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I finally found the Weaver 2nd run (with green window tints and grey trucks) Erie Lackawanna coach/sleeper add-on set that I had posted in the Wanted To Buy section of the forum for the past 2 years or so.  This was like hen's teeth/a needle in the haystack to find and I was able to get an offer accepted within 5 hours of it being listed with no bids.  Thank you LarryW for giving me the head's up.

Here is the link below


Last edited by Chas

After a little light research I found that the 192 tower was possibly based on an air observance or air-force  tower.

the same Lionel 192 structure is shared with the Lionel 196 radar tower.  And in my postwar child’s mind I thought the radar tower was made to look out for flying saucers! I must have been Space and military brain washed!

Aflyer, thx   The original 192 and 196 are on a vibratory platform as well. Good vibrations…


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Went to the Hamburg train meet this morning. Checking out the tables, seen quite few Lionel 671's, 681's, and 2020 turbine w/ original tenders which I already have, then I came to a screeching halt when I noticed a 682 w/ 2046W-50 tender which I don't have. When I left the meet my wallet was lighter and that 682 w/tender, along with a ZW275 and a 1033 transformers were in my possession. Some empty tables, wasn't crowded, but over all it was a good meet.

1) Hamburg meet 12-05 [3) 1) Hamburg meet 12-05 [1) 1) Hamburg meet 12-05 [4) 1) Hamburg meet 12-05 [6) 1) Hamburg meet 12-05 [7)


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  • 1) Hamburg meet 12-05  (1)
  • 1) Hamburg meet 12-05  (4)
  • 1) Hamburg meet 12-05  (6)
  • 1) Hamburg meet 12-05  (7)

I didn't purchase it but still fits in this tread, birthday present from my wife - Lionel Hobby Shop!  I was able to make room on my Christmas layout table but it is tight.  My son and I are already planning how we now have to expand that table!

I have the dept 56 Lionel shop on my around the tree layout and hope to have space for one of these on my future layout. That is an awesome building!

@Csxcellent posted:

I have the dept 56 Lionel shop on my around the tree layout and hope to have space for one of these on my future layout. That is an awesome building!

yeah I decided against a Christmas layout around the tree or temporary layout, I built a second layout under my original table that is a permanent Christmas layout.  This picture is before I put out the new Hobby Shop.20211118_222744


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@Fridge56Vet that's an awesome P-2!! I love when I'm able to pick up a train to which I have geographical and/or personal ties- such as in your case. Makes it that much better! Not only that, but what a beautiful model- I love that the paint scheme and lettering is so simple but the loco itself screams "look at me". Awesome loco!

@IRON HORSE love those pieces of premier midwestern rolling stock! As someone who just got into the midwest and west coast RRs and modeling them, I have a much greater appreciation and knowledge of those road names now than I would've 6 months ago. Awesome Haul!

Some things that I got over Thanksgiving that arrived last week:

Popped up online late one night and didn't hesitate after 7+ months of searching- Lionel Amtrak NPCU. What an awesome non-powered unit- while I've enjoyed running it in pair mode with my powered Lionel Legacy F40Phs, I like running it even more with different locos in a later paint scheme

Lnl AMT F40PH NPCU PhIII 90218 Horizons

Never thought I'd actually be posting this one since I was 99% sure I was going to return it- K-line 21" Superliner II Sleeper in Amtrak Phase IV livery. It was advertised as "3 rail" but came as 2 rail, which had me rather ticked because it was kinda pricey. But, after some research and the good fortune of having appropriate extra trucks, I converted it back to 3 rail and it works fine!

Amt PhIV 21%22 Super Sleeper & Lnl Dash 8

Closer shot

Amt PhIV K-line 21%22 SupSleep Lionel Dash 8

Some freight rolling stock: Conrail is such a versatile road name geographically, and I also love Conrail from when I was a kid. Atlas O Trainman Conrail flat with load and Lionel Conrail 3 bay open hopper(with NYC patch denoting CSX ownership)

Lnl Conrail NYC csx 3 bay hop & Atlas flat

Atlas O Burlington Northern 53' Evans DD boxcar and Lionel Union Pacific "patched" SP merger boxcar with auto frames. The UP is lacking a bit in certain details but I really like "merger" locos and rolling stock with "patches" or "overstepped" features.- IMO it does a good job in that regardsAtO BN 53' Evans & Lnl UP patched SP boxcar


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  • Lnl AMT F40PH NPCU PhIII 90218 Horizons
  • K-line Amtrak Superliners Transition 18 Sleeper 21
  • Amt PhIV 21%22 Super Sleeper & Lnl Dash 8
  • Amt PhIV K-line 21%22 SupSleep Lionel Dash 8
  • Lnl Conrail NYC csx 3 bay hop & Atlas flat
  • AtO BN 53' Evans & Lnl UP patched SP boxcar

@Leroof always loved that tower! I'm gonna assume it works?? Awesome pick-up and happy you were able to get something for which you've been searching so long!

@coach joe great haul!! Love all those items- the Woodland scenics figures look great, I'm not a WbB fan but I do like their 44-tonners and that's a heckuva deal you got on that one! Love that it's a CN version. Best pick-up is that WOA boxcar with "Jessie" on it! please tell your daughter thank you for her service!

