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@Capetrainman Before I compliment tour scene, who’s the Mfg. of your figures? The two by the stairs look familiar but the people by the cars in the parking lot and person by the logging truck are figures I don’t think I’ve ever seen- and I love figures, probably my favorite thing on my layout.

I second The comment regarding the Morrison Door building- man is that nice! I was going to ask if it was Woodland Scenics but just looked it up, very versatile and finely detailed building! Love the two trucks by the loading bay- great contrast between the earth tone logging truck and bright, 50s nostalgia colored van!

Also, it would appear the you @Quarter Gauger 48 And I are in the same boat(or should I say under the same snow?). Southeast PA and my Father told me before they’re calling for 15”-18” now!

Steve, thanks for your comments.  I can't recall where those figures are from...had them for years.  Woodland scenics did a nice job with "Morrison Door."  The detail is sharp, and the led lighting tops off the appearance, with a led on the rear loading door and inside the building.  On the South Main Street portion of my layout, I used Woodland Scenics buildings.  I'm getting lazy these days with wiring under the table and choose WS because of the LED lighting system.  It gets a little pricey, but looks good and the lighting system is easily expandable to non WS buildings if needed

@coach joe posted:

Some new additionsIMG_0044IMG_0045IMG_0046The tractor and the Bronco are Walmart finds.  The tractor is painted up like Transformers Optimus Prime but doesn't actually transform and the Bronco was listed as 1:64, the other 5 vehicles in the series were about the same size but they were much bigger vehicles in the 1:1 world so they probably were 1:64 but since the Bronco was a much smaller vehicle I thin it is 1:43.  I have another Bronco stored away so I'll have something to compare to.  The Impala was found at Michael's in the rack with mostly larger scales, in the 1:35 range but the Impala looked about right.  A little label peeling showed 1:43 so my eye was correct.  It's got suitcases in the back seat.  And the food truck sell kabobs.  I think some interior detailing and maybe some drivers are needed.  The are all held together with screws so interior improvements shouldn't be to hard.

And then there's this trioIMG_0042They'll definitely require more work than the diecasts above.

Coach Joe...that's a nice assortment of vehicles you're displaying right above...!

Here is my 95% finished Freuhauf trailer. Still needs mud flaps, some detail painting, and weathering. I’ll also add ACI labels since this is a RR piggyback trailer.

The base/chassis is left over from a Revell missile carrier kit. I added a scratch built styrene box to include  all the door and light details (in process pics earlier in this thread). The markings are my own artwork printed on photo paper to simulate signage and badges added to the ribbed siding.



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  • 580DFA6A-855C-4D61-8BA3-2480A5CE9138

Great cars everyone, its been a couple days so  I am just getting up to speed!

StevefromPA, great collection, but I have to say I really love that Fire ladder truck!

Rick, Outstanding job on the Freuhauf trailer!

Here are a couple I dug out from under the layout that I wanted to put on my new street section from the city to the industrial area.



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Loving these semis and heavy trucks.  Unfortunately they end up looking too big on my O27 modern Christmas layout.  To that end I picked this guy up at Goodwill.


Cab looks about scale but length is nicely undersized. It's the "Driven Micro" line from Target. Bed doesn't tilt but ramps slide out. Hood and doors open.

Has motor sounds and headlight when front wheels are pressed but I bet I can wire the lights separately to a jack so they are always on but the motor only sounds when pressed. Could use some paint also.

So there are some questions and work to be done but for 3 bucks I figure why not give it a try?

Lastly,there seem to be RC versions of these same "Driven Micro Series" that are rather intriguing...


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Last edited by Eilif
@Rick Bacon posted:

Here is my 95% finished Freuhauf trailer. Still needs mud flaps, some detail painting, and weathering. I’ll also add ACI labels since this is a RR piggyback trailer.

The base/chassis is left over from a Revell missile carrier kit. I added a scratch built styrene box to include  all the door and light details (in process pics earlier in this thread). The markings are my own artwork printed on photo paper to simulate signage and badges added to the ribbed siding.


Rick you trailer looks better than the original you did a great job very crisp and clean build.

@StevefromPA posted:

@Capetrainman Before I compliment tour scene, who’s the Mfg. of your figures? The two by the stairs look familiar but the people by the cars in the parking lot and person by the logging truck are figures I don’t think I’ve ever seen- and I love figures, probably my favorite thing on my layout.

I second The comment regarding the Morrison Door building- man is that nice! I was going to ask if it was Woodland Scenics but just looked it up, very versatile and finely detailed building! Love the two trucks by the loading bay- great contrast between the earth tone logging truck and bright, 50s nostalgia colored van!

Also, it would appear the you @Quarter Gauger 48 And I are in the same boat(or should I say under the same snow?). Southeast PA and my Father told me before they’re calling for 15”-18” now!

Steve, here are additional pics of Morrison Door highlighting the LED lighting at the rear loading door, the rail siding, and the office interior...note the pallet of doors on the rail dock ready for loading into the box car for shipping back east...

Morrison 1 Morrison 2Morrison 3


Images (3)
  • Morrison 1
  • Morrison 2
  • Morrison 3

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