Here’s something I’m sure will make you scratch your head for a while.
After running my trains for a bit I noticed I had a power drop in a certain area, so naturally I found a good spot to drop some feeders and got them hooked up to my terminal block. I went to go flip on the power switch and instantly my power supply breakers tripped, so I assumed I hooked up my hot and common backwards. I traced my new wires and everything ran red/red and black/black and after confirming that everything was correct I flipped the power back on and boom, breakers tripped again.
At this point I’m getting frustrated and have no idea why my power supplies keep tripping so I take a breather and come back and look at my main terminal block and what I noticed blew my socks off. Everything I had wired up prior to today was all backwards! All of my hot leads from the track ran to black on the terminal block and all the common ran to red. I have now fixed my mistake and everything runs red/red and black/black as it should.
Here’s the head scratcher… how was my layout running perfectly fine with everything wired backwards? I’m no electrician by any means so if someone with my electrical knowledge than me could explain this I would love to know exactly how this was possible.