@Don McErlean
Don, considering that my theme is late 40s, 50s - early 60s; I think these boxcars are a good fit.
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@Don McErlean
Don, considering that my theme is late 40s, 50s - early 60s; I think these boxcars are a good fit.
Have a good Sunday all!
@trestleking posted:Here’s an MTH Premier 20-9305L Railbox car on the “famous” Feed Mill Curve, lol. With a New 8-74 build date, it fits the rough timeframe of my 60’s-70’s Valley Falls Junction layout.
I grew up next to the Burlington Northern tracks, I remember when these started appearing. I always liked them to but they don't fit my era either.
@pennsyfan- Yes I agree, the "nose art" is within the era of 40's, 50's and 60's. It started to fade out in the post Vietnam era more like the 1970's +. Don
Seeing Don's RF&P boxcar last week, I thought I would take a photograph of my blue RF&P boxcar from Atlas.
You know Mark I saw that Atlas boxcar in another thread and couldn’t believe it wasn’t Lionel. The two cars appear almost identical. Since mine is over 20 years old I was surprised to see another one. Great car Mark.
Best Wishes. Don
Thank you, Don!
This is my Lionel WWII boxcar 194400 (item number 2322048) it came with the Lionel Big Boy Set # 2322040. So, if you are looking for one of these to compete your Lionel WWII boxcar set you now have the item numbers you need to do so. Happy Hunting.
Probably the last Boxcar Sunday post today!
This is a K-Line boxcar made exclusively for, "The Western Depot", model train store in Yuba City, California.
The Tidewater Southern was a 85 mile long branch line that ran from Stockton to Hilmar, California in the Central Valley. It was a subsidiary of The Western Pacific Railroad, and also served ATSF and Southern Pacific railroads. Key to the railroads is the City of Stockton deep water port on the San Joaquin River that accommodates Panama sized ships to and from the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
@pennsyfan posted:@trumpettrain nice find Patrick, congrats.
Thank you Bob!
@WesternPacific2217 posted:Patrick, I love your Tucker dealership, and the new boxcar is awesome. The artwork looks period perfect, around 1948! I like your wishful thinking that the Tucker Company made it, but unfortunately none of the 51 hand built Tuckers ever made it to a dealership. Preston Tucker made some BAD business decisions, one of them was selling Dealership Franchises for a car that had yet to be manufactured! It was the wrong way to acquire funds for a company start up. Oops, the SEC didn't like that, because its illegal, and shut down Tucker and his company! Too bad, the car was way ahead of it's time in regards to safety. The Tucker had seat belts, not even racing cars had seat belts in 1948!
It's amazing that Weaver even made a boxcar with the Tucker name, and the fact that you found one at reasonable price is fantastic! Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you Scott! I didn't mention that my Tucker boxcar was brand new too ... it came in a Weaver box with all the foam inserts in place and had never been run ... at least till last night
Yes I've been a Preston Tucker fan since I saw the movie " Tucker ". I loved that his design thinking was outside the box for the late 1940s. The seat belts and the middle headlight that turned with the steering wheel were fabulous safety features! If only if he'd found another way to raise capital to fund his automobile company, I can't imagine the cars he and his company would have designed in the 1950's.
@Don McErlean posted:@pennsyfan - I spent a career working aircraft for both the Navy and the Air Force and I am sorry to say that "nose art" is no longer permitted in either case
. By regulation you might get a squadron logo but you don't even necessarily get your name under the cockpit rail anymore (aircraft change out too often and you "fly what maintenance brung!" ). Great boxcars though!
Well Happy BxCrSun to you All!
Another great piece of rolling stock Don. Always look forward to seeing the diversity in your collection. As far as the nose art not being allowed, I guess there has to be a conflict taking place or turning the air power back to the Army Air Force. I don't know if it is a fact but Judy told me she saw where the Enola Gay was going to be erased even .
I don't have any Kline rolling stock but I've seen some on the auction sites that looked interesting to me but I didn't know what size they were. 🤔 Are the Kline rolling stock pieces roughly the size of post war Lionel or MTH Railking ?
Thanks for sharing Don . Take care and enjoy the day .
@pennsyfan posted:
Nice boxcars Bob. I have a small collection of 6 so far and awaiting a pre-order one. They are a little more expensive than I would hope for from Lionel . I installed the articulated coupler trucks from MTH and added a little weight to them to keep them solid on the rails on a longer consist. Also I added some foam pieces inside so that they would not sound so hollow.
Thanks for sharing sir.
@Dallas Joseph- Kline really has two basic sizes of boxcars. The smaller one, the one I mostly collect as it is about the same size as the Marx "deluxe" cars (those with sliding doors) , is about 8" in length (body length). The company often refers to this smaller size as "0-27 Freights". The larger size, which I believe represents a far larger number of Kline cars as they were the most recent cars, is about the size of Lionel at 9 1/6" . The larger ones also have the more complex and colorful livery at least in general.
