I have a new found interest in the LIRR thanks to some NLOE special runs and some ballast cars from Nassau Hobby. Prior to this recent interest I had 2 RMT LIRR BEEPs and a K-Line F-unit, all purchased with the intent being of re-painted. One of the BEEPs is undergoing a transition to a USAF switcher but the other will pull my ballast train. Re-painting the F-Unit, sometime near20 years after I bought it didn't seem likely so I tracked down some of the K-Line Greenport Scoot cars. Next was a freight engine to pull a train of NLOE cars, many of which are TOFCs and a couple of box cars. I was hunting for an inexpensive diesel and settled on a K-Line MP15. I finally landed one. The price was reasonable until shipping and taxes were added but the only thing cheaper would have been an MPC era Lionel GP20 with a single growler, I mean motor. The MP15 needs some cleaning and some work. It looks to have a layer of dust on it, however the dust won't blow off or wipe off so it's gonna need a good cleaning. F-N-R seem to work as does the light, the horn needs some help. When I pull the shell to clean it I'll lube the works and take a look at the horn. It needs it's 3 chime horn and bell, which I have in my spare parts, and the rear coupler centering spring and armature are broken. The knuckle is kept closed by a wire tie. Trainz has the coupler arm without the knuckle, they also have a different model complete with knuckle which is about 1/16th inch shorter I'll have to choose which route I'd like to go. I believe I have a K-Line armature, if it fits and the knuckle works well I may forgo replacement due to the centering spring. I plan on doing some additional detailing, sand filler caps, handrails on either side of the door and I'd really like to add a fuel tank, I'm looking at what's available. I've got two other K-Line MP15s so whatever my fuel tank solution is, it will be times 3. And maybe some cab interior work.

The same vendor had another auction, I didn't really need another LIRR train but one or two of the cars in the lot caught my eye so I made a bid, not really intending to win but I did. 7 cars, bid price plus shipping and taxes brings the cost of each car to a whopping $10.50. The lot contains two, RMT depressed center flats, only one with it's tank and cradle, one K-line MOW flat car, weighted b K-Line, 2 K-Line gondolas, one of which has been weathered. I think, a K-Line searchlight car, needs an operator, and a K-line shorty bay window caboose. This is the second K-Line short bay windows I've acquired recently, the other came in a NYC Plymouth Switcher set. Although sold in O gauge catalog these short bay window cabooses are actually S-scale as were the two other cars in the Plymouth Switcher set. Both had missing rear handrails which are unavailable so I'll have to fabricate something.