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My personal issues .  This thread has created a dangerous addiction for me, and that is 1/43 vehicles.  Before, when it came to O Gauge, the vehicles were just background.  Now, it has flipped and I’m on the internet looking for very specific vehicles, and when I do purchase them, I will eagerly display them here.

I’ve had a few detailed 1/18 scale vehicles over the years (including a Beetle Bailey Jeep to go along with the 1/32 version) and the beauty of 1/18 is the size and the requisite space necessary, along with the co$t, has prohibited me from wanton purchasing .  Now with this newfound interest in 1/43 that I never had before, I want to have display cases and buy everything in sight, especially early 1990’s Formula 1 race cars when I was very big into auto racing.  Hmmmm, maybe have an auto racing museum on my layout, but I digress…

Here are the latest additions to my fleet and the stories behind them: 

  • 1/42 2018 Mercedes X Class – purchased at a CVS when I thought it was a Nissan Frontier (which is the platform the MB X Class is based off)
  • 1/43 1995 Chevrolet Suburban (Road Champs) – My wife found this during our recent move.  Probably purchased for one of the kids years ago.
  • 1/50 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible – Also found by my wife during our recent move.  This is a Christmas Tree metal ornament


The Cadillac is marked as a 1/43 underneath and is anything but.  The actual 1/1 behemoth vehicle was 225 inches long, which makes it the longest of the three (Suburban 220”; X-Class 210”). However, as you can see in the photo, it is the shortest of the lot at only 4.5 inches long which makes it a 1/50 model.

Eventually I will have an actual layout to place all my vehicles on.

OGR 2018 Mercedes X Class 01

OGR 2018 Mercedes X Class 02

OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 01

OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 02

OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 03

OGR 1959 Cadillac Series 62 01

OGR 1959 Cadillac Series 62 02

OGR Vehicle Size Comparison


Images (8)
  • OGR 2018 Mercedes X Class 01
  • OGR 2018 Mercedes X Class 02
  • OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 01
  • OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 02
  • OGR 1995 Chevy Suburban 03
  • OGR 1959 Cadillac Series 62 01
  • OGR 1959 Cadillac Series 62 02
  • OGR Vehicle Size Comparison
Last edited by Amfleet25124
Vincent Massi posted:
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

                                Mr.  Majestic                                



Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Ron H posted:

Just transferred some trailers from John Mateyko to Carbondale. Love em.

weis trailer

Hey Ron, where are your mirrors '   Great looking truck;....

Ron is a man who never looks back.

My Carbondale is a fiction town in Ill. that is a rail interchange and engine service center for several railroads .

I've got to make a new mirror for the tractor.

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