These questions go out to anyone who has had experience with steam locomotives.
Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. Since this was discovered older buildings including my high school have had it removed to reduce the risk of inhaling the toxic compounds from Asbestos as it is taken off the walls. Just as a background to everyone who doesn't know, Asbestos is a really really good insulator but after it is applied and dried the asbestos can break apart causing the toxic chemicals in the asbestos to go air born.
Since Asbestos is a really good insulator it was used on steam locomotives. But with more recent discoveries in terms of its harmful properties is it still being used today on steam locomotives? Has anyone found alternative insulators for steam locomotives other than Asbestos? And lastly what are the precautions and measures taken to ensure that employees do no inhale the Asbestos when removal of it becomes necessary.