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Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I finally got around to finishing my Starbucks to Coors Light delivery truck. It is not the greatest but will work for my layout. Plus, it gives me something to improve on with my next auto.

It started out like this.


and now it is this. I hope you all enjoy!


As you can see Joe is waiting there to be loaded. He usually eats have his lunch about this time! LOL


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kj356...agree, inflation has taken it's toll for sure on the upper end of the 1/43 diecast vehicles market...there may another opportunity to catch re-sales of some of the good stuff in the not too distant future at good prices...stay tuned...!

Friday night's import rally bought some interesting cars and characters to the Morrison Door parking lot...the pizza guy was there promoting his wood fired pizza to the crowd...

Import Rally 6 


Images (1)
  • Import Rally 6
@mike g. posted:

Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I finally got around to finishing my Starbucks to Coors Light delivery truck. It is not the greatest but will work for my layout. Plus, it gives me something to improve on with my next auto.

It started out like this.


and now it is this. I hope you all enjoy!


As you can see Joe is waiting there to be loaded. He usually eats have his lunch about this time! LOL

Great looking trucks Mike the look right at home in that pic

kj356...agree, inflation has taken it's toll for sure on the upper end of the 1/43 diecast vehicles market...there may another opportunity to catch re-sales of some of the good stuff in the not too distant future at good prices...stay tuned...!

Friday night's import rally bought some interesting cars and characters to the Morrison Door parking lot...the pizza guy was there promoting his wood fired pizza to the crowd...

Import Rally 6

Paul looks like a great turnout last night

@p51 posted:

Truer words haven't been written recently.

I caught some flak from people outside this forum for taking a Brooklyn model A and weathering it for the layout.


I was accused of "ruining a collectible", as if I'd spray painted over the Mona Lisa.

Nice weathered look Lee and who cares what people say it’s your model and seems you never get back or make a profit on what you paid for it so why not have some fun with it.

Well as I seem to gravitate to vintage clockwork trains , its only fair I gravitate to vintage clockwork cars and small diecast .. all in the approx scale mentioned ...

Marx speedway cars .. these run on a tin figure 8 track with a hump crossover

A Tipp & Co ( Germany ) version

A Distler set in the same vein

Diecast UK Dinky farmers truck

UK diecast again

Back to clockwork with Chad Valley (UK) Wee-Kins ...

And then a plethora of Tri-ang Minic cars and trucks ...

Annnd to finish off before I bore you to death ... a lovely Lines Brothers  ( uk) clockwork streamline pre-war car

Morning folks,

Does anyone know when inspection stickers started appearing on the passenger side windshield?  I want to try and add some detail to a few autos but want to be period correct.  

Most of my vehicles are from the fifties, which I assume would be prototypical, but I’m interested in general about earlier decades, too.  Maybe they looked different, or where placed differently, and probably varied by state in the early days.

License plates are easier to research.


Tomlinson Run Railroad

UPDATE: OK, a quick web search turned up this web site.  It might be good for research as it has photos of the antique stickers in stock. 1915 is the earliest.

Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

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