My personal issues . This thread has created a dangerous addiction for me, and that is 1/43 vehicles. Before, when it came to O Gauge, the vehicles were just background. Now, it has flipped and I’m on the internet looking for very specific vehicles, and when I do purchase them, I will eagerly display them here.
I’ve had a few detailed 1/18 scale vehicles over the years (including a Beetle Bailey Jeep to go along with the 1/32 version) and the beauty of 1/18 is the size and the requisite space necessary, along with the co$t, has prohibited me from wanton purchasing . Now with this newfound interest in 1/43 that I never had before, I want to have display cases and buy everything in sight, especially early 1990’s Formula 1 race cars when I was very big into auto racing. Hmmmm, maybe have an auto racing museum on my layout, but I digress…
Here are the latest additions to my fleet and the stories behind them:
- 1/42 2018 Mercedes X Class – purchased at a CVS when I thought it was a Nissan Frontier (which is the platform the MB X Class is based off)
- 1/43 1995 Chevrolet Suburban (Road Champs) – My wife found this during our recent move. Probably purchased for one of the kids years ago.
- 1/50 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible – Also found by my wife during our recent move. This is a Christmas Tree metal ornament
The Cadillac is marked as a 1/43 underneath and is anything but. The actual 1/1 behemoth vehicle was 225 inches long, which makes it the longest of the three (Suburban 220”; X-Class 210”). However, as you can see in the photo, it is the shortest of the lot at only 4.5 inches long which makes it a 1/50 model.
Eventually I will have an actual layout to place all my vehicles on.