They are fun and easy (and usually inexpensive) to collect...Good Luck Dallas
Best Wishes
@Dallas Joseph posted:Nice boxcars Bob.
I have a small collection of 6 so far and awaiting a pre-order one. They are a little more expensive than I would hope for from Lionel . I installed the articulated coupler trucks from MTH and added a little weight to them to keep them solid on the rails on a longer consist. Also I added some foam pieces inside so that they would not sound so hollow.
Thanks for sharing sir.
Thanks Dallas, I was considering going after some more. With all my military cars I'm going to need a longer layout 😵💫
If I can interject on the Kline; they put out both. Many of their special runs were 027, the telltale is a brown box. They also did O Gauge and O scale . Black boxes.
Thanks Don & Bob. I'll have to keep this in mind
@Dallas Joseph- Thanks for your return e-mail. I wanted to report a mistake, I was at work yesterday and working off my memory (which unfortunately at 81 is not as good as it used to be) . The longer Kline cars are 9 1/4 " long and not 9 1/6" long as I stated in my first message. This measurement puts them just a little short of the Lionel 6464 series which by my measurement is about 9 1/2" long.
Best Wishes
No problem Don. I'm short on revenue for any purchases at the moment.
81 and still working ? 🤔 How do you ever get all of the work ( play ) done on the Forum and your layout with only your 'spare time ' ?
Thanks Don.
@Dallas Joseph posted:Nice boxcars Bob.
I have a small collection of 6 so far and awaiting a pre-order one. They are a little more expensive than I would hope for from Lionel . I installed the articulated coupler trucks from MTH and added a little weight to them to keep them solid on the rails on a longer consist. Also I added some foam pieces inside so that they would not sound so hollow.
Thanks for sharing sir.
Dallas, I'm playing catchup. I just ordered Sarah, Lisa, and Raquel at $63 ea. I saw the later ones are $85. Ill wait on them.
Guys...keep on topic please. Chit Chat via your profile email. Thanks.
Boston & Maine refrigerated boxcar #13138 (car built 1923) and Maine Central #36123 (car built 1919) are Atlas O models shown in a short freight train headed-up by B&M 2-8-0 Consolidation #2403 on my 10’-by-5’ layout.
I had 3 new Angels to show and I never unboxed them. I'll be back later.
Unloading a full box of feed and grain at Grace Valley! I hope to increase my box car inventory this year...the majority of my rolling stock are "reefers."
Well here I am adding to my Kline (8") boxcar inventory. This one the #5115 CP Rail boxcar from July 1988. She came NIB for just $26 including shipping and handling, the car price was $9.95. She has excellent detail, operating doors, 2 automatic couplers, sheet metal floor and door rails, that bright red color and "arrowhead" livery. These 8" cars resemble the Marx "deluxe" boxcars and they work really well on my tight radius, low clearance freight loop.
Best Wishes boxcar fans from a hot, humid, and raining central Texas!
P.S. @Carptrainman - Great scene set in the 1950's ('57 Ford Ranchero in background) and that PRR "War Bonds" boxcar, likely left over from service during WWII although I can remember War Bond drives during the Korean war. Really nice scene Paul.
Not that I expect anyone to remember: I've shown an almost exclusive non-real-railroad set of boxcars in this thread since I first jumped in. Here's another one. I've always contributed to Salvation Army so when I saw this car at York there was no doubt it would be mine.
- walt
These may be stretching the definition, but they are boxcar shaped.
LIRR Tool and Bunk cars I custom painted.
@pennsyfan posted:
Nice Bob. I believe this was my first. How many does this make for you now ? From the sounds of it I'll have to get a job to keep Lionel in business and make sure you don't get too far ahead of me in the collection. I have my eye on two more when my CEO ( 💖 ) lets the cookie jar open and she doesn't get too jealous.
I guess we can keep Boxcar Sunday busy with our entries. Have fun Bob.
Keep those boxcar wheels rolling sir.
@Lionelski posted:
NOT TO WORRY John. It does a body good to have a good stretch now and then.
They are boxcar shaped and I'm glad you showed them ......I've often wanted to purchase bunk cars.
Your paint job looks great IMO sir.
@cbq9911a- I agree the Kline 8" and 9" boxcars are really out growths of the Marx "deluxe" boxcars of the 60's and 70's. I have also started to collect them, not necessarily for "collectability" but to operate them with my Marx cars and to take advantage of their short length on the restricted areas of my layout. Like Marx I think they have great liveries and super good lettering and OBTW most are available at a very modest price. I have several of the ones you displayed, and have posted some others on this thread.
@walt rapp_ - Great boxcar Walt, I am also a regular contributor of the Salvation Army , think they do great (plus God's) work. Had not seen that car before, but if I see one it will come home with me too !
Best Wishes Don
Thanks Dave for getting us rolling!
Here's my contribution for this fine Sunday. Western Maryland insulated boxcar ... a MTH Premier model.
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