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A layout I’m contemplating would use a combination of American Models track products- -which I would purchase- -with Lionel AF FasTrack components, which I already have. The former would be utilized for a stub passenger terminal, coachyard, and adjoining visible trackage, while the latter would comprise the rest of the layout, much of it consisting of loops hidden from view.

After “ramping up” one or more sections of AM sectional straights to gradually match its FasTrack counterpart’s height, what would be the easiest way to physically and electrically join these two different brands of track?

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@Bob G (WNY) posted:

what would be the easiest way to physically and electrically join these two different brands of track?


The AM track is code 148 while the Lionel is code 138.  I readily mate 148 and 138 without any problem.  However I find I have to use the 148 rail joiners.  The only problem you might run into is taking the Lionel 138 rail joiner off their FasTrack to replace it with a 148 joiner.  If you can manage the joiners the two brands will be both physically and electrically connected.  If you can’t get the 138 joiner off perhaps you might be able to pry it open enough to allow for the 148 rail base width.  If you can't physically connect them – and this would only be one side – make sure the rails are aligned, secure the track in place then use a jumper wire to connect the rail electrically.

Tom Stoltz

in Maine

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