gunrunnerjohn - Unbeknownst to you, you helped me fix a big problem (for me) today. I pulled an engine out today that I haven't run in years. It's one of my favorited engines and I just wanted to see it run. The engine is a 3rd Rail Santa Fe Santa Fe (2-10-2). I put it on the track and programed it into my Legacy unit and tried to run it. It accelerated too quickly. It wouldn't run at a slow speed.
I started searching the forum and eventually came across the info you posted on TAS equipped engines. I tried to reprogram the engine (thanks to the TAS instruction sheets you posted) and it didn't fix the problem. The comments you made about the red tach light and the inability to run slow if the sensor was off was my next step. I took the engine apart and found that an assembler had taken a tie strap and tightened it so much that the sensor was riding the flywheel. It scratched the sensor tape but after I adjusted the sensor it didn't seem to harm the operation. The engine works fine now thanks to your earlier posts. I would have been lost without them.
I want to thank you for all the help you have contributed to this forum all these years. You are a good guy.
Thank you,