@joe krasko that's some beautiful tin ya got! The 254E was the first prewar locomotive that I ever purchased(although mine is the more common olive green)- you got yours with the box, no less- that's awesome! Does it run well and does the e-unit work? Looks to be in great shape! Congrats on a great pick-up!!

@Dave Ripp. That park scene you have is exquisite! Nice Woodland Scenics chainlink fence- love that by itself but the b-ball court, the playground and rides, the chimnea(where'd you get that?!?)- all flows really well. I mean, I love your neighborhood in general !! That entire neighborhood is extremely well put together! The houses and spacing, sidewalks with steps, fence between the residential area and the tracks- that is so cool. That's a great ruler you got yourself, as well. I have an o scale ruler but it also has markings for N, HO and S. The S-scale part is handy when trying to decide if a certain item is "more S" or "more O" but I'd like to have a dedicated ruler like the one you have.  

Thanks Mike and Steve, I got the grill-chimnea and the O Scale ruler from the same seller on eBay. I only bought the ruler because I wanted the grill and like combined shipping but I love it. I can now get a quick measurement of trees, buildings and figuers. If you search O Scale grill or Scale Ruler For Modelers in O Scale (1/48) you can find them.

@mike g. posted:

Great buys everyone! I sure would like to have a lot of that stuff but due to lack of size of layout and light wallet I will live with what I have right now!

@ArtsModelTrains, just wondering what size is your Christmas layout? I would love to build one over the summer for next year!

My layout is 4 x 6, I have it on a frame of 2 x 4s resting just a few inches off the ground under my 4 x 12 upper layout.  I have a fastrack polar express loop on the outside and O27 tube track on my inside loop. Hard to see it in the picture but that is my father's Lionel 2026 steam engine, his first, on that inner loop. It is 71 years old and running strong.

My plan is to expand this to run the full length under the upper level in the future, just have to work out the track plan.

No photos right now but I managed to track down one of the Lionel Junction 0-4-0 tank engines on The Bay. The plan with it is to replace the MTH trolley chassis that currently is powering my Lego/O gauge hybrid train, which is starting to struggle a bit. I should be able to hide all of the electronics in the engine's cab and if I need to modify some things, well, it's Lego, so it should be easy (famous last words).

For those who are, um, er, cheap! I found a website called  There you can download printable files (*.pdf) of rulers. Select the modeling option and O Scaler or whatever scale you would like. I printed at 100% and it is a little bit off, especially after 8 scale feet, but not much. I am going to play with the percentage to get closer. I think I will print on matte photo paper to have a flexible ruler. I may mount one on a piece of balsa for a rigid ruler. I am not one to stress to much about scale, close is good enough. But I do see the usefulness of it. Attached is a picture of the printout. O Scale Ruler


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  • O Scale Ruler

I finally found the hen's teeth/needle in a haystack Weaver 2nd run (grey trucks with green window strips) Erie Lackawanna coach/sleeper add-on set I've been looking for the last 3 years.  I got a text from my friend Larry from the forum within a half hour from when they were listed on EBay this past weekend.  There was a make offer option so I submitted an offer hoping it would be entertained before anyone placed an opening bid on it.  I left my desktop PC on with the speakers turned up and my Outlook email open.  I was woken up to an incoming Email blip at 3:30 AM from the seller with counter offer which I accepted.  I thought I was never going to find these!  They arrived today in mint condition with the foam pieces underneath each truck, styrofoam pieces on each end of the cars in the box, and inside the plastic bags.  The green  window tints look great in a dark room and I prefer them over the silhouettes on my earlier run of Weaver EL passenger cars.




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Last edited by Chas

Some of you may remember a recent popular thread asking if we made β€œimpulsive purchases of model trains”, and you may also remember my emphatic denial of such abhorrent behavior. I am sure you will be shocked to learn, I lied... forgive me Forumites for I have sinned... Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa!!! I did not pre-order these, but, when I saw them, I just couldn’t resist. The fact that they are D&H didn’t help They are quite sharp and the β€œplating” is rather nice.


When I get a chance in the next day or two I’ll have to pull down my TMCC PA’s as well as my two sets of D&H passenger cars. Having those two sets of cars did help me resist splurging on more 21” passenger cars, so I guess there is some hope for me!!!


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@Apples55 posted:

Some of you may remember a recent popular thread asking if we made β€œimpulsive purchases of model trains”, and you may also remember my emphatic denial of such abhorrent behavior. I am sure you will be shocked to learn, I lied... forgive me Forumites for I have sinned... Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa!!! I did not pre-order these, but, when I saw them, I just couldn’t resist. The fact that they are D&H didn’t help They are quite sharp and the β€œplating” is rather nice.


When I get a chance in the next day or two I’ll have to pull down my TMCC PA’s as well as my two sets of D&H passenger cars. Having those two sets of cars did help me resist splurging on more 21” passenger cars, so I guess there is some hope for me!!!

Are you kidding - You have to buy the cars!  They will match the PAs perfectly.

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