-480F-BFAE-A6F9D7C8FD018EDD144C-7E6F-4532-BD86-FF02DE3C731A35C0952F-602C-4775-9FC9-57228C1D371DThere is looking up and down the 20’ straight away and the main part of the layout in the bedroom. A lot going on in a small space.

Thanks for the well wishes, Curt'.. That is an excellent layout, highly detailed.  I love the 20' straight away.  I like the nice crisp clean look of it in many areas.  Thanks for the additional pics'... Happy to hear you are enjoying the forum'...👍😉

Trumptrain. The scene you have of the church to me is so on par as it brings a lot of memories  to me as how I grew up. There is still a small country church within a stone throw of our house which looks a lot like the one in you're scene. My wife and I attended  that church before we were married forty years ago.  The scenes you post are so realistic. Keep doing them .Great job.   Farmerjohn.

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