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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

Wow, a lot of examples, but seems we may have gotten away from the OP's goals.

There is plastic track that will stand up outdoors, it's flex track from Train-Li, look them up.

The plastic Lionel track will not hold up outside, but if it is cheapest, you COULD paint it, but what a pain.

Used aluminum flex track would probably be the next least expensive choice.

Yes, you can buy inexpensive battery powered locos, and they will run for a while, but a quality loco will be less expensive in the long run, like one from USA Trains, like a small switcher, etc.

For simplicity, battery power and an inexpensive remote control like from G Scale Graphics can work.

You CAN get into the hobby inexpensively.





The track just floats on pea gravel. I get it by the bag from Home Depot on sale because the bulk pea gravel I've seen around here is a tad too big. I want it small enough to fall between the tracks and not jam up on top due to bigger sizes. A lot less problems when it's the right size.....1/4" or below.


Has worked great. Easy to readjust track if necessary.



You should be able to buy used LGB or Aristo track for around $4 per foot.  It will last forever.  I have had mine on my deck in NJ for 5 years.  I clean it once a year with fine sandpaper on a long pole and never had a problem.  I bought the track used and it was probably 10 years old or older when I got it.  I also agree that you do not want anything less than 1500mm curves if you are going to operate it.


I just can't figure it out. I used that e-mail 3 times and it always goes through??  Usually I  ALWAYS  get a nasty gram back if it's a bad email address. So I'm lost OH and I been getting and sending other e-mails with no problem.

Any way mine is in my profile and I never do this. But here       larry1220 at           embarqmail  dot     com


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